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Irish equal marriage referendum

"Anyone who thinks this isn't a tail being wagged by a foreign , powerful, neo liberal dog has their head up their hole ."

Could there be a connection to the Kennedy assasination, do you reckon, Casually Red old bean?

Oh right...the free state political elite don't jump and do what foreign institutions tell them to do . That's a completely new one on me .
On the flip side you have Ursula Halligan, TV3's political editor who came out in this heartbreaking letter the other week.

Imagine going through life till the age of 47 with such fear and self loathing. She came out to her bosses and recused herself from her job for the duration of the referendum. Everyone has been wonderfully supportive of her bravery.


Liam macLiammor was riding the hole off Hilton Edwards for decades , openly living together as a couple . From the 1930s . Everyone knew and nobody gave a toss . It didn't affect his standing or career one little bit . The only lie he told was about being catholic and Irish . And everyone knew that was a lie too .
Liam macLiammor was riding the hole off Hilton Edwards for decades , openly living together as a couple . From the 1930s . Everyone knew and nobody gave a toss . It didn't affect his standing or career one little bit . The only lie he told was about being catholic and Irish . And everyone knew that was a lie too .

He is reputed to have replied thusly to some callow Dublin fellow who had roared "why don't you bleeding marry him" at him and his partner from the other side of the thoroughfare:

"I'd love to dear boy, but I can't. He's a Protestant, you see".

Good times, good times.

And the thing about MacLiammor is that he was in a niche profession (the Abbey theater, wasn't it?) where there was just a wee bit more space for that sort of thing.

Not like the poor sod I met once, he told me that he had resolved to commit suicide by drowning himself in the Royal Canal in Dublin, after realising that he was gay in 1950s Ireland. Just as he was about to throw himself in, he thought "I don't know how to swim", and that saved him. Some other people were not saved, however.
Liam macLiammor was riding the hole off Hilton Edwards for decades , openly living together as a couple . From the 1930s . Everyone knew and nobody gave a toss . It didn't affect his standing or career one little bit . The only lie he told was about being catholic and Irish . And everyone knew that was a lie too .

RIDING THE HOLE OFF HIM, so he was, be the hokey.
Dismissing my opinion while at the same time making a broad generalisation about the motivations and personalities of a entire nation. Marvellous.

That nation that was la dee dah boasting to everyone about their "economic miracle ", how they'd finally " arrived "...puke...that loved Blair and ahern...don't fucking start me .:mad::mad:

Bunch of cunts
Liam macLiammor was riding the hole off Hilton Edwards for decades , openly living together as a couple . From the 1930s . Everyone knew and nobody gave a toss . It didn't affect his standing or career one little bit . The only lie he told was about being catholic and Irish . And everyone knew that was a lie too .

Yes gay people weren't victimised or harassed at all. Tell that to Declan Flynn murdered by a homophobic mob in 1983.
That nation that was la dee dah boasting to everyone about their "economic miracle ", how they'd finally " arrived "...puke...that loved Blair and ahern...don't fucking start me .:mad::mad:

Bunch of cunts
Think that boat left the dock a wee while ago.
Yes gay people weren't victimised or harassed at all. Tell that to Declan Flynn murdered by a homophobic mob in 1983.

By a bunch of cunts who'd single out anyone for anything , just for kicks . Who by their own admission beat up straight people too . Anyone who crossed their path in that park was a target .
But anyways this is largely a strawman argument thrown up by historically dyslexic idiots like the one above in their desperation to finally ..at long last...thumb their nose at an institution that has no social power anymore. And import a cultural and political Americanism for the sake of it . Paying no heed to the fact the political and media elite , a rotten clique with no values, sponsoring this thing now bend the knee to a different institution and take their cues from elsewhere these days . Anyone who thinks this isn't a tail being wagged by a foreign , powerful, neo liberal dog has their head up their hole .

