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Irish equal marriage referendum

The good news of course is that the people of Ireland have heard what the catholic church had to say about marriage equality, and then they've ignored it and done the right thing instead.

That is good, and a lot of those will be Catholics, but regardless of that I don't think conflating the crimes of the Church and the opinions of individuals who voted no is helpful here.
That is good, and a lot of those will be Catholics, but regardless of that I don't think conflating the crimes of the Church and the opinions of individuals who voted no is helpful here.

Probably not.

I apologise for any offence caused. There was perhaps a genuine point to be made there but I didn't make it at all well.
How do you engage with people who get their views on marriage, love and family from a religion-themed paedophilia facilitation group run by people who aren't allowed marriage, love or family?

Catholics eh? Bunch of paedo cunts the lot of 'em. All 1.2 Billion of them.

And dont even start me on them Muslims with their Muslamic ray-guns... all 1.5 Billion of them with their beheadings and raping white girls... or as for the Jews... :mad::mad::mad:

You sound like the edl.

... And a dick.
That is good, and a lot of those will be Catholics, but regardless of that I don't think conflating the crimes of the Church and the opinions of individuals who voted no is helpful here.

But it makes Frank feel superior. Fuck off you with your pesky facts. They have no place here.
Catholics eh? Bunch of paedo cunts the lot of 'em. All 1.2 Billion of them.

The catholic church is not the same thing as all catholics. The catholic church opposed marriage equality, the largely catholic Irish public voted in favour of it. See how they're different things?
Yes. I see it very clearly.

You are the one apparently struggling to separate the two. As your post above clearly shows.

Can you tell me how...
How do you engage with people who get their views on marriage, love and family from a religion-themed paedophilia facilitation group run by people who aren't allowed marriage, love or family?

refers only to 'The catholic church' and not to Catholics in general?
You don't need to lecture me on the sexual abuse of children by clergy. The Pope's 1979 visit to england was my first of being physically threatened by a grown man for voicing my views on the matter.

That does not alter or excuse your clumsy, lazy conflation of Catholics and The Church above. Nor is it the first time you have done it.

It's just the usual lazy leftie wank that - instead of separating the wheat from the chaff - serves to push people back into the comforting arms of those you profess to oppose.
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Well if I've offended opponents of marriage equality, frankly I don't care because fuck them and their hurt feelings.

Beyond that I have acknowledged my mistake and apologised already. Clumsy and lazy I'll give you but I never meant to tar all catholics with the same brush. There is a reason I don't work for any political campaigns: I am what the Irish would call a 'gobshite'.
Because only the former is notorious worldwide for child abuse?

Except only a very tiny minority of priests were involved in it . 99.9 percent of them weren't . Abuse victims are infinitely more likely to be preyed upon by a close relative or a family friend . Their crime was to cover it up and protect their institution at the expense of victims . Just like all sorts of other institutions did . Such as schools, governments, political parties, sporting organisations, Mosques, synagogues, Protestant churches, police forces and intelligence agencies, the BBC .

This trope is just as tired , and offensive, as the self exploding Muslim .
Except only a very tiny minority of priests were involved in it . 99.9 percent of them weren't . Abuse victims are infinitely more likely to be preyed upon by a close relative or a family friend . Their crime was to cover it up and protect their institution at the expense of victims . Just like all sorts of other institutions did . Such as schools, governments, political parties, sporting organisations, Mosques, synagogues, Protestant churches, police forces and intelligence agencies, the BBC .

This trope is just as tired , and offensive, as the self exploding Muslim .

I've got no axe to grind mate but I saw Deliver Us from Evil it said 10% of priests were abusing children in California. Also that the church repeatedly deceived and reappointed paedophile priests in other parishes. It also brought up something strange, because of the requirement for celibacy many abusers in the church viewed sexual abuse and rape of children as no more serious than if they had had sex with an adult. It amounted to the same thing to them and was was dealt with as such by their higher ups.

Have you seen it? What do you reckon?
Except only a very tiny minority of priests were involved in it . 99.9 percent of them weren't . Abuse victims are infinitely more likely to be preyed upon by a close relative or a family friend . Their crime was to cover it up and protect their institution at the expense of victims . Just like all sorts of other institutions did . Such as schools, governments, political parties, sporting organisations, Mosques, synagogues, Protestant churches, police forces and intelligence agencies, the BBC .

This trope is just as tired , and offensive, as the self exploding Muslim .

35,000 children were set to 250 Catholic "schools" over the course of 50 years, where widespread physical, and sexual abuse occurred. There was systematic campaign to hide and protect priests who abused children, moving them from parish to parish, where many continued to abuse children.

The level of "whataboutry" in your post is disgusting.

But no, the decision to allow gay marriage in Ireland is a "defeat for humanity" according to church.

As to the 99.9% claim. That is fucking bullshit that even the pope disagrees with you, he puts it at "1 in 50"
But this ain't a thread about that, this is a thread about a happy thing.

