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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

I have clearly and repeatedly not ascribed it solely to Islam. As you must know.
yes. i can read, you know. i have said it had nothing to do with islam.

There are many places in the world where staggering levels of sexual violence are being routinely inflicted by men upon women – South Africa, India, and on, and shamefully on.
trans: blah blah blah

But you tell me: what is it (apart from their sex) that distinguishes the collective relationship of ‘abusers’ and ‘abused’, of ‘rapists’ and ‘raped’, in the cases reported from Cologne, from Rotheram & Rochdale, and from within the territories of the Islamic State?
could you elaborate on what you mean by "the cases"? the cases of what? do you mean 'all rape cases'? do you mean cases of familial abuse and rape, like fred and rose west? do you mean cases of abuse and rape by men like sir jimmy savile obe kcsg? what?
Over what period of time has that happened in Cairo? :(

I was first there from about 1990. The change really started back in the 70s. President Sadat unshackled (often literally) the Islamists in the hope that they would counter the Leftists, whom he considered his main challengers at the time. The Islamists were allowed a free hand in the universities, trade associations, cultural sphere, etc. They pretty soon liquidated the Left - and then Sadat himself.
I was first there from about 1990. The change really started back in the 70s. President Sadat unshackled (often literally) the Islamists in the hope that they would counter the Leftists, whom he considered his main challengers at the time. The Islamists were allowed a free hand in the universities, trade associations, cultural sphere, etc. They pretty soon liquidated the Left - and then Sadat himself.

This, and earlier attempts to use Islamists against the left and trade unionists in Egypt, is covered in Mark Curtis' Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam. Really recommended reading.
Please don't make Thomsy give up and go into hiding again for five years Pickman's model ?

I'm a bit "wtf" about consent classes, but I don't think that they proceed from an assumption that all men are barbarians. IMO the reason for them is much more quotidian and capitalist - to indemnify universities somewhat against suits from women raped on-campus - a problem in the UK, and a big problem in the US.

Ok. You win the cynic of the day award. :)
Was bringing up consent classes because .. I'm trying to be brave enough to admit that I haven't got a better idea so that's my best one:
Compulsory classes in Consent - and women's rights - and the history of feminism - and the law as it bears on these issues - compulsory several days of classes for ALL people newly arrived. And all those at secondary school.

There are many places in the world where staggering levels of sexual violence are being routinely inflicted by men upon women – South Africa, India, and on, and shamefully on.
But you tell me: what is it (apart from their sex) that distinguishes the collective relationship of ‘abusers’ and ‘abused’, of ‘rapists’ and ‘raped’, in the cases reported from Cologne, from Rotheram & Rochdale, and from within the territories of the Islamic State?

If you want to insist on Islam as the main thing here then maybe you should've taken care to forget to include India SA etc.

Because by including them you help illustrate how perhaps it is not about any particular religious text it's about something else, like a social moral political system that does not quite see women as people . Which again begs the question, why you chose to focus in on Islamic texts and Islamic militants' use of them.
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This, and earlier attempts to use Islamists against the left and trade unionists in Egypt, is covered in Mark Curtis' Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam. Really recommended reading.

I've never read that. But I will look it out.
If I can offer by return: Assef Bayat, Workers and Revolution in Iran. It's brilliant on the way the Ayatollahs took over the factories and destroyed the workers' movement.
You may have noticed that I answered the questions later when I thought the people asking were honestly interested.
PS. Do you always swear when you lose?
and i've not lost, the argument you're proposing is so devoid of merit i am surprised you seem not to see how risible it is.
yes. i can read, you know. i have said it had nothing to do with islam.

trans: blah blah blah

could you elaborate on what you mean by "the cases"? the cases of what? do you mean 'all rape cases'? do you mean cases of familial abuse and rape, like fred and rose west? do you mean cases of abuse and rape by men like sir jimmy savile obe kcsg? what?
Thomsy *taps watch*
You should've taken care to forget to include India SA etc maybe if you want to insist on Islam as the main thing here ?
Because by including them you help illustrate how perhaps it is not about any particular religious text it's about something else, like a social moral political system that does not quite see women as people . Which again begs the question, why you chose to focus in on Islamic texts and Islamic militants' use of them.\

No Bimble, you miss my point. I'm saying there are horrible examples everywhere - driven by various factors. (Sorry, could I be any vaguer!)
What distinguished the incidents in Cologne, northern English cities, and the Caliphate is the targeting of a cultural other. There are various factors even regarding that. Islam's doctrinal attitude to non-Muslims is central to those. The Fatwa (I think you posted the ref) legitimizing the rape by Sunnis of Shia captives only emphasizes the point. The militant Sunnis have denounced the Shia as murtad - apostates, no longer Muslims. As such they are beyond the law. They are potential booty.
They did this shit because its accepted back " home" and the police werent ready for it and paniced didnt have the heavy mob ready and worried about getting whacky stick happy on a bunch of brown scum would look bad in the media.
They did this shit because its accepted back " home" and the police werent ready for it and paniced didnt have the heavy mob ready and worried about getting whacky stick happy on a bunch of brown scum would look bad in the media.
from what i'm told similar scenes have been known in grimsby, you're barking up the racist tree here when this isn't a uniquely me phenomenon
Thomsy said; "No Bimble, you miss my point. I'm saying there are horrible examples everywhere - driven by various factors."

yep. agreed.

Thomsy said" What distinguished the incidents in Cologne, northern English cities, and the Caliphate is the targeting of a cultural other."

ok. But then.. what about Tahrir Square?
I really do think that is relevant here, because it seems the same thing happened.
And not just to the blonde journalist, to hundreds of women, at the same time in a public place, both veiled and unveiled. (And now we're agreeing to ignore India's gang rape issue etc.)

