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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Israel is a state of war by its very existence because it is an act of conquest over others who must be vanquished physically and removed from the zionist map . To seek safety and security in such a state whose very legtimacy is rightly under worldwide attack is a pretty dumb move . Better off in hollywood or new jersey if you want those type of guarantees .

Er .... :hmm:
Evasion, insult smear and complete and utter bullshit .

Strasserite FFs. Strasserite !!! Some obscure strand of fucking nazism from the back arse of beyond. Who ,except for people who virtually live on the bloody Internet and constantly obsess over that stuff , even know what the fuck that even is ? ? Or even care ??

Strasserite !! Remember what that actually means in reality . It means I'm secretly working for a return of the third reich and racial extermination programmes . Me here, up on this bloody hill . A secret devotee of mr strasser . "Outed" by these fucking weirdos .

Remember your talking to a bunch of people with a track record of ganging up and pecking like hens until they've driven posters who put it up to them off the site by constant repetition of the same sneers and abuse . I was warned by other posters a few years back they were conspiring to have me banned . This is exactly ...precisely...what this is all about . It's what they do .

Whenever CR goes into paranoid ranting mode like this, I start to imagine that his words are appearing as subtitles to that famous and much parodied scene in Downfall...
however the answer to that isnt to do as CR and their ilk would suggest and shut the borders. That will simply leave refugees even more to these gangs of criminal smuggling networks and will mean that some of them end up in the black economy to survive even more than whats happened already.

So what do you think is the solution?
Hmm. Not sure how anti-semitic that is but it's certainly not very nice.

This is the problem with picking out one quote to illustrate something like this.

If that was just a one off it would be one thing, but it's merely one example of a stream of constant reactionary fuckery, all the while hiding behind a flimsy mask of authentic-telling-it-like-the-real-working-class-sees-it bullshit.

CR's main interest in this thread, as in so many others, is to attack the so-called "trendy left", ie anyone who's not like him. He doesn't give a fuck about the women attacked on NYE, he doesn't give a fuck about refugees or migrants or anyone else, they're all just grist to his reactionary mill.
I speculate also that what you might call 'walt' tendencies are consistent with only giving a shit about socially endemic sexual aggression against women, especially from groups of anonymised males (and being a sexist twat otherwise), when it provides suitably heroic fantasy material.

This sort of stuff is very powerful and emotive, that's why it's so completely central to the appeal of the racist right ...

See e.g.
The white woman is presented as an endangered species, a shining jewel of pristine cleanliness in a sea of dribbling perverts and an ocean of filth, which sets the stage for the aryan warrior to come to her rescue.

"A true White man fights" David Lane emphasises "because the beauty of White aryan woman must not perish from the earth"
Gods of the Blood (not a racist loon site as the title might suggest, but an academic source on racist loons via Google)

Cologne is a fantastic opportunity for the racist right to push this particular button.

The litmus test here being whether the people so passionate about these attacks are also passionate about opposing other forms of sexual aggression by packs of anonymised blokes, where those attacks lack an evident racial dimension (or whether they're a sexist twat the rest of the time)

Or conversely, whether they go on the attack immediately if someone makes such a comparison, however carefully phrased and clear about relative proportion and severity.

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This is the problem with picking out one quote to illustrate something like this.

If that was just a one off it would be one thing, but it's merely one example of a stream of constant reactionary fuckery, all the while hiding behind a flimsy mask of authentic-telling-it-like-the-real-working-class-sees-it bullshit.

CR's main interest in this thread, as in so many others, is to attack the so-called "trendy left", ie anyone who's not like him. He doesn't give a fuck about the women attacked on NYE, he doesn't give a fuck about refugees or migrants or anyone else, they're all just grist to his reactionary mill.
He frequently goes way over the top and has done here. But there is a vein of thinking among some posters here, and among certain segments of "the left" that some people are beyond criticism, and topics taboo. There's nothing wrong with challenging that. Bimble has done so perfectly politely and received invective in almost equal measure to CR, and it's quite clear that she's more thoughtful than several of her detractors.
He frequently goes way over the top and has done here. But there is a vein of thinking among some posters here, and among certain segments of "the left" that some people are beyond criticism, and topics taboo. There's nothing wrong with challenging that. Bimble has done so perfectly politely and received invective in almost equal measure to CR, and it's quite clear that she's more thoughtful than several of her detractors.

