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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Never did, my contract is renewed (or not) every six months with no pension or other benefits. It’s structured in such a way that I can’t apply for the dole when the contract is terminated as I’m technically considered as self employed.
It's fine to be Irish, so long as you don't make the mistake of actually living in that fucking country.
Never did, my contract is renewed (or not) every six months with no pension or other benefits. It’s structured in such a way that I can’t apply for the dole when the contract is terminated as I’m technically considered as self employed.
Are you sure that's right about the dole, though? When I taught for the Dumb Blonde School, I didn't even have a contract, but I still paid into the system. . .
Are you sure that's right about the dole, though? When I taught for the Dumb Blonde School, I didn't even have a contract, but I still paid into the system. . .
Dumb blonde school took me a second to twig but :D

I attempted to get the dole a couple of years ago but they rejected the claim. There was so much bollocks around it, I recall arguing the case that I paid 52% tax on everything but it fell on deaf ears.
Dumb blonde school took me a second to twig but :D

I attempted to get the dole a couple of years ago but they rejected the claim. There was so much bollocks around it, I recall arguing the case that I paid 52% tax on everything but it fell on deaf ears.
Also known as "Daddy's Business School" and "Didn't Bother Studying".

From my experience of dealing with those people, I'm not convinced they really know what they're doing.
Looks like the feb recess has been canceled but there is no brexit business scheduled for next week.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The business for next week will be: <a href="Leader's Office on Twitter">pic.twitter.com/typd105PsP</a></p>&mdash; Leader&#39;s Office (@CommonsLeader) <a href="">January 31, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Another conversation around Brexit i had with an vociferous Remainer went along similar lines...

Remainer: Stupid poor people. [I paraphrase, but not not by much] Don't they realise they'll just get pooepo if we Brexit? I mean, the markets will crash...

Me: I'm not sure they'll give a fuck about the market...I certainly don't

Remainer: Well you should! What about the value of your pension?

Me: What pension?

...and so on.

Utter, utter disconnect from the lives of most. The Remainer in my earlier post was also going on and on about the need for a second referendum, wasn't listening to me saying they'they'ose that as well until a fellow Remainer in the vonvedconver quoted the polling suggesting that Leave would win again. Maybe even with a bigger margin. The first Remainer then harrumphed "well at least the blame for all the shit that follows will be clear".


Anecdotal accounts of remainer/leaver views are definitely helpful for the discussion. We need more of them.
Is it just me or is anyone else dismayed that a poster whom ill assume lived in Dublin during the Celtic tiger and lived through a recession that was wholly caused by the greed and hubris of bankers is greeting Barclay’s arrival in Dublin as some gleeful celebration of Irish triumph over the brits?

I’d only be happy if the bankers arrived, the banks assests were seized and said bankers find themselves up a scaffold on college Green losing their heads.

Fucking hell the arrival of bankers in Dublin should be warning to prepare to get fleeced again.


Come off it.

Do you understand dark humour at all? :rolleyes:
I guess this illustrates yet again the dangers of having a primarily nationalist based outlook rather than a class based one

Class strata didn't exist in Ireland til very recently.
You had the poor...
The rich...
And the gone....

Don't lecture me on class. I know what it is and the shit Ireland was left in post British rule. Its not that long ago.

I think that there are more than banks moving business from the UK...some are moving to Germany...other European countries...And indeed Ireland.

And my post was to do with irony and black humour. ..
And the giants - don't forget the giants.

Things were shite for the vast majority of Irish people until relatively recently.
Millions of Irish left between 1920 and 1990 and indeed since then too when the economy crashed....
A whole generation of people left in the 80s.
It was not a country with a broad middle class. I'm not sure why people think otherwise? Ireland was not and is not an industrialised country. Wealth literally was in the hands of a small minority.

It was not in any way similar to the UK in terms of class strata.

Kind of amazed that anyone thinks Ireland pre 1990s was anything other than one very large group of people that would be classed as poor and pretty destitute and another group of workers who were also poor ..just not exactly destitite but as close to it as you could get.
Wealth was in a small few hands. Mainly the church...the big farm owners, absentee landlords and wealthy business owners. Many of the wealthiest lived in Dublin.

Between the 90s and 2006 the country boomed. People were able to save and have a decent income. Saving schemes were put in place where the government paid you to save x amount for 5 years.
Then came the collapse and people lost homes and jobs.

So yeah. There is a class strata now. It's still comprising of the "have nots", the "have some", and the "have a lot".
Most people I know and meet have a working class mentality.
Hard working people some of whom take on extra jobs just to get by.
People really think Ireland had a class system up to 1960?
Nah. The village priest, doctor and teacher were the "middle class. Everyone else was poor. Some a lot poorer than others. My dad did not consider himself from the poorest family....but he told me that he had no shoes til he was 13. I mean that's only back in the 1950s. He says that at the time everyone was the same. He grew up in a city.... with plenty communities connected to his.
People just didn't have much at all.

Ach. .I'm out of this thread now.
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