So.. could the 'cultural other' thing be firstly and primarily about women ?
Thomsy said; "No Bimble, you miss my point. I'm saying there are horrible examples everywhere - driven by various factors."

yep. :)

Thomsy said" What distinguished the incidents in Cologne, northern English cities, and the Caliphate is the targeting of a cultural other."

ok. But then, what about Tahrir Square?? I really do think that is relevant here, because it seems the same thing happened. And not just to the blonde journalist, to hundreds of women, at the same time in a public place, both veiled and unveiled.
Or.. could the 'cultural other' thing be firstly and primarily about women ?
if there really is this law then yyou'd have supposed the muslim states in spain or sicily for example would have been bloody places indeed. but unless Thomsy knows better ii am not sure there is a bloody histody from mecca to tours of centuries of rape by muslims, which you'd expect if these mass rape activities are as he claims so central to islam.
we're wsiting for Thomsy to put together a decent argument so you'll be waiting months not minutes
No come on, where's your bile, I'm being totally racist here, with my suggestion. I'm like totally playing into the skinhead narrative, like literally tarring them all with the same brush, I'm Nigel Farage and you claim your £5 etc.
No come on, where's your bile, I'm being totally racist here, with my suggestion. I'm like totally playing into the skinhead narrative, like literally tarring them all with the same brush, etc.
i think..it is important that among others scions of the ruling and middle classes take such lessons; when i was first at university i was aware of a number of on-campus rape cases of which the austen donnellan one at kcl is only differentiated by its fame.
i think..it is important that among others scions of the ruling and middle classes take such lessons; when i was first at university i was aware of a number of on-campus rape cases of which the austen donnellan one at kcl is only differentiated by its fame.

I did say, also at every primary school. So yes.
Even this guy.
Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 08.32.18.png

But.. I'm suggesting it should be a key component of (for instance ) the 'life in the uk' citizenship classes.
That's racist, surely?
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if there really is this law then yyou'd have supposed the muslim states in spain or sicily for example would have been bloody places indeed. but unless Thomsy knows better ii am not sure there is a bloody histody from mecca to tours of centuries of rape by muslims, which you'd expect if these mass rape activities are as he claims so central to islam.

I am actually shocked. You really are entirely ignorant of Muslim law and doctrine regarding non-Muslims.

If Christians and Jews submit to Islamic rule, they are 'Protected'. It is a medieval form of protection. It is called dhimmi status. So long as Christians pay the submission tax (Jizya) and remain submissive to their Muslim masters, their existence - even the practice of their religion - is tolerated.

Quran, Chapter (Surah) 9, Verse (Ayah) 29:
"Fight against those who believe not in Allah... until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Seriously, you should know this.

Please read at least one book on Islam.
from what i'm told similar scenes have been known in grimsby, you're barking up the racist tree here when this isn't a uniquely me phenomenon
Aye, it's grim up north. It's even quite bad on the tube sometimes, so I've heard. It's also been bad in Egypt for a while, long before Tahrir Square. Here's sandmonkey describing an incident in 2006. AFAIK, Thomsy, the victims weren't kuffar.
The story is as follows for the those of you who didn’t hear about it: It was the first day of Eid, and a new film was opening downtown. Mobs of males gatherd trying to get in, but when the show was sold out, they decided they will destroy the box office. After accomplishing that, they went on what can only be described as a sexual frenxy: They ran around grabbing any and every girl in sight, whether a niqabi, a Hijabi or uncoverd. Whether egyptian or foreigner. Even pregnant ones. They grabbed them, molested them, tried to rip their cloths off and rape them, all in front of the police, who didn’t do shit. The good people of downtown tried their best to protect the girls. Shop owners would let the girls in and lock the doors, while the mobs tried to break in. Taxi drivers put the girls in the cars while the mobs were trying to break the glass and grab the girls out. It was a disgusting pandamonium of sexual assaults that lasted for 5 houres from 7:30 PM to 12:30 am, and it truns my stomach just to think about it.
Funnily enough, that wasn't covered by the media either, until bloggers started talking about it:
I called my father when I heard of that happening, and he informed me that he didn’t hear of it at all. They watched Al Jazeerah, CNN, flipped through opposition newspapers, and nothing. Nada. Nobody mentioned it. As if it didn’t happen.

But it did.

The bloggers available downtown documented the whole thing, and provided pictures of it as well. Reading their accounts I can’t help by feel my heart being torn on what the people of the country has turned to. The one that broke my heart the most was Sharqawi’s account (remember, he is the guy who got sexually assaulted by the police during interrogation ) and how it suddenly danwed at him that what happend to him wasn;t an isolated incident. That The Police forces didn;t came from another planet, that they were born and raised egyptians, amongst the egyptian people, the same egyptian people who have produced those mobs who found it in their right to attack girls in middle of crowded downtown for 5 houres under the police’s watchdul eyes. The ones who approached the police asking them to do something were told : “what do you want us to do? It’s Eid. Happy Eid to you too!”
More at the link.
The Eid sexual harassment incident
I am actually shocked. You really are entirely ignorant of Muslim law and doctrine regarding non-Muslims.

If Christians and Jews submit to Islamic rule, they are 'Protected'. It is a medieval form of protection. It is called dhimmi status. So long as Christians pay the submission tax (Jizya) and remain submissive to their Muslim masters, their existence - even the practice of their religion - is tolerated.

Quran, Chapter (Surah) 9, Verse (Ayah) 29:
"Fight against those who believe not in Allah... until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Seriously, you should know this.

Please read at least one book on Islam.
do you see how you've fatally fucked your argument in this post?
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