I caught bimble in a barefaced lie and said so, providing evidence. I also pointed out multiple cases of editing my posts to appear to say something different to what they said and arguing with 'lefties in denial' strawmen instead of what was actually said by me and a bunch of other people who were also (mostly) being polite.

I wouldn't call that invective, I'd describe it as calling out a dishonest poster with an evident agenda for what they are.
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He frequently goes way over the top. But there is a vein of thinking among some posters here, and among certain segments of "the left" that some people are beyond criticism, and topics taboo. There's nothing wrong with challenging that. Bimble has done so perfectly politely and received invective in almost equal measure to CR, and it's quite clear that she's more thoughtful than several of her detractors.

I don't agree.

If you want to pursue this, I suggest you need to name names and provide examples (as you've quite reasonably asked others to do) otherwise it sounds like you're taking seriously the idea that he's a martyr who's being sacrificed to trendy lefty sensibilities.
If you want to pursue this, I suggest you need to name names and provide examples.
Nah, sorry mate but I'm not in the mood for a row. The attitudes I'm referring to are obvious from the start of this thread though. And CR's no martyr. He's a massive bellend a lot of the time and he argues like a foot-stampy child. But he's not always wrong.
Nah, sorry mate but I'm not in the mood for a row. The attitudes I'm referring to are obvious from the start of this thread though. And CR's no martyr. He's a massive bellend a lot of the time and he argues like a foot-stampy child. But he's not always wrong.

The attitudes I'm referring to are obvious from the start of this thread as well as many others, as it happens.

I'm on my way out for the day, but perhaps I'll return to this later...
I caught bimble in a barefaced lie ...
No you didn't. As much as you've tried to parade that as a trophy, it's not what happened.

Bimble made a careless remark that contradicted some of what she'd posted before. That happens in the heat of battle, especially when you're a lone voice fighting your corner against many, and getting a bit flustered. She held her hands up to it immediately, and the point was so minor anyway that it didn't change the thrust of her position at all.

You however, have grabbed it like a dog would a bone, and are presenting it in an attempt to smear her more generally as a liar, which is thoroughly dishonest in itself. A shitty tactic, but fortunately wholly transparent.

She's been better than you on this thread.
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I'm sure you will.

I started out, as you'll be aware if you were watching, with no particular issue with that poster. Froggy seemed to think bimble was OK and that was good enough for me.

What I found over a series of interactions was a consistent dishonesty, consistent in demanding and actively seeking to disparage any left response and dishonest in using misquotation and strawmen instead of actually dealing with a left response when one was presented and subsequently, denying doing those things despite clear evidence.

You may see things differently but that's how it looks to me.
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No you didn't. As much as you've tried to parade that as a trophy, that's not what happened.

Bimble made a careless remark that contradicted some of what she'd posted before. That happens in the heat of battle, especially when you're a lone voice fighting your corner against many and getting a bit flustered. She held her hands up to it immediately, and the point was so minor anyway that it didn't change the thrust of her position at all.

You however, have grabbed it like a dog would a bone, and are presenting it in an attempt to smear her more generally as a liar, which is thoroughly dishonest in itself. A shitty tactic, but fortunately wholly transparent.

She's been better than you on this thread.
excellent revisionism. Bernie was polite as could be after having misquotes and misreadings throughout. One of the posters first interactions with myself was to claim I'd 'look away'. An apology was made- not when I asked for one cos I didn't. But there it stands. Lone voice in the heat of battle? what a load of arse. Still lets make this he said she said rather than discuss the issue
Hmm. Not sure how anti-semitic that is but it's certainly not very nice.

He said i hate russians because of 'jewish beef', on other sites hes made several posts implyimg jews control hollywood, shit he was even banned from here a couple years ago for making a sexist/antisemitic joke against another poster. Fair play you've not kept up with this but its nauseating that people are still defending that creep.
He said i hate russians because of 'jewish beef', on other sites hes made several posts implyimg jews control hollywood, shit he was even banned from here a couple years ago for making a sexist/antisemitic joke against another poster. Fair play you've not kept up with this but its nauseating that people are still defending that creep.
Aye, well as you say I haven't seen any of that stuff. The only reason I got involved ^^^up there was because someone said he'd been anti-Semitic towards you. I was going to get stuck into him but what was quoted when I asked for a link wasn't anti-Semitic.
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