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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Report suggesting Boris may extend the Brexit deadline after all.

He needs Farage to get taken out by covid first, as it was his dodgy deal with Nige that resulted in the pledge to not extend the transition past the end of this year.

Kind of bizarre that Brexit, which so dominated the news sphere in the past couple of years, has barely warranted a mention in recent times. If anyone had told us last year that in the first months of 2020 Brexit would drop out of the headlines, I wonder what we could possibly have imagined might allow that to happen.
he's got the best excuse ever for extending the transition period if the negotiations literally can't happen (in person) and all the Zoom invites from the EU end up in the spam folder. remember this: Boris and his friends do NOT want a no deal exit, which is what will happen on Dec 31 if no extension is agreed. and they've got the perfect bogeyman. i'd put money on an extension of another year being agreed in the autumn.
he's got the best excuse ever for extending the transition period if the negotiations literally can't happen (in person) and all the Zoom invites from the EU end up in the spam folder. remember this: Boris and his friends do NOT want a no deal exit, which is what will happen on Dec 31 if no extension is agreed. and they've got the perfect bogeyman. i'd put money on an extension of another year being agreed in the autumn.
Think it will be sooner than the autumn. Because the EU will be pressuring for earlier, and because it will be better from the UK's perspective (more precisely, its government's) to u-turn in a context where it will dominate the news for less time.
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Think it will be sooner than the autumn. Because the EU will be pressuring for earlier, and because it will be better from the UK's perspective to u-turn in a context where it will dominate the news for less time.
Think you'll find that the EU has been very very busy with equally imoptant issues ie trying to keep the southern states on board through the corona virus crisis. Brexit is only one thing on its very crowded agenda
Think it will be sooner than the autumn. Because the EU will be pressuring for earlier, and because it will be better from the UK's perspective to u-turn in a context where it will dominate the news for less time.
Yes i read that if "sufficient progress" hasn't happened by June the EU will be switching all energies to prepare for a Crash Out Brexit - which is fair enough, both sides will need 6 months at least to prepare for that outcome. It could be clever positioning, but I think the June deadline was one originally set by the Tories
What the fuck is this shit?

"take action"
Looks like a repeat of the government's approach to a virulent, invisible virus...

Funny how they failed to mention “loss avoidance” four years ago ...

“new opportunities.”
We'd better all switch to boomerang manufacture ...

The current plan is to split the publicity across four “bursts.” Between July and August there will be a drive to “nudge” or “shove” people to take action by warning of the “consequences and opportunity” ahead, before moving to a “shock and awe” approach between September and November.
Between December and January the campaign will focus on “loss avoidance” and from January 2021 onward it will be about “new opportunities.”
What the fuck is this shit?

The reason that Johnson retained Cummings at all costs.

When the propaganda about propaganda tells you that this will be the "most important Government campaign this year" (this year !) you know that you're deep into the Leave style targeted, social media psy-ops that aim to 'unify' the nation into some quasi-military mass mobilisation. Of a piece with the Johnson playbook with allusions to military conflict, and a "gung-ho", turbocharged Churchillian bollocks.
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