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Indicating- can you resolve this debate for us please?

As a pedestrian I find most drivers seem to indicate as they are turning a corner rather than before the turning so you don't know they are turning in till they beep you & you point at their indicator and shout 'fucking indicate then'
I do shit myself when a lorry does it, but when a car does that I usually flash them in, or just hang back an let them in if there's obviously room. It seems to be a fairly well understood custom... maybe driving round the M60 at rush hour on the regular means you get more used to this kind of driving though?
It’s custom, yes. But it’s wrong. I care about being right, not what nobheads on the M60 do. Do you “optimistically indicate”? (And that’s a forgiving phrase for what’s essentially bullying in my book).
Fucking truck drivers who try to overtake each other when they are both limited to the same speed. Worse than Hitler. 😡
On a dual carriageway like the M42 too. That’s when you need helicopter attack ships coming up over the horizon to machine gun them out the way. Lorries shouldn’t even be allowed out of the slow Lane. It should be illegal.
Blame the logistics company they work for.
?? If the lorry in front of you is doing their max or close to their max speed and your lorry does the same does it make sense to try and get past that lorry?
Of course it doesn’t. Then you end up with two lorries side by side taking up two lanes. Dicks.
Where I live there's a couple of places (petrol station and supermarket) where their exit comes out onto a dual carriage way and maybe 50-100 metres before a roundabout. If I need to turn right there's very little space for me to wait, then signal, then manoeuvre, possibly twice. I signal to tell people I want to move over, and quite often it relies on people giving way. If I didn't signal they'd probably wonder why I've just stopped in the lane, and the drivers on the right would probably be annoyed that I wasn't letting them know where I wanted to go.

If you can wait for a space to signal eg on a not too busy motorway, no worries. But if not I think you should use your signal so people know what you want to do.
All these flashing lights and braking? What happened to maintaining a constant speed unless a suitable gap to change lanes presents itself?

On a busy motorway that would mean you were stuck behind the lorry for miles.

I've been driving for 51 years, must have driven half a million miles or more.
As a pedestrian I find most drivers seem to indicate as they are turning a corner rather than before the turning so you don't know they are turning in till they beep you & you point at their indicator and shout 'fucking indicate then'
Loads don’t even bother to indicate at all!
It's legitimate, but it depends.

Fundamentally indication is a demonstration of intent, it's useless as a demonstration of what you're already doing, you can already see where the car is going because you've got fucking eyes.

First of all, you panicking is to a fair extent on you. There's no certainty to this but it suggests to me that perhaps you don't have a good enough handle on what's going on and that your driving could be improved.

If you're driving to a high standard and with purpose (I don't mean aggressively) then this doesn't actually happen that often; you're leaving gaps big enough for someone to seamlessly integrate into (because we don't tailgate in the first place) and/or you're obviously overtaking whatever is on your left in which case there is very little ambiguity to confuse people.

You should generally continuously know whether it's safe to change lane to get out of the way of something emerging, and if you're totally surprised by someone, maybe you've done something a bit wrong yourself - hanging around close off their rear quarter instead of overtaking, and/or failing to observe them closing on a vehicle ahead of them and therefore developing a growing need to move. When someone does that to me and cluelessly blocks me in, I'm much less inclined to show absolute courtesy. The best drivers see this situation coming and unilaterally move out of the way before the other driver even asks.

As far as courtesy goes, I think indicating to show a request is completely fine if e.g. it is a three lane motorway and you as the person who'll have to do something are freely able to change lane or accelerate past out of the way. Just be nice and accommodate it.

It is poor behaviour if it would still introduce concern in the kind of good driver I described and especially if there were much better opportunities available shortly before had they planned ahead a bit more. If they're too inattentive or rude to find that moment to integrate, that's on them.

All that said, someone who regularly uses indication as a plea to be let out and can't do it without assistance is shit at planning. They're also impossible to differentiate from people who've obliviously left their indicator on with no intention of moving, which happens a lot.
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On a busy motorway that would mean you were stuck behind the lorry for miles.

I've been driving for 51 years, must have driven half a million miles or more.

No it wouldn't, there's always a gap before too long. Anwyay if you were in that much of a hurry you would have planned ahead and not tucked in behind a lorry in the first place.
It’s custom, yes. But it’s wrong. I care about being right, not what nobheads on the M60 do. Do you “optimistically indicate”? (And that’s a forgiving phrase for what’s essentially bullying in my book).

By doing what you feel is 'right' (even if you are following the HC) when this is not observed by other road users is dangerous.

The driver who is out of the pattern is the one who causes the accident. I've been taught defensive driving, and conforming to the pattern is a large part of that.

If the urban traffic stream is doing 38, would you try and drive at 30?
No it wouldn't, there's always a gap before too long. Anwyay if you were in that much of a hurry you would have planned ahead and not tucked in behind a lorry in the first place.

How much driving have you actually done? It has nothing to with hurry.

Oh, and as a supposedly safe Highway Code observing driver, I'm surprised that you are unaware that on a motorway, unless overtaking, you should be in the inside lane. You know, the one where the lorries tend to be. :)

The standard of driving nowadays is appalling.
How much driving have you actually done? It has nothing to with hurry.

Enough to know not to brake and flash my lights every time someone signals in front of me on a motorway. Maybe that was common practice in the 1960s but motorways were new to everyone then.
Where I live there's a couple of places (petrol station and supermarket) where their exit comes out onto a dual carriage way and maybe 50-100 metres before a roundabout. If I need to turn right there's very little space for me to wait, then signal, then manoeuvre, possibly twice. I signal to tell people I want to move over, and quite often it relies on people giving way. If I didn't signal they'd probably wonder why I've just stopped in the lane, and the drivers on the right would probably be annoyed that I wasn't letting them know where I wanted to go.

If you can wait for a space to signal eg on a not too busy motorway, no worries. But if not I think you should use your signal so people know what you want to do.
Someone should do a thread about whether you should always indicate, that's a good one to summon the angry zealots.

Oh yeah and anyone who, on their own, touches the brake pedal on a motorway should have to justify their actions in a People's Court.
Not that I drive any more but if I came up behind a slower moving vehicle I'd slow down and wait until there's a gap outside me before indicating. The exception would be if there was the possibility of some danger, for example if there's a sliproad coming onto the motorway where cars were liable to pull out to join the traffic.
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