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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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I guess this illustrates yet again the dangers of having a primarily nationalist based outlook rather than a class based one

More an acceptance of the economic strategy of attracting foreign direct investment. It’s a strategy that certainly has no shortage of risks, however providing services as a small island nation so far appears to be our best bet.

Brexit makes Ireland a more appealing place for FDI.
Loving the use of the term "assets".
Within a month of the U.K. Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 (Commencement No. 12) Order that finally imposes ring-fencing & non ring-fencing (NRFB) controls, Barclays has shunted a load of (foreign-owned) derivative NRFB shite to Dublin, so that personal accounts can be 'managed'.
Firewall only allows me to read the first paragraph of that, which is probably just as well. Why can't those pesky Irish just leave the EU to solve the UK's brexit problem. Selfish fuckers.

British arrogance/exceptionalism done to a tee, and yet another example of how it can be hard to see what is parody and what is serious in all this.

To be fair they were forced to keep voting on the Lisbon treaty until they got the 'right' answer. Nothing arrogant or exceptionalist about EU though.
Fwiw an ardent Remainer I know was loudly bemoaning the "stupidity of Leave voter" to us the other day. "Don't they realise that the financial sector will leave London? House prices are already falling...".

I think he's answered his own question there.
It’s instructive that houses are seen, in the first instance, as investment commodities, rather than somewhere to live.
More an acceptance of the economic strategy of attracting foreign direct investment. It’s a strategy that certainly has no shortage of risks, however providing services as a small island nation so far appears to be our best bet.

Brexit makes Ireland a more appealing place for FDI.

It's a shit strategy. It's based on non existant corporation tax, fuck all regulation, a highly skilled workforce paid peanuts and direct line to the cabinet for those times when you feel the need to blackmail the state and get a higher dividend or be let off a little bit of white collar crime.

The reliance on services has bloated Dublin making it unliveable for some. Did you see that IT house porn article that in parts of D2 you need to earn over 8000 after tax to rent a place? Making Dublin the playground of the rich, while those that work there service their need to make a profit and cater for their whims. Ireland it's no more than a 'Mini Me' UK. Fuck sake Varadkar styles himself on Blair.

grit have you been out of Dublin recently? Have you been to say Dundalk? I went to the RTC there in '94, it was a good town, there was work with Harris and a few other firms, good times. Went back after Christmas it's a ghost town now.
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It’s instructive that houses are seen, in the first instance, as investment commodities, rather than somewhere to live.


Another conversation around Brexit i had with an vociferous Remainer went along similar lines...

Remainer: Stupid poor people. [I paraphrase, but not not by much] Don't they realise they'll just get pooepo if we Brexit? I mean, the markets will crash...

Me: I'm not sure they'll give a fuck about the market...I certainly don't

Remainer: Well you should! What about the value of your pension?

Me: What pension?

...and so on.

Utter, utter disconnect from the lives of most. The Remainer in my earlier post was also going on and on about the need for a second referendum, wasn't listening to me saying they'they'ose that as well until a fellow Remainer in the vonvedconver quoted the polling suggesting that Leave would win again. Maybe even with a bigger margin. The first Remainer then harrumphed "well at least the blame for all the shit that follows will be clear".

It's a shit strategy. It's based on non existant corporation tax, fuck all regulation, a highly skilled workforce paid peanuts and direct line to the cabinet for those times when you feel the need to blackmail the state and get a higher dividend or be let off a little bit of white collar crime.

The reliance on services has bloated Dublin making it unliveable for some. Did you see that IT house porn article that in parts of D2 you need to earn over 8000 after tax to rent a place? Making Dublin the playground of the rich, while those that work there service their need to make a profit and cater for their whims. Ireland it's no more than a 'Mini Me' UK. Fuck sake Varadkar styles himself on Blair.

grit have you been out of Dublin recently? Have you been to say Dundalk? I went to the RTC there in '94, it was a good town, there was work with Harris and a few other firms, good times. Went back after Christmas it's a ghost town now.

We sold our soul to the multinationals out of desperation. Less than five million people on a cold wet island don’t have a lot of options. We made a desperate move and it brought much needed employment and tax revenue in to the country. I’ve not seen any alternatives presented that don’t require us being forced back to the levels of economic activity of the early eighties. If such an option was presented I’d welcome it with open arms. So welcoming foreign direct investment increases due to brexit is a sign of desperation, it brings in money we need.

Regarding housing, I’m painfully experiencing the issue. My basic salary is higher than Varadkar yet I don’t feel I’ll ever be able to afford my own house. If my current housing situation changes I’ve accepted I’ll need to leave the country as I did during the 2008 recession, something that was emotionally an extremely difficult thing to do which was a major contributor to me falling down the dark hole of depression and chronic drug abuse(something I’ve thankfully recovered from in the past few years).

Areas outside of major cities have been decimated, and are now in the spiral you observed due to others being forced to go to major cities or leaving the country all together.
You'll never leave.

Never did, my contract is renewed (or not) every six months with no pension or other benefits. It’s structured in such a way that I can’t apply for the dole when the contract is terminated as I’m technically considered as self employed.
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