This simply isn't about equal human rights , it's a false argument . The ECHR made that very clear in their ruling that gay marriage isn't a human right, and no state which refuses to import it is in any manner in breach of anyone's human rights . The ECHR aren't dominated by any bishops , they aren't homophobes either .

Are you fucking serious? A denial of equal civil rights to lgbt people is discriminatory and oppressive. Anyone who is against equal marriage is a homophobe. And who gives a flying fuck what the ECHR says anyway?
By a bunch of cunts who'd single out anyone for anything , just for kicks . Who by their own admission beat up straight people too . Anyone who crossed their path in that park was a target .

Are you really trying to argue that gay people weren't oppressed and discriminated against in a state were sex between men was only decriminalised in 1993? And that homophobic murder has nothing to do with homophobia?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Are you fucking serious? A denial of equal civil rights to lgbt people is discriminatory and oppressive. Anyone who is against equal marriage is a homophobe. And who gives a flying fuck what the ECHR says anyway?

All 47 members of the council of Europe , who implement its rulings within their own legal system .

It isn't a right , that's been established . It's an aspiration . You can't just turn it into a right on your own say so . It's no such thing .
Are you really trying to argue that gay people weren't oppressed and discriminated against in a state were sex between men was only decriminalised in 1993? And that homophobic murder has nothing to do with homophobia?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

No..go and read the interview they gave . They were a bunch of thieves and bullies . There certainly weren't catholic mobs prowling the country looking for gay people to kill like you're trying to make out .
All 47 members of the council of Europe , who implement its rulings within their own legal system .

It isn't a right , that's been established . It's an aspiration . You can't just turn it into a right on your own say so . It's no such thing .

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Why would you care whether the ECHR describes something as a "right", or whether any particular capitalist state does? Aren't you supposed to be a socialist of some sort?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Why would you care whether the ECHR describes something as a "right", or whether any particular capitalist state does? Aren't you supposed to be a socialist of some sort?

Oh , so I'm a socialist which means I can just run about making up human rights willy nilly ?

Are you one ?
Oh , so I'm a socialist which means I can just run about making up human rights willy nilly ?

Are you one ?

Who cares what some bourgeois institution says is a "human right"? That's an entirely liberal framework. Whether the ECHR defines something as a "right" is of approximately the same level of interest to me as whether or not the UN security council has authorised some imperialist war or not. Which is to say, no interest at all. I'm opposed to discrimination against lgbt people and every other oppressed minority. Anyone who isn't is a bigot.

Let's just clarify this here: Are you against equal marriage and on what grounds?
Who cares what some bourgeois institution says is a "human right"? That's an entirely liberal framework. Whether the ECHR defines something as a "right" is of approximately the same level of interest to me as whether or not the UN security council has authorised some imperialist war or not. Which is to say, no interest at all. I'm opposed to discrimination against lgbt people and every other oppressed minority. Anyone who isn't is a bigot.

Let's just clarify this here: Are you against equal marriage and on what grounds?

But your arguing for a bourgeois capitalist state to introduce neo liberal legislation into its legal framework on a social institution Karl Marx demanded be abolished ? Why ?

What interests or disinterests you simply isn't the issue . The rest of us have to live under these laws . And our actual rights are defined within them .
But your arguing for a bourgeois capitalist state to introduce neo liberal legislation into its legal framework on a social institution Karl Marx demanded be abolished ? Why ?

What interests or disinterests you simply isn't the issue . The rest of us have to live under these laws . And our actual rights are defined within them .

The first part of your post is too stupid to engage with. The second simply raises the question of how exactly you believe allowing lgbt people to marry will negatively effect the rest of us who "have to live under these laws"?

And you conspicuously didn't answer my question. Here it is again: Are you against equal marriage and on what grounds?
I had no idea that gay sex has only been legal since 1993 in Ireland, that's a fact that is depressing but also encouraging in some ways. 20 years from the legalisation of gay sex to gay marriage, amazing progress.
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