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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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In my entire history education at school from 5 to 15, I could have gone without ever knowing Britain even had an empire, let alone what it got up to.

Same. By the time I left secondary school I knew more about Roman history than Scottish/British. I did do Latin O-grade though, can't even remember what the history classes we did pre O-grade covered.
We are going to have a big reset. Brexit might be cancelled but so might the EU.

Yeah. I dunno what yet but the (temporary) closing of borders in schengen and the longer term state intervention that will be required by individual member states, often in conflict with EU rules, to address the consequences of this crisis has to have some sort of implications in longer term
Is this the thing about the ventilator drive? I saw something about this doing rounds on remain social media, appeared to be praising the EU for including the UK. Didn't really understand because until the end of the transition period the UK is still in effect in the EU.

Yeah, wasn’t sure about it myself.
Figured there was a good chance some folks would know more about than me. :)
Brexit has already happened! At the end of this shitshow I suspect we''ll cleave rather closer to the EU than anticipated even three months ago.
Yes. At a minimum I would expect the transition period to be extended (by a year, I would guess), to be followed by negotiations with a very different tone from the ones thus far, depending on how exactly all this shit plays out.

If food shortages kick in, that will demonstrate immediately which trade routes are the important ones to the UK. And it ain't those from Boston.
You'd think this will be a salient lesson for all the no deal or nothing shouters. Look what has happened when there actually isn't any problems with our supply chain. Imagine if we had broken and disrupted all those supply chains at the end of the year.

I won't hold my breath though.
i think the world will be a very different place in a years time - or however long it takes to get through the C-19 crises. International trade and relations, the entire global economy likely to be transformed as its is going to suffer its biggest hit in history. The priority across the world will be to prevent complete meltdown and making sure people basic needs are met - and state control of the economy is going to be massive as key parts of it are nationalised to prevent them collapsing. I would think the entire EU fiscal policy will be in the shredder and the uk will be begging for health workers from every corner of the globe.
I think brexit will be shelved for a while whilst the government concentrates on keeping the lights on and making sure everyone has a ration book.
And with a bit of luck the bat flu will take out farage (only fair seeing as Barnier has it).
If there was any justice in the world, this chain-smoking, beer-swilling moron would be testing the theory for himself - preferably later on when there are no ICU beds available...

"Come, friendly virus ...."

Tbf farage probably right that this will make a trade deal easier, by creating the political space where it can happen and of course because it will be more attractive. Possibly a bit grim to be talking about it too much mid crisis, I dunno, but there we are
Tbf farage probably right that this will make a trade deal easier, by creating the political space where it can happen and of course because it will be more attractive. Possibly a bit grim to be talking about it too much mid crisis, I dunno, but there we are
Who knows? But I think it's likely to make any idea of not extending the transition period seem absurd.
You can really see how the journalist there has worked to give the facts in as neutral and objective way as possible.
Whatever. Kipper cunts are cunts clear as day to anyone with eyes to see. Their words speak for themselves.
I remember that Bong Bongo Land prick...was a Tory at the time IIRC. Of course he's washed up in the Brexit asylum, where else.
Looking less likely for this year with Michel Barnier saying he has tested positive.

Pretty sure Boris is not extending the deadline despite this pandemic and our chief negotiator Frost also testing positive.

Nothing to stop Barnier and Frost using Skype tho.
Pretty sure Boris is not extending the deadline despite this pandemic
"Pretty sure" based on what?
You should read the Sunday Times piece. The government is running around like headless chickens, exhausted, and not surprisingly turning to drink. This situation is only going to get worse thanks to their let em die attitude. Its gong to be all consuming for them. Its about to get out of control. If you think the ranks of smirking arseholes are about to start posturing about fish quota you're living in a dream world
"Pretty sure" based on what?
You should read the Sunday Times piece. The government is running around like headless chickens, exhausted, and not surprisingly turning to drink. This situation is only going to get worse thanks to their let em die attitude. Its gong to be all consuming for them. Its about to get out of control. If you think the ranks of smirking arseholes are about to start posturing about fish quota you're living in a dream world

Strange that after all the talk of the importance of controlling our own borders during Brexit, that as this crisis unfolded we chose not to close ours and not to bother testing people arriving at airports from badly affected areas, whilst many EU member states were doing just the opposite.
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