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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Why would you need a common foreign and security policy to be in the customs union?

I think you've answered your own somewhat condescending question grit :).
I have no problem imagining the uk being prepared to undermine the GFA, it’s one of the things that upsets me. I don’t think it would have caused a different outcome to the one currently presented.
I can see why you’ve chosen to ignore the first suggestion.
Firewall only allows me to read the first paragraph of that, which is probably just as well. Why can't those pesky Irish just leave the EU to solve the UK's brexit problem. Selfish fuckers.

British arrogance/exceptionalism done to a tee, and yet another example of how it can be hard to see what is parody and what is serious in all this.
The producers of Agriculture commodities will experience a reduction of income (obviously other sectors will also). Many service providers, of which a large amount of the Irish economy is built on (for better or worse) will find the value/price of their output increase And thus will profit.

For the Reddit generation , tldr we are profiting from brexit by taking the business from the uk.
Could you flesh this out a bit?

I fail to see how a bunch of bankers, investment firms and other oddities of the financial system setting up EU offices in Dublin helps Ireland. If anything apart from a slightly larger tax take down the road,all I see is estate agents, lawyers and consultants bloating already bloated salaries and bonuses. Allowing FFG to claim everything is great, yet anyone I speak to at home can’t see this economic recovery and are bracing themselves For a rough brexit.
Barclays set to transfer €190bn of assets to Dublin
Barclays set to transfer €190bn of assets to Dublin

"Our preparations are well-advanced and we expect to be fully operational by March 29 2019."

The move is designed to deal with the consequences of a no-deal hard Brexit, in which UK-based banks would lose passporting rights that allow them to function in the EU's single market, the world's richest trading bloc.

For its part, Barclays will increase its Dublin headcount by around 150 to 300 as a result of Brexit.

Forgive me for thinking that Britain's misfortune is occasionally Ireland's gain*
I do realise we could be starving over here by May. But the banks will be looking good. :facepalm:

*not smug
Barclays set to transfer €190bn of assets to Dublin
Barclays set to transfer €190bn of assets to Dublin

"Our preparations are well-advanced and we expect to be fully operational by March 29 2019."

The move is designed to deal with the consequences of a no-deal hard Brexit, in which UK-based banks would lose passporting rights that allow them to function in the EU's single market, the world's richest trading bloc.

For its part, Barclays will increase its Dublin headcount by around 150 to 300 as a result of Brexit.

Forgive me for thinking that Britain's misfortune is occasionally Ireland's gain*
I do realise we could be starving over here by May. But the banks will be looking good. :facepalm:

*not smug
If you think Dublin is dear now wait til these smug cunts have moved in
Is it just me or is anyone else dismayed that a poster whom ill assume lived in Dublin during the Celtic tiger and lived through a recession that was wholly caused by the greed and hubris of bankers is greeting Barclay’s arrival in Dublin as some gleeful celebration of Irish triumph over the brits?

I’d only be happy if the bankers arrived, the banks assests were seized and said bankers find themselves up a scaffold on college Green losing their heads.

Fucking hell the arrival of bankers in Dublin should be warning to prepare to get fleeced again.
Barclays set to transfer €190bn of assets to Dublin
Barclays set to transfer €190bn of assets to Dublin

"Our preparations are well-advanced and we expect to be fully operational by March 29 2019."

The move is designed to deal with the consequences of a no-deal hard Brexit, in which UK-based banks would lose passporting rights that allow them to function in the EU's single market, the world's richest trading bloc.

For its part, Barclays will increase its Dublin headcount by around 150 to 300 as a result of Brexit.

Forgive me for thinking that Britain's misfortune is occasionally Ireland's gain*
I do realise we could be starving over here by May. But the banks will be looking good. :facepalm:

*not smug
Is it just me or is anyone else dismayed that a poster whom ill assume lived in Dublin during the Celtic tiger and lived through a recession that was wholly caused by the greed and hubris of bankers is greeting Barclay’s arrival in Dublin as some gleeful celebration of Irish triumph over the brits?

I’d only be happy if the bankers arrived, the banks assests were seized and said bankers find themselves up a scaffold on college Green losing their heads.

Fucking hell the arrival of bankers in Dublin should be warning to prepare to get fleeced again.
I guess this illustrates yet again the dangers of having a primarily nationalist based outlook rather than a class based one
Is it just me or is anyone else dismayed that a poster whom ill assume lived in Dublin during the Celtic tiger and lived through a recession that was wholly caused by the greed and hubris of bankers is greeting Barclay’s arrival in Dublin as some gleeful celebration of Irish triumph over the brits?

I’d only be happy if the bankers arrived, the banks assests were seized and said bankers find themselves up a scaffold on college Green losing their heads.

Fucking hell the arrival of bankers in Dublin should be warning to prepare to get fleeced again.

This is my first comment on the thread since the Barclays news was posted.
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