Happy ? You're forgetting the fact almost a million people in this small country voted against it . As well as the fact thanks to partition over a million and a half more didn't have the opportunity to vote at all . We can see from the absolutely toxic scenario that's arisen from that cake debacle in Belfast that this is going to get a lot worse . Especially when the inevitable happens and the homosexual groups in the free state start taking legal cases against churches discriminating against them . Because that's when the real hornets nest is going to be kicked . well and truly kicked, with all sorts of negative forces being let loose .
As a result of this bollocks we don't have a happier society , we have a very fractured one . Were before it was live and let live to a large extent .

It needs to be remembered that the very first bit of the " UK " to introduce civil partnerships for homosexuals was the 6 counties . There was hardly any fuss . Same in the south .

And as regards the catholic church campaigning against this, for the vast majority of the debate it remained ambivalent , almost totally silent . It knew well it had fucked about in previous referenda and decided to stay out of it to keep the usual tropes and dog whistles to a minimum . Only at the very last minute did it say anything , and almost immediately the opinion polls began to swing in their favour . But far too little and too late .

I await with bated breath all these faith haters and Marxists demanding these mockeries are blessed and solemnised in the presence of god . Fucking jokers.
35,000 children were set to 250 Catholic "schools" over the course of 50 years, where widespread physical, and sexual abuse occurred. There was systematic campaign to hide and protect priests who abused children, moving them from parish to parish, where many continued to abuse children.

The level of "whataboutry" in your post is disgusting.

But no, the decision to allow gay marriage in Ireland is a "defeat for humanity" according to church.

As to the 99.9% claim. That is fucking bullshit that even the pope disagrees with you, he puts it at "1 in 50"

So, 98 percent weren't paedophiles but it's alright to go around labelling everyone as paedophiles, and pedophile apologists . Huge exaggeration obviously . And I agree , it's a defeat for humanity . I'm not outraged at it . Im ashamed of it .
So, 98 percent weren't paedophiles but it's alright to go around labelling everyone as paedophiles, and pedophile apologists . Huge exaggeration obviously . And I agree , it's a defeat for humanity . I'm not outraged at it . I ashamed of it .

According to the pope
So, 98 percent weren't paedophiles

2% Would be a conservative estimate from the pope.

but it's alright to go around labelling everyone as paedophiles, and pedophile apologists . Huge exaggeration obviously .

No. Do you see anyone accusing every priest or nun of being a paedophile? That's a strawman and a pretty piss poor one.

Lot's of priests, the majority of them, did not carry out sexual abuse. But a significant number of them did. But what makes the matter so much worse, is the catholic church's hierarchy engaged in a systematic decades long campaign to protect and cover up these crimes, and in many cases this allowed these priests to continue to assault and violate more children.

At the same time the church was using women who's only crimes was to be pregnant, as slave labour, and then sold their babies to America, the ones that survived birth and early childhood that it.

And I agree , it's a defeat for humanity . I'm not outraged at it . Im ashamed of it .

Yes. Allowing people to come together to celebrate their love is a defeat for humanity. :facepalm:

Not to be confused with the shit recent horror film of the same name

That's one area of the united states .

And anyway don't be having a go at me about this . Especially with my families relationship to that institution . I've always been intensely proud of the fact that in the 1930s and 40s , at the height of their social power, no priest was ever allowed across the door of my IRA grandfathers house . On pain of physical violence . To call that a rarity is to understate it . As well as just as intensely angry of the repercussions after his death , and the persecution of my own father . Who as a kid had no idea what was going on .
My political opinions have always been on the basis of a quite strict French republican type ethos . Opposed to them being given control of schools or anything else . I'd always regretted the fact the IRA hadn't plugged a few back in the 1920s . It wasn't till my mid teens that the first priest ever stood in our house. And he only got let in due to the fact he'd done time for opposing the Vietnam war .
I'd severed my barely existent relationship with them back in nov 1987 , when they turned their chapels into recruiting centres for informants, whilst covering up their own crimes and searing victims to silence . Whereupon I got up and walked out, and never went back except for unavoidable formalities
. Id barely tolerated them and viewed the majority of them as arogant hypocrites and collaborators pretty much .And that's how it's been until relatively recently . With stuff even liamo isn't aware of .

But at the same time I've always believed there's a huge difference between a faith and a man made institution . And just like in my politics to differentiate between the man and the cause . Do I give up on socialism because of Beria and Stalin ? Do I give up on republicanism because of Adams and Donaldson ? Course not .

I can see from the replies to limerick reds post he's coming at this from a slightly similar, albeit not identical, position to me . He's seeing and experiencing the same thing I am in this rotten fucked up society everyone's smugly patting themselves on the back over . It'd take a fucking book to explain we're I'm coming from on this one, a thesis . And it'd be a waste of time anyway .
Irish man in complex relationship with the catholic church. In other news pope shits in the woods.
So, 98 percent weren't paedophiles but it's alright to go around labelling everyone as paedophiles, and pedophile apologists . Huge exaggeration obviously . And I agree , it's a defeat for humanity . I'm not outraged at it . Im ashamed of it .
A defeat for humanity?

Athos this needs your level of skill
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