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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

tell you what, why not reread the thread looking in particular on this page for bluescreen's contributions.
Yep. I did re-read that article twice looking for what CR has said.
CR said about the mayor "She's referred in her statement to these sexual assaults as " celebratory behaviour " and " sexual frankness ".
As far as I can tell this is not the case. At least that is not what bluescreen's article quotes her as saying. That's why I was asking CR if he had another source.
Yep. I did re-read that article twice looking for what CR has said.
CR said about the mayor "She's referred in her statement to these sexual assaults as " celebratory behaviour " and " sexual frankness ".
As far as I can tell this is not the case. At least that is not what bluescreen's article quotes her as saying. That's why I was asking CR if he had another source.
why not try that search engine google? i hope that's not going to be a search too far for you.
why not try that search engine google? i hope that's not going to be a search too far for you.
I'm a bit baffled why you've taken such a dislike to me that you're jumping around to defend Casually Red from my question to him.. I was just asking him whether the mayor of Cologne actually called these attacks "celebratory behaviour", that's all. :confused:
I'm a bit baffled why you've taken such a dislike to me that you're jumping around to defend Casually Red from my question to him.. I was just suggesting that the mayor of Cologne did not actually call these attacks "celebratory behaviour", that's all. :confused:
it's the refusal to seek these things out - nowhere have i "defended" (or attacked) cr on this matter.
it's the refusal to seek these things out - nowhere have i "defended" (or attacked) cr on this matter.
I think you're being a bit unfair there. Google is my friend, for instance - on this particular thing, where CR has I think just misquoted bluescreen's link)
Just in ref to the 'racial profiling' thing, it looks like a lot of people have been claiming that there was resistance to mentioning the appearance of the attackers for just the concerns raised in this thread & worries about playing into the hands of far right led to media being resistant to covering the story at all, as well as appealing for witnesses.

This is in German but there are other sources too, just this seems the least dodgy.
Sexuelle Übergriffe in Köln: "Die Medien haben versagt"

This one's worse but in English
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
.. Anyway, bit of a derail.

EDit: She has made a statement making it 100% clear that she does not characterise what happened as high spirits / celebratory behaviour, or some sort of cultural misunderstanding. Stadt Köln und Polizei ziehen Konsequenzen aus Übergriffen in der Neujahrsnacht
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How about here? Is the poster being racist?

"that's what happens when you allow in thousands of young men from muslim countries who don't know how to interact decently with women."

Or here?

"It's not bigoted to be disgusted by these animals attacking women.

And you want more and more of them to be allowed to roam freely throughout Europe."

Why are you asking me about what someone has said on some other forum??:confused:
They were not refusing to seek things out, they were asking questions ffs!

Or should we all stop posting on here altogether and just go read what we can find on Google?

What is up with you Pickmans?

thank you! I am cheered up.:)
They were not refusing to seek things out, they were asking questions ffs!

Or should we all stop posting on here altogether and just go read what we can find on Google?

What is up with you Pickmans?
yeh. bimble was asking whether the mayor of cologne had in fact said stuff about "sexual frankness" and "celebratory behaviour": which a quick bit of research would have revealed was the case although arguably taken a mite out of context by cr. turning to your question about reading stuff on google, what makes urban so special is that people write stuff and don't simply read it elsewhere. as for what is up with me, sadly nothing is or i'd be at home instead of at work.
yeh. bimble was asking whether the mayor of cologne had in fact said stuff about "sexual frankness" and "celebratory behaviour": which a quick bit of research would have revealed was the case although arguably taken a mite out of context by cr. turning to your question about reading stuff on google, what makes urban so special is that people write stuff and don't simply read it elsewhere. as for what is up with me, sadly nothing is or i'd be at home instead of at work.

It's getting a tad boring now but no, I was asking a particular question. I was asking why CR had said "She's referred in her statement to these sexual assaults as " celebratory behaviour ". Which she hasn't.
It's getting a tad boring now but no, I was asking a particular question. I was asking why CR had said "She's referred in her statement to these sexual assaults as " celebratory behaviour ". Which she hasn't.
yes, i know you were asking a particular question:
Not saying you're wrong CR, about her (mayor of Cologne) but can you post up a link to her making those statements please?
yes, she said the words "sexual frankness" and "celebratory behaviour" but as i said above cr arguably took these a mite out of context.
yeh. bimble was asking whether the mayor of cologne had in fact said stuff about "sexual frankness" and "celebratory behaviour": which a quick bit of research would have revealed was the case although arguably taken a mite out of context by cr. turning to your question about reading stuff on google, what makes urban so special is that people write stuff and don't simply read it elsewhere. as for what is up with me, sadly nothing is or i'd be at home instead of at work.

What your saying is fair but the way you say things often comes over (whether intended or not) as mean and (for me anyway) detracts from what is being discussed as it makes me feel so frustrated and cross with you :D :oops:
What your saying is fair but the way you say things often comes over (whether intended or not) as mean and (for me anyway) detracts from what is being discussed as it makes me feel so frustrated and cross with you :D :oops:
thank you. that makes it all worthwhile :)
Can't find an answer to it but just a slightly interesting question.. I think it's likely that the word that article translates for us into 'celebratory behaviour' may have been Übermütigkeit. Which is one of those that there's no real equivalent for, but it has negative meaning in German, of something out of control, not festive in a good way.
fuckwits in somebody elses country thinking they can get away with anything quell suprise:(.
Add the whole women out on the street after dark without a man not dressed in a tent obviously a whore asking for it etc culture:facepalm:.
Add alcohol which this scum wont be used to
And Very bad things are going to happen.
See the libyan troops in the UK one of which was trying to claim assylum on the grounds bad things would happen to him when he got home :rolleyes::facepalm:

Mind you the German police are going to harsh but fair but mostly very harsh:D.
A lot of innocent people are going to hurt by the actions of this scum though
fuckwits in somebody elses country thinking they can get away with anything quell suprise:(.
Add the whole women out on the street after dark without a man not dressed in a tent obviously a whore asking for it etc culture:facepalm:.
Add alcohol which this scum wont be used to
And Very bad things are going to happen.
See the libyan troops in the UK one of which was trying to claim assylum on the grounds bad things would happen to him when he got home :rolleyes::facepalm:

Mind you the German police are going to harsh but fair but mostly very harsh:D.
A lot of innocent people are going to hurt by the actions of this scum though
what i like about your contributions is the way you pile assumption and imagination into a tissue of invention with scant relation to the real world.
Men assaulting Women Totally Unacceptable Full Stop.
I'm getting fed up of this creeping insipid bullshit against Women seeming to be yet again on the rise.
We're going backwards in terms of mutual respect and it's fucking out of order.
fuckwits in somebody elses country thinking they can get away with anything quell suprise:(.
Add the whole women out on the street after dark without a man not dressed in a tent obviously a whore asking for it etc culture:facepalm:.
Add alcohol which this scum wont be used to
And Very bad things are going to happen.
See the libyan troops in the UK one of which was trying to claim assylum on the grounds bad things would happen to him when he got home :rolleyes::facepalm:

Mind you the German police are going to harsh but fair but mostly very harsh:D.
A lot of innocent people are going to hurt by the actions of this scum though
I think you've managed to annoy just about everyone with one post!

Good work. :D
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