This morning (10/11/04), BBC Radio Orwell News had the anchorperson almost pleading with Robin Cooke 'but we gotta do something!' about the 'insurgents' followed by a report from Radio Orwell's 'embedded' (censored) journo on the scene who described how sniper fire was met with tank rounds and how the leader of the Marines, “cigar clamped in mouth” strutted around the roof of a captured building, an image straight out of 'Apocalypse Now' as he surveyed the scene of his latest 'success'. Clearly a guy the Radio Orwell reporter, Paul Wood has a 'thing' for as it is the same one who claimed that, “The enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him”.
Satan however, also seems to have taken up residence in the body of a nine-year old boy who bled to death after having been hit by shrapnel (is this what the saying that 'God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform' means? Perhaps the cigar-chomping Colonel Brandl can enlighten us being as he seems to be on such intimate terms with the deity).
One tiny change has taken place as to how the Beeb's Radio Orwell reporting is described as we are now told (once) that “reporting restrictions apply” though not why or under what conditions the restrictions operate (on the BBC's Website it does actually say "military restrictions apply" but apparently radio listeners don't need to be told this). What it won't do is tell its listeners that reporting is actually CENSORED by the military authorities.
This then is democracy and the 'open society' in action and judging from the copies of letters sent to BBC Radio Orwell I'm receiving from quite a few of you good folks out there (and not just in the UK either) feel the same way. All power to you and keep on keeping on with bombarding the craven bunch that toe/tow the line for the Goebellian spinmeisters.
And it's not only the lies and deception that rankles, it's the wholesale omission of what's actually happening in Fallujah. So for example, not a single news report on the Beeb today (10/11/04) has actually referred even once to the scale of the civilian casualties. Yet the evidence is there (of course if you're 'embedded' with your pals viewing everything from the aggressor's position, then it's unlikely you'll ever see anything that disturbs the view that the destruction of Fallujah is being "reluctantly" carried out and all the 'insurgents' need do is not resist).
Coverage on the BBC's Website from its slew of 'embeds' reiterates the government line ad nauseum
“No-one has accounts of insurgent or civilian dead. It will be difficult to tell them apart.”
Quil Lawrence, 'embed'.
“The offensive has not been without cost. So far ten American troops and two Iraqi soldiers have been killed.”
Jennifer Glasse, 'embed'.
Clearly “costs” don't extend to the Iraqi people caught up in the assault.
“The mopping up operation will be lengthy and will not be easy.
“There is outgoing mortar fire from the company I am with. They are in that famous euphemism “softening up” the target before they go in.”
Paul Wood, 'embed'.
'Mopping up', 'softening up', the euphemisms for murder roll easily off the tongues of these 'embeds'.
Most insidious is the assumption by the BBC's coverage that the entire operation is as Paul Adams (non-embedded) tells us
“…part of a wider effort to set the stage for successful elections at the end of January. But for now Iraq's new leaders are seen by many as coalition puppets, a notion Operation Phantom Fury will not have dispelled.”
So “for now” Iraq's leaders are seen by many (the implication being the majority) as puppets yet the piece fails to mention that these puppets are the ones organising the election next year, so how exactly, will they cease to be puppets?
Most telling is the following observation by the 'embedded' Quil Lawrence who tells us
“…but they could not leave a part of the country totally under the control of insurgents, for reasons of morale…” [2]
So it's for morale that a city of 300,000 people has been destroyed and scores if not hundreds of people murdered. But whose morale? The occupation forces that's who. The state-run media's complicity is staggering. You'll listen in vain to the BBC for even a hint of the reality in Fallujah, ramming home once more what
embedded really means:
complicity in covering up war crimes and crimes against humanity by the American and British governments. Once more I implore you to bombard the Beeb with letters letting them know what you feel about their propaganda campaign on behalf BushBlair and their criminal gang of murderers!
Write to Paul Wood and let him know what you feel
[email protected]
Write to director of BBC news, Helen Boaden
[email protected]
If you care to share your thoughts with us, please email them me
[email protected] . Unless you tell me otherwise, I might publish them. If you do forward copies, please let me know.