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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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a much better deal could have been had if May threatened the east europeans a bit. a gentle threat of pulling UK troops out of Poland and the baltic states would have frightened them into being more receptive.
a much better deal could have been had if May threatened the east europeans a bit. a gentle threat of pulling UK troops out of Poland and the baltic states would have frightened them into being more receptive.
genius idea; can' think why our 'leaders' haven't considered threatening to withdraw those 280 'troops'.
A better deal could have been had if we had a single half-decent negotiator and a pm who wasn't such a wus

of course. being kicked out of the Galileo project after investing over a billion pounds is one example. for what? security reasons. yet most of these EU states are NATO members who share information with the UK via NATO but secrets becomes an issue because we voted leave? Should never have been accepted without getting the money back.
Quite. It’s about Empire, not-making-a-fuss, make-do-and-mend, queuing-for-the-omnibus, Godfrey’s cottage, and a little bit of derring do. Numbers be damned.

I'll swear it was in the 70s during a particularly dodgy bit of the Cold War when the BBC started putting Russian lessons on TV and a few people were asking whether they knew something we didn't know. Perhaps it's the same with repeats of Dad's Army they're softening us all up :eek::eek::eek:
I'll swear it was in the 70s during a particularly dodgy bit of the Cold War when the BBC started putting Russian lessons on TV and a few people were asking whether they knew something we didn't know. Perhaps it's the same with repeats of Dad's Army they're softening us all up :eek::eek::eek:

Maybe, what doesn’t kill you makes you a POW.
#BrexitBeerShortage #BrexitBeerCrisis...shit, this is how the 'panicks' will start, isn't it? They government haven't got a hope in hell of stopping panic in the era of social media, have they?

I think what might be happening is that they're wondering why it's taken so long to get people panicking in the era of social media... :hmm:

What they don't realise is lots of us can't afford to panic buy anything :rolleyes:
Brexit. Many old people who are now dead voted leave. Many racists who panicked at the migrants flooding across Europe voted leave. Many anti-Cameron protest votes were cast for Leave. Many idiots for trivial reasons voted Leave. Many people swayed by Russian-back social media bent on destabilising Europe voted Leave. The under 18s who will be most affected by Leave were denied the vote. The Government are determined to drive us off a cliff without checking if that's what "we" still want now that the situation is clearer.

Brexit will go ahead, of that I have no doubt. No amount of whining by me or any other "remoaner" will change that. I'll have my "I told you so" t-shirt made up and ready...

In the meantime, just in case: "Ok, Google - how to get an Irish passport..."
being kicked out of the Galileo project after investing over a billion pounds is one example. for what? security reasons. yet most of these EU states are NATO members who share information with the UK via NATO but secrets becomes an issue because we voted leave? Should never have been accepted without getting the money back.

The British insisted that only EU members could be PRS members of Galileo.

The access they don’t get is the super accurate and harder to jam bit PRS

Everyone in the uk will be able to access regular Galileo signals, and will get more accurate positioning due because your device will be able to use gps, glonass and Galileo whatever happens.

The uk military won’t be able to use the top spec bits of Galileo, just like they can’t now ( because they don’t exist ).

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i think the government's contributing to this sense of fear and panic. maybe it will all be ok on 30 march. quite possibly. i'm not going out of my way to get months of food in, just laying in an extra bag of rice here, some tins of tomatoes there - just so we have a few days' food in case it all goes tits up.

They've definitely managed to lower expectations to the point where anything that doesn't involve food shortages and riots will be seen as a success...
Everyone in the uk will be able to access regular Galileo signals, and will get more accurate positioning due because your device will be able to use gps, glonass and Galileo whatever happens.

The uk military won’t be able to use the top spec bits of Galileo, just like they can’t now ( because they don’t exist ).
Everyone in the UK can already use the open service. I've been doing so for months. The UK military/government can always pay to use the high accuracy commercial service.
Everyone in the UK can already use the open service. I've been doing so for months. The UK military/government can always pay to use the high accuracy commercial service.

Which isn’t the same as the PRS service which the UK decided the UK couldn’t have access to.
I had reason to check what happens to aviation licenses (personal ones - pilots, engineers etc) with hard Brexit.

For new licenses, for issue after these two months ... there’s no announced CAA plan. The old ‘national’ licenses don’t really exist. CAA won’t be able to issue European ones any more, obvs.

I assume the CAA have something prepped, but... no news yet... making people nervous. Flight Crew Licensing policy & process isn’t something you scribble on the back of an envelope.
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