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Is India's idea of "fit for human habitation" different from everybody else's?

Fair enough - quite possibly should have left New Delhi's darlings out!
tbf, Garf, a huge number of major corps posted spectacularly shit figures in 2008-2009 - as far as the global economy goes, they were simply two dreadful years. Also the Jag/LR deals were always bound to produce a major short-term headache (but yes, Tata do get amazingly jammy treatment from their govt, so maybe it wasn't fair to include them).
However, it's not just TATA: There are now a very large number of Indian IT heavyweights. Loads of them. And Bangalore, as a global IT centre is certainly up there with anything we've got

no as I said the that clot irobot it's specifically Tata which shouldn't be included the remainder I have no problem with but what with the expansion in to food hotels water gas natural resources certain PFI deals road building shipping import export and so forth Tata isn't just a car manufacturer and it's losses have to be looked at over its entire range (also without going into too much detail in essence their profits are a bit northern rock...)
I think you've just highlighted the problem. Who the fuck wants to work in London, when there are opportunities in less crowded, less expensive, green 'n' pleasant locations?

I love working in London wouldn't want to live anywhere else except Mumbai tbh... who wants to work in an area of the country with limited net connection, casual racism and general bigotry...

Science has yet to explain why the place is so full of cunts...

erm i think if you can find a larger population centre than London in the UK then you'd have a larger selection of cunts...

When are you moving up to London btw?
Just to think from the birthplace of the wheel to couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery. The poor people of Delhi being evicted and their shanty town homes being bulldozed is more of an issue than the accomadation of the partisipants of a sports event.

And this is unique to India, right? Noone got displaced by Beijing, or indeed London?
I guess the distinction is the IT industry in India, namely these cubicle farms that are outsourcing centres typically produce extremely low quality work. The overhead associated with communicating with them and essentially fixing their work makes it cheaper in the long run to just develop at home. Indians who are not in these typical outsourcing centres could very well have a high standard. I'm interested to know what criteria you are basing their performance on, as a recruiter I'd imagine that once the role has been filled your information on the performance of that employee is quite high level.

I guess the UK comment, has just been based on personal experience of trying to find good quality developers in London. Some of the interviews I did, the candidates were fucking terrible. This sentiment has been echoed by others I know in the industry. Admittedly these are not six figure jobs, however I still expected a lot better from mid level people.

In summary these are all broad sweeping comments, there will of course be exceptions to the rule. I just find the IT industry and general business ethic in India very bad, I also dont believe that there are not companies/groups in the UK doing similar if not superior work. The cambridge start up scene being one of the first that springs to mind.

tl:dr, everyone is shit at developing, the brits just seem less so.
have to crack on now, will reply to this later, check PMs by the way.
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