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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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In fairness to RTWL there are plenty of "Tommy" types in the South East. Thing is they're (IME) small business owning BTLers who've made a mint out of the property bubble...talking in a shit high pitched mockney accent and wearing "clobber" doesn't make them working class.

And the people i am working with atm. Gardeners... builders ... roofers ... All about the place. Maybe they had tendancies before... but now they feel proud to shout about it.
I have actually quit one job within the past year beacause of it .
My only tactic is to subtely outline how they are class traitors and should feel ashamed about such nonsense. I do try and avoid violence .
What ? ! So i am guessing you have not noticed ? I dont really want to take this observation beyond anecdote TBH .

There's nothing much to notice, just a few occasional idiots making themselves visible. It's a storm in a teacup. Brexit has brought out the best in people. You need to focus on the positives.
Where the fuck do you think shit for brains ? If you havent noticed the massive swing to the right within working class culture than your the ones fucking detached from working class culture ! I am working class btw.

Well now I've seen this well reasoned if a little spittle flecked post I'm with you. Looks like we need workers defence squads to me, only with guardian columnists instead of workers cos they're all fascists or something.
I'm sure there's someone who can point us towards some more concrete stuff but isn't it precisely this fraction of the middle class that has always provided the numbers for the right?

The insecure shopkeepers and self-employed small business owners, the small scale entrepreneurs and wide boys? Those whose material interests depend upon a parasitical relationship with their w/c neighbours yet who lack the social and cultural capital to establish themselves more permanently amongst the traditional m/c?
On here we have had the hard-liberals insisting that the majority of the brexit vote was middle class house owning old people and w/c people were underrepresented in leave voters, we have a scottish nationalist insisting that w/c vote was decisively against leaving, we have had people arguing that w/c people who voted leave are not really w/c anymore, not like what there is in london, we have had a nutter arguing that the entire north is racist and so are tube and trains drivers because their union supported leave, and now we have some ghastly works with their hands type simultaneously arguing that the w/c is racist and voted leave and that they're proud to be w/c.

It's broken many people this brexit thing.
Shit... i should have said white working class. I hang out with some Ghanaians in Crawley and they are not to happy about it .

Just to clarify. I belive the majority of right wingers exist within the middle and upper classes (for obvious reasons) . Political chancers are currently targetting the working class .. hence the anti-establisment vein of the right wing (alt-right) . It is (as usuall) a nasty and underhanded evil trick! I belive we can shake it off with a bit of education.
On here we have had the hard-liberals insisting that the majority of the brexit vote was middle class house owning old people and w/c people were underrepresented in leave voters, we have a scottish nationalist insisting that w/c vote was decisively against leaving, we have had people arguing that w/c people who voted leave are not really w/c anymore, not like what there is in london, we have had a nutter arguing that the entire north is racist and so are tube and trains drivers because their union supported leave, and now we have some ghastly works with their hands type simultaneously arguing that the w/c is racist and voted leave and that they're proud to be w/c.

It's broken many people this brexit thing.

Ftr I'm not talking about leave voters.
Ftr I'm not talking about leave voters.
Just to clarify, though my post followed yours it wasn't a response to it. But yes, much left-inclined analysis of classical fascism sees a classical petit bourgeois and state tied middle class fearing losing status and so looking for protection which mainstream capital cannot provide (in fact, is predicated on not doing so) and so a wilder develops group on the right gaining support until they get the attention of the big boys which is when things start to get hairy. Today, employment structures are very very different, status is not so much tied to it and is enforced in all sorts of other ways that don't work so directly politically, certainly not in terms of formal membership and ideological attachment. The classism expressed towards leave voters since the referendum vote (and was percolating nicely all along, see use of chavs etc)- on here and elsewhere are examples of what in the past may well have been directed into classical far-right groups. Those feeling pressure view themselves as utterly socially liberal and progressive and i can't see them wanting to get their hands dirty with anything formally, they'll be getting behind hands off technocracy, making sure democratic participation is further limited or restricted to consumer choice type stuff you have to earn the right to express, franchise limitations for some and franchise extensions for others. A democratic-authoritarianism. All the worst bits of the EU in fact. But classical fascism, unlikely.
Brilliant post butchersapron

Watching the, often unhinged, hate and classicism pour out from some remainers this weekend I’ve been wondering where it goes next, how it will manifest itself politically and culturally and the specific forms it might take.

I suspect a lot depends on what happens over the next period. But we should not underestimate the pressure felt by middle class liberals - those who’ve long considered themselves, and been considered, the narrating class. Those who decide what we think about things. Those who consciously signed up to the economic tenets of neoliberalism in return for influence - and a role - within its cultural sphere.
What I find the most dispiriting is the stressing over loss of unaccountable commissioners with no democratic control bestowing (alleged) rights and protections and how outside of EU with tory govt there is no way of making gains or stopping erosion. This completely pathetic passive mindset and idea of how politics is done and things are achieved, or rather bestowed through benevolence or something. Beggars. Properly depressing

Edit should have been quote of smokeandsteam there
Gibraltar has become an issue again. Losing a nice little tax haven will be considered unnaceptable to certain people, though you can be sure it won't be portrayed in the media that way.

Brilliant post butchersapron

Watching the, often unhinged, hate and classicism pour out from some remainers this weekend I’ve been wondering where it goes next, how it will manifest itself politically and culturally and the specific forms it might take.

I suspect a lot depends on what happens over the next period. But we should not underestimate the pressure felt by middle class liberals - those who’ve long considered themselves, and been considered, the narrating class. Those who decide what we think about things. Those who consciously signed up to the economic tenets of neoliberalism in return for influence - and a role - within its cultural sphere.

Someone I used to get on with posted this on FB on Friday "Brexiteers always preach hate and need a scapegoat immigrant, homeless, disabled etc. This is not me. I will never believe hate is the answer. Love is always the answer. ". Its been quite a thing, watching a descent into bigotry and hate dressed up as virtue signalling
What I find the most dispiriting is the stressing over loss of unaccountable commissioners with no democratic control bestowing (alleged) rights and protections and how outside of EU with tory govt there is no way of making gains or stopping erosion. This completely pathetic passive mindset and idea of how politics is done and things are achieved, or rather bestowed through benevolence or something. Beggars. Properly depressing

Edit should have been quote of smokeandsteam there
Probably shouldn't just keep on quoting EMW but how's this one for apt
How, then, to explain the irony that the theoretical expulsion of the working class from the centre of the socialist project .... One possible explanation for this apparent paradox is that a new pessimism about the revolutionary potential of the working class has been engendered by precisely such displays of militancy, because they have failed to issue in a decisive battle for socialism. It is as if the only struggle that counts is the last one.
The earlier part of the graph looks more squished due to the scale of the graph being altered by the higher figures later on - higher figures that are a result of increased reporting. If you plotted just 2014 and 2015 the spikes would be more obvious.

View attachment 197271
That's a totally mad interpretation. This graph is very honestly plotted, in the sense that the timeline across the bottom is constant, and the y-axis starts at 0. And it shows a distinctly different, and far higher, annual pattern that starts very precisely at the start of the EU referendum campaign. The graph provides strong evidence for exactly the opposite of what you claim.
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