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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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That's why I also highlighted how the money was spent. Did any remain group have a Facebook operation half as sophisticated as the various leave groups?

Regardless of Brexit, this is a sector crying out either for proper regulation, or the abandonment of caps and other limits so that all groups can at least have a fighting chance. At present, Britain's stuck with a situation as hopelessly lopsided as this.

I have no idea on the first point, as I don't get involved in Facebook, the odd occasion I end-up looking on there I've never seen any ads, as I use an ad-blocker.

On the second point, I strongly believe online political advertising during campaigns should be banned, as per with radio & TV.
The Sun and the Mail (mass circulation far right propaganda sheets) as well as the Express and Telegraph have been feeding a nationalist, anti-foreigner, anti-European narrative based on British exceptionalism for decades. Such a mindset is now pretty much normalised. The woolly Guardian, Independent, etc meanwhile could never compete with that.


Due to the ongoing criminal investigation into Brexit funding the particulars are currently not readily available im afraid. But it`s bloody obvious .

The five donors – including Leave.EU’s Arron Banks, Crystal Palace co-owner Jeremy Hosking, investment billionaire Peter Hargreaves, motoring entrepreneur Robert Edmiston and hedge fund manager Crispin Odey – contributed £14.9m out of the total £24.1min donations and loans given to the leave campaigns in the five months leading up to the referendum.

I am not just talking about the leave campaign parties . Include all dodgy funding and promotion of rightwing facefuck muppet groups as well . The alt-right in the UK as a whole.

Eleven wealthy American donors who have given a total of more than $3.7m (£2.86m) to rightwing UK groups in the past five years have been identified, raising questions about the influence of foreign funding on British politics.

The donations have been given to four British thinktanks that have been vocal in the debate about Brexit and the shape of the UK’s future trade with the EU, and an organisation that claims to be an independent grassroots campaign representing ordinary British taxpayers.

Of course funding is only half the issue as Cambridge Anylitica unleashed a weaponised properganda system far more effective than anything used before, which is what i am trying to discuss .

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Well, the sky is still where it was yesterday, and the turnip-based diet hasn't yet come to fruition....

We get such beautiful clear skies now that all industry has collapsed, the pollution is one thing I won't miss. Do you remember when planes used to cross the sky sometimes, leaving little trail behind them? Crazy people said the government was spraying mind-control chemicals.

Three eggs in a single breakfast seems extravagant, but it's important to keep up morale, even in these early days - they say the powdered ones are just as nutritious anyway, so it's really just a matter of aesthetics.
Perhaps, just a suggestion mind, just putting it out there as an idea, if the movement to leave the EU hadn’t been headed by, front of housed by and sponsored by racists the Remain move might not have called them racist?

True but the not wanting to be associated with anyone associated with virtue signal did nothing but alienate those leavers sympatic to fuck xenophobia..for whom leaving EU was about entirely other thibg. They are probably the ones who sit quietly in the pub when Brexit comes up...As the debate crystallized around the strawmen of the worst kind of argument of what it all means
We get such beautiful clear skies now that all industry has collapsed, the pollution is one thing I won't miss. Do you remember when planes used to cross the sky sometimes, leaving little trail behind them? Crazy people said the government was spraying mind-control chemicals.

Three eggs in a single breakfast seems extravagant, but it's important to keep up morale, even in these early days - they say the powdered ones are just as nutritious anyway, so it's really just a matter of aesthetics.

Contrails still stick cos a checkerboard is more about still air. Cloud seeding using silver nitrate is a real but expensive thing -tgey used it to protect Moscow from Chernobyl.
But if there is any chemical in the usual contrail it's residual pareafin from the jet fuel or glycol and they've com up with a more devious way of getting that into local air most vape juice is aircraft deicer
Believing that political opinions you don't like can only be the result of some underhand manipulation and propaganda isn't going to help either.

Oh, for sure. Propaganda played no part in the outcome. Both sides were completely honest. Neither needed propaganda because such a tool has never worked in the history of mankind, ever.

Due to the ongoing criminal investigation into Brexit funding the particulars are currently not readily available im afraid. But it`s bloody obvious .

