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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Dunno why but it's way of a flourish...... :oops:

  1. lacking flavour; weak or tasteless.
    "mugs of insipid coffee"
    synonyms: tasteless, flavourless, unflavoured, savourless, bland, weak, thin,watery, watered-down, unappetizing, unpalatable; More
.....presumably these are the same people referred to in initial reports - described as holding migration documentation iirc - that were then superceded by the "we have no leads" statement...the latter is looking rather more like crisis management PR.....strikes me if the police have no leads on these gangs which are clearly established & known about then they need to up their game to put it mildly ...

Five suspects have been identified: A 20-year-old Syrian, two Moroccans, aged 21 and 22 years and two Algerians, 22 and 24. The police found them with two stolen mobile phones.

Girlfriend Melanie interjects: "Life is for women not sure there are organized gangs on the streets.."

"Frauen sind hier nicht mehr sicher"
Dunno why but it's way of a flourish...... :oops:

  1. lacking flavour; weak or tasteless.
    "mugs of insipid coffee"
    synonyms: tasteless, flavourless, unflavoured, savourless, bland, weak, thin,watery, watered-down, unappetizing, unpalatable; More
yeh i know what it means, i feel that while the events under discussion may be tasteless, they're certainly not bland - they may be unappetizing and unpalatable but they're not watery or lacking vigour or interest.
there are of course rare occasions in which firework throwing is a consensual activity
I was in Amsterdam on new years eve once - a firework throwing spectacular with children walking around looking completely unfazed!

Same in Paris on Bastille Day in 1989 - I wouldn't like to do that again!

Actually this video gives you a much better idea of what the intimidatory atmosphere was like right outside the railway station. It must have been extremely frightening for anyone caught up in it .Sorry for the dodgy websites advertised at the very end , couldn't find another .


More here. Police response looked to be utterly pathetic . Tiny presence .

Some of the attackers in that video will be quite easy to identify, some maybe not.

btw, for people who may have come from war zones, they don't seem too traumatised by explosions, etc. A fair few look quite middle class as well, the entitled ones..
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The question for me is what precipitated these, apparently concerted, attacks?

I can't remember hearing of anything like this before in Germany or anywhere else at all at any point in time.

Clearly folk will draw correlations with the influx of migrants who would, broadly, match the description of the attackers but it is equally clear that is too early to do so.

However, the idea that traumatised, grateful migrants might have some sort of moral or practical inhibition toward assault of any kind is quite frankly bizarre from my point of view
Girlfriend Melanie interjects: "Life is for women not sure there are organized gangs on the streets.."

"Frauen sind hier nicht mehr sicher"

If I may.. ;) Melanie was saying that women have long felt unsafe walking alone on the streets, particularly around the central station, which is where organised gangs operate.
In the next sentence, she says that whilst the mass attacks on NYE are unprecedented, what she's most frightened of now is how this will play directly into the hands of the far right parties..
('Melanie hat "große Angst davor, dass die rechten Parteien das jetzt instrumentalisieren. Ich fürchte Schlimmes."
But once the victims have been considered, and there will be lots, many had their clothes ripped off, etc, it won't be these scumbags who ultimately suffer, it will the refugee families who I imagine were mostly soundly asleep at 12 AM on NYE or soothing their kids afraid of the bangs.
If I may.. ;) Melanie was saying that women have long felt unsafe walking alone on the streets, particularly around the central station, which is where organised gangs operate.
In the next sentence, she says that whilst the mass attacks on NYE are unprecedented, what she's most frightened of now is how this will play directly into the hands of the far right parties..
('Melanie hat "große Angst davor, dass die rechten Parteien das jetzt instrumentalisieren. Ich fürchte Schlimmes."

Train stations are often pretty sketchy places but I've noticed that a lot of German ones do seem to be pretty bad. I've been to Cologne a few times and there is a lot of dealing and prostitution going on around the station area. Not a great place to be after dark.
The question for me is what precipitated these, apparently concerted, attacks?

