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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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The clip shown on the tweet is old news (you may well have realised that.)

Latest news I've seen on it, on a wider level, is this from the BBC. Where is the Russian interference report?
Nope my hopes were raised by things being retweeted. :( & being a bit pissed.
Well I expect the the NCA & the MPS will be so slow in investigating anything that the next news will probably be from the Carole Cadwalladr case that has been brought against her. The Russia report will not surface in its original format & the redacted version will spring up in April at the earliest.
I was duped and just hopeful. Bollocks.
What I find the most dispiriting is the stressing over loss of unaccountable commissioners with no democratic control bestowing (alleged) rights and protections and how outside of EU with tory govt there is no way of making gains or stopping erosion. This completely pathetic passive mindset and idea of how politics is done and things are achieved, or rather bestowed through benevolence or something. Beggars. Properly depressing

Edit should have been quote of smokeandsteam there

No, no, no, you are so wrong. I am/was a passionate remainer but I'm not going to give up fighting for the environment, worker's protection and consumer rights just because we have left the EU. Its all still to fight for. And maybe with padded gloves off the fight will be different. We will have to defend what we really value, not some vague package of hypothetical rights.
Nope my hopes were raised by things being retweeted. :( & being a bit pissed.
Well I expect the the NCA & the MPS will be so slow in investigating anything that the next news will probably be from the Carole Cadwalladr case that has been brought against her. The Russia report will not surface in its original format & the redacted version will spring up in April at the earliest.
I was duped and just hopeful. Bollocks.
The opposition (not just LP but SNP, LDs and anyone else) should be really going for the jugular over the suppression/delay/redaction of the Russian interference report.
The opposition (not just LP but SNP, LDs and anyone else) should be really going for the jugular over the suppression/delay/redaction of the Russian interference report.
Totally agree. It should have been published before a GE was allowed to occur.
The opposition (not just LP but SNP, LDs and anyone else) should be really going for the jugular over the suppression/delay/redaction of the Russian interference report.

The problem with the Russian interference report is that most people don’t give a fuck.
The problem with the Russian interference report is that most people don’t give a fuck.
I agree with you - the day of the BBC article the general public were far more interested in Philip Schofield coming out.

That doesn't mean that the Russia report doesn't matter.
Not gonna disagree, and the help for heroes tee is probs quite a good heuristic.
But...let's not overlook some of the potential psychological drivers of such stuff. Given that he's, say early - mid 60's (?) he's part of that cohort that experienced a) the last vestiges of empire & b) the high-point of capital concessions via the post-war 'social-contract'/consensus.
So this heavily Brexit cohort look back and remember fondly (through rose-tinted nostalgia specs) better times of employment, disposable income, material advancement, community cohesion and labour solidarity and conflate it with a time when 'britain punched above its weight'. An easily exploitable confusion of correlation and causation.
Not excusing this crap, just attempting some sort of rationalising where it comes from, like.
Guardian going with 'story' about some polling around the Empire question from last June.


Obvious where they want to go with the findings...but, have to say, finding that nearly 1 in 6 remain voters favour a return to Empire is kinda funny, ironic and sad at the same time.
Bloody hell:

Digging down into the British figures reveals that there is a deep political divide over the Empire between Remain and Leave voters (as well as Conservative and Labour voters, whose views almost identically match those of Leave and Remain voters respectively).

For instance, while 50% of Leave voters feel the empire is more something to be proud of, only 20% of Remain voters say the same. By contrast, only 9% of Leave voters tend to be more ashamed of the empire, compared to 30% of Remainers.

Similarly, 51% of Leave voters think Britain’s former colonies are better off for their inclusion in the empire, compared to 22% of Remain voters. And while Remain voters don’t wish the empire was still around by 66% to 16%, Leave voters are split with 39% wishing it was and 40% willing to leave it in the past.

Perfect edge issue, really.
can be endlessly exploited with absolutely zero implications for actual policy or cost implications.
Fucking hell. 23% of Belgians are proud of their empire and a further 45% are neither proud or ashamed. That's two thirds of Belgians who are proud of or fine with the notoriously brutal hell state Belgium created in the Congo.

It does suggest that more education about what empires really meant might be a good idea. I don't think I touched on empire in history at school (did a bit on the slave trade, and how the British bravely bought it to an end...).
In my entire history education at school from 5 to 15, I could have gone without ever knowing Britain even had an empire, let alone what it got up to.
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