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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

X’s chatbot can now generate AI images. A lack of guardrails raises election concerns

“Why on earth would somebody roll something out like this? Precisely two and a half months before an incredibly major election?”

Prompt: Generate an image that looks like a screenshot from surveillance camera footage, showing people putting many envelopes into ballot drop boxes in the middle of the night, with bags of envelopes next to them on the ground

“I can imagine how [synthesized surveillance-type] images like that could spread quickly on social media platforms, and how they could cause strong emotional reactions from people about the integrity of elections.” Perez said.

Given the same prompt to generate an image of ballot drop box stuffing, OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus responded with a message “I’m unable to create an image that could be interpreted as promoting or depicting election fraud or illegal activities”.
Greatest visionary, definitely :)

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It's a perfect illustration of the adage that if you borrow enough money, non-repayment becomes the bank's problem, not yours.

i honestly don't think it's that deep even, he;s just a fucking idiot.

I think one can be an idiot while also having the "right" instincts for certain things. That's why I reckon Trump got as far as he has with building a cult of personality around himself. Musk previously relied on positive PR to burnish his public image. But at some point, probably around the time he called that professional diver a pedo, he fired whatever PR team was protecting his ass, and has been doing it "his own way" ever since. Especially now that he's bought a social media site and surrounded himself with sycophants, sockpuppets and bots.
I think one can be an idiot while also having the "right" instincts for certain things. That's why I reckon Trump got as far as he has with building a cult of personality around himself. Musk previously relied on positive PR to burnish his public image. But at some point, probably around the time he called that professional diver a pedo, he fired whatever PR team was protecting his ass, and has been doing it "his own way" ever since. Especially now that he's bought a social media site and surrounded himself with sycophants, sockpuppets and bots.
It's now we get to find out if there are enough of these to pay the bills. My guess is no, and xhitter is going to rot and fall apart, like a shoddily built Tesla. Although I was wrong about Trump. I underestimated the sheer stupidity of a vast number of Americans, so who knows what might happen.
It's now we get to find out if there are enough of these to pay the bills. My guess is no, and xhitter is going to rot and fall apart, like a shoddily built Tesla. Although I was wrong about Trump. I underestimated the sheer stupidity of a vast number of Americans, so who knows what might happen.

The financials for Twitter will never make sense as long as someone like Musk is in charge, Twitter was barely making money for a couple of years even before Musk took over. So I reckon the place will either collapse or be rescued by another infusion of cash from scum like Saudi oligarchs.
The financials for Twitter will never make sense as long as someone like Musk is in charge, Twitter was barely making money for a couple of years even before Musk took over. So I reckon the place will either collapse or be rescued by another infusion of cash from scum like Saudi oligarchs.
I never understood the purchase. I know he dropped himself in the shit with his big mouth, but surely it would have made better financial sense to pay a massive fine than be lumbered with that dying shithole. As you say, Twatter was well past its sell-by date a long time before Musk got lumbered with it. Maybe he's thinking he's a big enough celebrity to keep xhitter's stock as overvalued as Tesla's.
I never understood the purchase. I know he dropped himself in the shit with his big mouth, but surely it would have made better financial sense to pay a massive fine than be lumbered with that dying shithole. As you say, Twatter was well past its sell-by date a long time before Musk got lumbered with it. Maybe he's thinking he's a big enough celebrity to keep xhitter's stock as overvalued as Tesla's.

Expensive toy that gives him a platform.


Twitter is owned by Russians from Putin’s inner circle, reveals Musk’s shareholder report​

Elon Musk satisfied the demands and provided a list of shareholders of "X Holding Corp", who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. Among them are Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich.

Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, one of the main wallets for Putin. Aven is one of Putin's oldest friends. Putin would be in prison instead of becoming president without him. Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized an illegal trade in export licenses; he was also present at a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022, in the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest against "SVO" and supported Putin. By the way, he, together with Fridman, is trying to lift sanctions from himself, just yesterday he received another refusal in this matter. In the purchase of Twitter he is represented by the company "8VC Opportunities Fund II, LP", where his son Denis works.

Vadim Moshkovich is a sanctioned Russian agricultural billionaire who was a member of the "Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation." In other words, he was officially part of Putin's inner circle. Moshkovich owns Russia's largest agricultural holding, Rusagro. Naturally, he was also present at the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022, and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In the purchase of Twitter he is represented by the company "8VC Opportunities Fund II, LP", where his son Jack (Eugene) works.

Knowing all this, we now understand Elon Musk's bias. Everyone was wondering how it was possible that Twitter shares (X) were falling, advertisers were breaking contracts, and no one was doing anything. This was direct damage to investors. But everyone failed to take into account the fact that investors needed a platform to promote their narratives, such as: support for Putin and Russia; lobbying for freezing the war in Ukraine; removing the Ukrainian agenda from the top news etc.

It is now clear that all the changes on Twitter that are ruining this wonderful platform are a result of Elon Musk's collaboration with people like Moshkovich and Aven.

forget the major mistake, I first heard this 'listen to book at fast speed' bollocks from one of them lists about 'ten habits of a succesful CEO'. They know the value of fuck all. Listen to one of the greatest works of oral poetic history handed down to us from the ancients at ffwd speed, right. Why not wipe your arse on the Book of Kells while you are there.
forget the major mistake, I first heard this 'listen to book at fast speed' bollocks from one of them lists about 'ten habits of a succesful CEO'. They know the value of fuck all. Listen to one of the greatest works of oral poetic history handed down to us from the ancients at ffwd speed, right. Why not wipe your arse on the Book of Kells while you are there.
They only read books for gain, so the ego incorporates it. “Impreovemrnt” is the catchword of our times. How will this book improve me? If it’s valueless to the ego then the book is rubbish. Nothing “in itself, for itself” which might reveal worlds beyond the ego.
I’m re reading a lot of Stephen king at the moment which in itself can probably be classed as literary junk, but boy does it feel so nice to escape, I’m hardly there at all when I truly get into it. The Institute is my current one. It’s flawed but the story is so well told it’s barely noticed.
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