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International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against MEN


I've been sent a press release for this, and thought it might be of interest:

Mike Buchanan, leader of the political party Justice for Men & Boys, cordially invites you to join him at the one-hour Zoom press conference on the inaugural International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men (IDEVAM), at 16:00 GMT on Friday, November 18. The link to join the conference is here. It’s being hosted in Washington DC. The panellists will consist of leading experts on domestic violence and partner abuse from the United States, United Kingdom, Romania, and India.

It’s long been known and reported by researchers that women are at least as likely as men to inflict violence against their opposite-sex partners. Indeed, the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (2013) with summaries of 1,700 peer-reviewed studies – PASK13 – reported that in the minority of heterosexual couples with domestic violence, where the violence was always uni-directional, the perpetrator was TWICE as likely to be the woman as the man.

The support available for male victims of domestic violence is scandalously poor in the UK, as it is globally. As a member of the Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance (DAVIA), it gives me great pleasure to promote the first International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men, on November 18.
DAVIA invites lawmakers, media representatives, and others to participate in IDEVAM events to be held in locations around the globe. The following have been accomplished:
Most events for the day will be held at the local level. In Bengal, India, for example, posters stating “Men Are Victims, Too” will be distributed to police stations in Kolkata (Calcutta).
The following day, November 19, will be International Men’s Day.
Domestic violence against men represents a hidden epidemic around the world. A compilation of 343 scholarly investigations concluded that “women are as physically aggressive as men (or more) in their relationships with their spouses or opposite-sex partners.” These studies were conducted on a broad range of racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups in 40 countries.

As reported by Ann Silvers, the recent trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard revealed that Heard was repeatedly abusive of Depp, both physically and psychologically. On one occasion, Heard hurled a glass at Depp, severing the end of his finger.
Mike Buchanan is an extremely dodgy "men's rights activist" whose press releases belong in the bin.

Mike Buchanan, the founder of the new English political party Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them), and of such campaigns as the Anti-Feminism League, and Men Shouldn’t Marry, compared England to a moving train that is relentlessly privileging women and girls over boys and men. It’s time, he said, for us to “lay a block on the rails and the train will stop.” The conference we were attending, he said, was without a doubt a landmark victory for men. The “enemies of boys and men's rights,” he added, “are going to have to get used to losing.”

J4MB denies the existence of a glass ceiling and argues that women are simply "less driven" and "naturally don’t put the effort in [to their careers] that a man would". It criticises the government for encouraging women to become involved in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine, claiming that it has left men who "favour these subjects for reasons of aptitude" unable to find work.

The party praises an anti-feminist blogger for making "accurate parallels between feminists and Nazis". It also attempts to redefine feminism, describing it as a belief system based on "conspiracy theories" such as the existence of the patriarchy, as well as other "fantasies, lies, delusions and myths".

And here is a description from one of their youtube videos, of an interview he gave to fucking GB News:

919 views Apr 24, 2022
My second interview with GB News, the only mainstream media channel willing to give us a platform (I've been on BBC TV and radio many times, but not for a few years now). The estimable Nigel Farage is a prominent face on the channel, so you know it's a good channel.

We've just changed the name of our political party from Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them) Justice for Men & Boys (2013-22) to the Children & Family Party Children & Family Party. All the men's and boys' issues we campaigned about since 2013 are in the new manifesto Manifesto.

If you enjoy laughing at feminists as much as we do, you might enjoy Laughing at Feminists Laughing at feminists.

I dont actually recommend watching the video itself but here it is anyway.

The name sounds familiar isn't this the guy who started a political party after his ex-wife stopped him seeing his kids?
The name sounds familiar isn't this the guy who started a political party after his ex-wife stopped him seeing his kids?

Not quite. This is from 2015:

When asked about the manifesto's emotional tone, Buchanan said: "It is emotional and it damn well should be. The idea that men are emotional automatons who can just take any amount of crap, well men do take a lot of crap but we aren’t emotionless.

"Had I been denied access to my children after my first divorce, I wouldn’t be speaking to you today, I’ve absolutely no doubt about that. Anyone who’s worked with fathers denied access to their children will know a number who’ve committed suicide."

Speaking passionately on the subject of fathers' rights, Buchanan said: "Men are stripped out of their families and become walking wallets because that suits the state. It’s a very well documented feminist objective of 40 years to destroy the nuclear family. You only need to go back to Germaine Greer’s book [The Female Eunuch, 1970] and women like Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt have been doing it ever since," he said. "Oh, God they hate men."

The Independent originally reported that Buchanan's two ex-wives supported him. We'd like to clarify that Buchanan's two children support him in his political endeavours, as he is not in touch with his wives.

The achievements of his party include changing their name in April 2022, and then deciding to change it back again in October 2022. But the Electoral Commission have asked them to drop the old strapline “(and the women who love them)”.

I hope to dedicate approximately 0 seconds of the rest of my life to thinking about these shits.
The UN proposal, “Intensification of Efforts to Eliminate All Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls” was analysed for bias and factual accuracy.
This bit immediately leaps out as dodge even if there was merit to doing something about their stated issues and he wasn't a known tosser (which was news to me).
not a bad concept in itself, i've been both battered and raped, and i have no doubt that the women who did that have no idea that they were/are a batterer and a rapist, becuase narrative. remember, it's not the sex of the perpetrator or the victim, it's the insantiation of any power differential or hierarchy at all that is the source of violence.
I've been sent a press release for this, and thought it might be of interest:

Mike Buchanan, leader of the political party Justice for Men & Boys, cordially invites you to join him at the one-hour Zoom press conference on the inaugural International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men (IDEVAM), at 16:00 GMT on Friday, November 18. The link to join the conference is here. It’s being hosted in Washington DC. The panellists will consist of leading experts on domestic violence and partner abuse from the United States, United Kingdom, Romania, and India.

It’s long been known and reported by researchers that women are at least as likely as men to inflict violence against their opposite-sex partners. Indeed, the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (2013) with summaries of 1,700 peer-reviewed studies – PASK13 – reported that in the minority of heterosexual couples with domestic violence, where the violence was always uni-directional, the perpetrator was TWICE as likely to be the woman as the man.

The support available for male victims of domestic violence is scandalously poor in the UK, as it is globally. As a member of the Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance (DAVIA), it gives me great pleasure to promote the first International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men, on November 18.
DAVIA invites lawmakers, media representatives, and others to participate in IDEVAM events to be held in locations around the globe. The following have been accomplished:
Most events for the day will be held at the local level. In Bengal, India, for example, posters stating “Men Are Victims, Too” will be distributed to police stations in Kolkata (Calcutta).
The following day, November 19, will be International Men’s Day.
Domestic violence against men represents a hidden epidemic around the world. A compilation of 343 scholarly investigations concluded that “women are as physically aggressive as men (or more) in their relationships with their spouses or opposite-sex partners.” These studies were conducted on a broad range of racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups in 40 countries.

As reported by Ann Silvers, the recent trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard revealed that Heard was repeatedly abusive of Depp, both physically and psychologically. On one occasion, Heard hurled a glass at Depp, severing the end of his finger.
Mike Buchanan can fuck the fuck off, the vile misogynistic cow-cunt. He's using a minority issue to yet again promote a belief that domestic violence against men is as prevalent as domestic violence against women. It isn't. Even correcting for under-reporting, for every 1 case of DVAM, there's >12 cases of DVAWG.
I wouldn't piss in that bastard's gob if his back teeth were ablaze.
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