I guess it's bloody obvious if you pluck out one set of figures from The Independent published 24/4/17, that a total of £24.1m was given to Leave campaigns in the five months before the referendum, but fails to explain where the figure came from, nor goes into details on what was spent & when. It mentions a 5 month period, but the rules on spending only covers the campaign period of 10 weeks, plus the article fails to mention how much was given to the remain campaigns in those five months, so no comparison can be made, making it both bias and pointless.

Here's a couple of more honest & balanced links, showing a comparison between the leave & remain campaign groups:

1 - Rival Remain and Leave campaigners in the EU referendum raised £15.6m in the ten weeks to 21 April, according to the Electoral Commission. The official campaign for Britain to stay in the EU - Britain Stronger in Europe - raised £6.9m - more than twice as much as Vote Leave's £2.8m. But the sum raised by all registered leave campaigners was £8.2m - higher than the remain campaigners' £7.5m. (source BBC)

2 - At the Electoral Commission’s last count of donations, more than £7,500 (the ones that have to be declared)*, groups arguing for a leave vote had raised £12.1m, while £9m had been given to those backing remain. (source The Guardian) * This bit is slightly misleading, all donations have to be declared, but only those over £7.5k require the source to be declared.

Now you maybe thinking that proves leave spent more than remain, but it doesn't, because it's donations, not what was spent during the campaign period. In addition there are other groups & individuals that funded the campaigns, for example, political parties (UKIP & DUP) spent almost £1.5m on leave, whilst Labour, LidDems, SNP, PC & Greens spent over £7m on remain.

  • Remain: £19,309,588 (excluding government spending of over £9m)
  • Leave: £13,332,569

I am not just talking about the leave campaign parties . Include all dodgy funding and promotion of rightwing facefuck muppet groups as well . The alt-right in the UK as a whole.

This is a straw man argument, it has no relevance to the referendum, it mentions almost £3m was donated to right wing think-tanks during a 5 year period, it was published almost three & half years after the fucking referendum, meaning much of it was donated after the referendum, it also makes no claims that any of this money was spent on the campaign. In the case of the donation to the Adam Smith Institute, it was to make a film about Magna Carta and to fund scholarships. 0/10 :facepalm:

Of course funding is only half the issue as Cambridge Anylitica unleashed a weaponised properganda system far more effective than anything used before, which is what i am trying to discuss .

I agree that the involvement of Cambridge Analytica's tactics was dodgy, hence Facebook getting the maximum fine at the time, £500k, for allowing them access to data. But, you are over egging any impact they may have had, it's widely reported that they had access to data for around a million UK Facebook users, the odds are about half of those planned to vote leave anyway. The big question is how many of the other half million decided to vote leave as a result of targeting by Cambridge Analytica? Frankly it doesn't matter, because leave won by over a million votes anyway, so more than the total number CA held data on.

The remain side had the advantage in the campaign, there's nothing on the leave side that comes anywhere near what was spent by remain side, nor anywhere to the level of the government propaganda campaign, including the whole project fear nonsense.
Yes it is. Have you talked to the working classes recently ? Hook line and sinker ! This is simply another stunning victory for the manipulation techniques devoloped by Cambridge Analytica Ltd. No more democracy ! As Nigel said ... this Populism is really catching on .
Lol have you talked to the working classes recently? Where did this utter stone bonker come from?
Lol have you talked to the working classes recently? Where did this utter stone bonker come from?

Where the fuck do you think shit for brains ? If you havent noticed the massive swing to the right within working class culture than your the ones fucking detached from working class culture ! I am working class btw.
*clears throat

oh fuck off :rolleyes:

Are you saying that you have not noticed a swing to the right within the working class ?
Where the fuck do you think shit for brains ? If you havent noticed the massive swing to the right within working class culture than your the ones fucking detached from working class culture ! I am working class btw.

Surely it's only a few dicks online and those who like a photo op, like the other night?
No . I live in SE England . I work all over SE England and i have witnessed it everywhere .... in every pub , on every job ... a proper stoking of facsistic tendancies i have witnessed.
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