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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Well with risk of bringing some serious wrath upon myself I'll just say that Bulgaria along with Macedonia is being prepared as a second border line. Seeing as I comprehend the above not as a border but as a buffer zone, I took the initiative and along with 2 blades that I don't leave home without, I'm also as of recently started packing heat. I'm not racist or atleast I don't consider myself to be, but if push comes to shove concerning any migrants that may be housed in my vicinity, all I say is woe to the fool. I plan to unload without prejudice and nothing any politician or government rep says will change my determination to not be assaulted/killed in my own country in which these people are guests. 500 years of ottoman slavery leaves a deep mark in the minds of the generations that came afterward. Myself obviously included. Can't imagine what I'll do if any of these yards do something to my wife or baby boy. Prolly gonna go all out and you'll see me on the news...
blood ebbing from your lifeless body no doubt
"Pigshit". So much informed from a university challenge (hahaha) contestant.

Now answer the matriarchal culture point you avoiding weasel-like toe-rag. Just like your porn fetish I originally called you out on, this is another example of you trying to be so right on and failing abysmally.
this would be the imaginary porn fetish you didn't call me out on.
i thought thats what made them happy

gay pride parades just look really stupid in my opinion . They should f*ck off and grow up. Its just attention seeking coupled with tiresome stereotypes . Plus that weird gay smile they all seem to have just looks really creepy .
Sadly in this country were not going to mass is still seen as making some sort of daring point to society by the middle class Ireland will probably be the last country in the world to dispense with its gay parades , even long after people in saudi arabia began to regard them as a tired cliche .

You're a disgusting homophobic cunt Casually Red , & make no mistake!
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Well I don't know. What was he referring to? It looks like something that you two have discussed in the past. Or are you suggesting that using "Jewish beef" is in itself anti-Semitic?
It's not the language for christ sake. It's the claim that FW hates all Russians because of her Jewish background that is anti-semitic. Are you really going to claim otherwise?

Or would it be totally ok for me to claim that someone hates gays because they're black?
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Especially combined with hundreds of posts like this on politics.ie

Only a cynical sod like myself though would take the view that a film about jews taking gratuitous revenge on the nazis was a sure fire investment sell in Hollywood
It's not the language for christ sake. It's the claim that FW hates all Russians because of her Jewish background that is anti-semitic. Are you really going to claim otherwise?

Or would it be totally ok for me to claim that someone hates gays because they're black?
Eh? :confused:

What I meant was that there seems to be some background to that post. Has he simply decided that because Frogs is Jewish, she must hate Russians (in which case he'd be a weird dick), or do they have history in which she's given him cause to suggest that?

I have an off switch for CR and don't read much of what he posts so I may have missed some big stuff, but I have had about a million beers with him and he doesn't come across as racist/anti Semite, irl.
You need to read that thread then as i have never ever said that i hate russians or given anyone cause to think that. Im not just accusing him of this for no reason.
Fuck it, can't be bothered. Weasel away Tory boy.

That Professor Griff, you know why he doesn't like gay people don't you? It's because he's black.

No racism here either
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You need to read that thread then as i have never ever said that i hate russians or given anyone cause to think that. Im not just accusing him of this for no reason.
I'm not reading a 250 page thread featuring CR ranting on about Russia. I'd rather boil my bollocks in rat shit.

Perfectly happy to accept your word for it.
Scroll up then! :D


Plus that weird gay smile they all seem to have just looks really creepy.

I don't know. Some people use that kind of language and don't realise it's out of order. I used to, and if anyone calls me homophobic I'll cyberkick their nuts in.:)

I pulled my boy up at xmas for using "poof" and "gay" as insults. He said he'd never thought about it like that before, despite having met some gay people and "absolutely liking them".

The whole gig is getting better but these provincial types are still ..... provincial types!
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He's obsessed with homosexuality tbh spy its not exactly hard to miss. just do a search for any of his posts on the gay marriage referendum or any thread hes posted on where its come up. One of his first posts was a rant about gay action men ffs.

Here's another of his pearls of wisdom

seriously..its full of them . Berlin anyway . Do you remember that park incident i had in Freidrichshain..wel theyve banned dogs from it . The locals got so fed up they were all buying pit bulls and letting them loose in the bushes and all the gays claimed they were being persecuted like in nazi times . So they banned dogs from the park to permit hundreds of gays to lurk in the bushes - no joke . Mehringdamm has been almost completely colonised and kreuzberg will eventually fall too . Gay yuppies everywhere , complaining about the noise from pubs and clubs and getting them closed down .

How much evidence do people need?
He's obsessed with homosexuality tbh spy its not exactly hard to miss. just do a search for any of his posts on the gay marriage referendum or any thread hes posted on where its come up. One of his first posts was a rant about gay action men ffs.

Here's another of his pearls of wisdom

How much evidence do people need?
Yeah, that's shit. :(

Casually Red, got anything to say about that?
Whey, seems to be the end of any logical discussion on the OP, personally while I have had me run ins with CR on other threads and tend to bear in mind those 'run ins'
In fairness, he hasn't shown any of the traits he is being lambasted for on this particular thread?
Dragging up cross thread beefs and destroying what's clearly an important thread? Aye it's the Urban way I suppose.
Thats an odd reading given he spends his previous post whinging about 'mockeries solemnised in the presence of god' and the post hes responding to is saying the pope says its a defeat for humanity.

35,000 children were set to 250 Catholic "schools" over the course of 50 years, where widespread physical, and sexual abuse occurred. There was systematic campaign to hide and protect priests who abused children, moving them from parish to parish, where many continued to abuse children.


But no, the decision to allow gay marriage in Ireland is a "defeat for humanity" according to church.

So, 98 percent weren't paedophiles but it's alright to go around labelling everyone as paedophiles, and pedophile apologists . Huge exaggeration obviously . And I agree , it's a defeat for humanity . I'm not outraged at it . Im ashamed of it .
Anyway i hope you see that im not bringing this to be a cunt but any of this individuals posts need to be read with this agenda in mind. Sorry.
Anyway i hope you see that im not bringing this to be a cunt but any of this individuals posts need to be read with this agenda in mind. Sorry.

Fair enough. I misunderstood his post. It seems pretty clear now you clarify.

So he is against gay marriage? Can't say his viewpoint concerns me much on an open forum.
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