I can't remember hearing of anything like this before in Germany or anywhere else at all at any point in time

Unfortunately I don't think this is as unprecedented as all that. Not to minimise the horror of what happened but have a look at 'eve teasing' for instance, which is the cosy name for sexual assault carried out by groups of men not individuals alone.
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Train stations are often pretty sketchy places but I've noticed that a lot of German ones do seem to be pretty bad. I've been to Cologne a few times and there is a lot of dealing and prostitution going on around the station area. Not a great place to be after dark.
when i visited cologne in '89 i remember the station area wasn't that nice so it's no surprise it seems to have got worse.
The question for me is what precipitated these, apparently concerted, attacks?

I can't remember hearing of anything like this before in Germany or anywhere else at all at any point in time.

Clearly folk will draw correlations with the influx of migrants who would, broadly, match the description of the attackers but it is equally clear that is too early to do so.

However, the idea that traumatised, grateful migrants might have some sort of moral or practical inhibition toward assault of any kind is quite frankly bizarre from my point of view
I know you're having a dreadful time of it, but for fucks sake, you dont help yerself. Maybe just stick to the threads your unlikely to draw a punch on, eh.
These refugees shouldn't be coming to Europe. Most of them refuse help, if not in the form of money. They can create chaos during nights, because of their large numbers, as they do. The ugly truth is that this entire 'campaign' was intentionally created and keeps going. The people who really need help are the ones already living there, where ever you are. Call what ever you feel like, but that's what I believe the ugly truth is.
Let me stay on topic and say that assaults like these will keep happening. Police won't be able to do much about it.
These refugees shouldn't be coming to Europe. Most of them refuse help, if not in the form of money. They can create chaos during nights, because of their large numbers, as they do. The ugly truth is that this entire 'campaign' was intentionally created and keeps going. The people who really need help are the ones already living there, where ever you are. Call what ever you feel like, but that's what I believe the ugly truth is.
Let me stay on topic and say that assaults like these will keep happening. Police won't be able to do much about it.
The only ugliness round here is you. You ignorant fuck spud
These refugees shouldn't be coming to Europe. Most of them refuse help, if not in the form of money. They can create chaos during nights, because of their large numbers, as they do. The ugly truth is that this entire 'campaign' was intentionally created and keeps going. The people who really need help are the ones already living there, where ever you are. Call what ever you feel like, but that's what I believe the ugly truth is.
Let me stay on topic and say that assaults like these will keep happening. Police won't be able to do much about it.
thank you for your call. now, kevin from grimsby on why strictly come dancing's such a success.
These refugees shouldn't be coming to Europe.
where should they go? the middle east is burning. you've got millions of people in transit throughout europe fleeing death and slavery, many of them stateless. You can't 'not my problem' that out of existence. They have nowhere else. They spent all their money to get to europe. So now what? fuck em?
These refugees shouldn't be coming to Europe. Most of them refuse help, if not in the form of money. They can create chaos during nights, because of their large numbers, as they do. The ugly truth is that this entire 'campaign' was intentionally created and keeps going. The people who really need help are the ones already living there, where ever you are. Call what ever you feel like, but that's what I believe the ugly truth is.
Let me stay on topic and say that assaults like these will keep happening. Police won't be able to do much about it.

Perhaps you might stop pretending to be billy big balls for once and wind your neck in.

I bet that you are never and never have been anywhere near as brave at anytime as when in front of your keyboard.
you know how this goes, you give it the large and then you end up looking like a bit of a plonker. let's see if you can avoid this familiar sequence of events - why not step away from the computer and go and do something else?
In factual news, the arrested men - implied to be refugees - mentioned in many earlier stories appear to have evaporated. Police saying no arrests have been made in relation to the assaults: Officials warn against linking police search for 1,000 men after mass sexual assault to refugees
Yep. That is a bit odd (after those reports of several arrests) "the city's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said no arrests had yet been made over the New Year's Eve attacks."We don't currently have any suspects, so we don't know who the perpetrators were," he said.
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