Twenty-eight years ago it was illegal for me to have sex with a third person in the room, in private.
Twenty-four years ago, I was considered a sex criminal by the UK state, for having underage consensual sex with my male partner. He, aged 22, was considered a statutory rapist.
Twenty-two years ago, I was told by the Prime Minister that I had no right to assume a family life, and no inalienable right to be gay.
Twenty years ago I was still banned from joining the Armed Forces like my dad had done, and his dad before him.
Eighteen years ago I was banned from having a civil partnership, or adopting children.
Five years ago I was still banned from getting married.
The rights I have came to me during my lifetime, and I believe in the risk they could be taken away in my lifetime too.
I imagine none of this concerns you, and why should it, you reek of privilege.
But don't lecture me on human rights in the UK, when we had to riot and protest and march and organise to prise ours from the fingers of the powers that be.