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If BoJo had died of Covid would things be different today?

Given his cabinet, there's a strong possibility it could have been worse. Not sure furlough would have continued for as long as it did, or the very belated lockdown of January 2021 may not have happened until NHS/education system collapse, with Sunak or similar in charge. It does really pain me to say that.
Yes but without having experienced this outcome it is hard to talk about the details.

I am prepared to guess that the shitheads of the pandemic and their right-wing delusions would eventually have reached the point where they demanded a return to relative normality because 'its what Boris would have wanted'.
Surprising lack of big name deaths from Covid

What sort of names did you have in mind?

Its not surprising to me at all. Plenty of minor celebrities died, especially those of a certain age or with certain health conditions. Some died without the covid aspect being mentioned. Globally a number of leaders died. But also the burden of this disease is slanted towards poorer people with worse and less timely access to healthcare. We dont know enough about what treatment Johnson got or quite how close to death he was to use as an example, but it probably was one.
What sort of names did you have in mind?

Its not surprising to me at all. Plenty of minor celebrities died, especially those of a certain age or with certain health conditions. Some died without the covid aspect being mentioned. Globally a number of leaders died. But also the burden of this disease is slanted towards poorer people with worse and less timely access to healthcare. We dont know enough about what treatment Johnson got or quite how close to death he was to use as an example, but it probably was one.
the only treatment he needed could have been provided with a pillow and after ninety seconds (or so) the world would have been a better place

an artist's impression of what should have happened
It was bad enough with St. David of Southend. Just imagine how much everyone would realise how much they loved him: absurd eulogies ago-go and dozens of weeping blond offspring following his hearse to the inevitable State Funeral at Westminster Abbey. They'd restart that bridge and name it after him and High Speed 2 would become High Speed Boris.
It was bad enough with St. David of Southend. Just imagine how much everyone would realise how much they loved him: absurd eulogies ago-go and dozens of weeping blond offspring following his hearse to the inevitable State Funeral at Westminster Abbey. They'd restart that bridge and name it after him and High Speed 2 would become High Speed Boris.

But that would have lead to some great Tanoy announcements when leafs got on the line in 2042.

We regret to announce that the BoJo Loco is on go slow- oh no.
What leaders died of covid, elbows?

A few examples:

No I don't think so, there would probably be some minor differences but fundamentally we would basically be where we are now.
The Boris Express from London St Pancras to Paris Gare du Nord will shortly be departing from platform 5.
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I think the replacement PM would have worn a mask in Parliament and when sat next to David Attenborough. But whoever it was would have been a more focused, harder working right-winger, so we'd probably have had more ruthless policies.
I wonder if less people would have died because both the government and people in general would have taken it more seriously.
I suppose the anti-vaxxers would have had to adjust their government conspiracy story. Perhaps they'd say that his death was a lie and he was living in a secret luxury terrarium.
God that's a difficult question, I honestly can't decide and don't really wish death on anyone, I'm not that vindictive

Double edit, I think on balance things would be worse if he had popped his cloggs, he'd get the hero treatment and the rest of the current bunch though some very marginally lower on the soil-less scum scale probably still couldnt give a shit about thousands of commoners dying.

I think what I want is for him to be held accountable and incarcerated in a filthy cold dungeon for the rest of his wretched life with free public access to a hatch above his cell from where anyone can piss and shit on him for free

ETA. The queue would be a problem of course, I'll be at the front
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