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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

I dont feel a fear of the far right in his posts at all. He has a history stretching back years of making racist, homophobic and antisemitic comments completely unprovoked and pro nazi comments. I am trying to point this out so people know what his agenda is and how is making seemingly reasonable comments in order to further a far right strasserite view. Its not some witch hunt. If you check my earlier posts on this thread youll know im not some PC twat.

True enough, but this could be the definitive thread on whether CR has been hit by a truck on the road to Damascus or is trolling, though IMYPO he does seem to actually bothered by the events of NYE and subsequently discovered "cover ups"
But I've given him the 'benefit of the doubt' before and being subsequently disappointed:facepalm:
Let's see?
grey area gangmasterism for the undeclared. Winkle picking when no one told them what time the tide comes in on this stretch of coast. I thought better of treelover. Shits hard enough here for the 'native' w/c but are we supposed to just let the grossest exploitations, degredations and unsee it all? I don't see why. What socialist can look at that without disgust and hatred of the exploiters? Thats why treelovers TINA has annoyed me. It is there, right now. No alternative. They are here and the only place they have to go back to is rubble or worse. So what does a socialist say to this? Fuck them? that certainly seems all the empathy treelover can manage. I appreciate your points on the nature of the capitalisms driving this also, had not thought about it in those terms.

TINA, was meant to emphasise the nature of the broadly open borders supporters, that the flow of people is not negoitable, that they will come,there is no other option. so, politics has no place, the state can do nothing, etc.

I help in my own way with groups in the developing world, etc,, i am an internationalist, i have marched in support of asylum seekers, (and was shocked by the venom the general public showed towards us) and would agree more needs to be done for refugees, but my politics are welfare statist, you can't have open borders and a comprehensive welfare state. I think the left (broadly defined) has become obssesed with global issues, identity politics etc,, a small indicator would be on social media where even suicides of individuals who have been sanctioned is seen as marginal compared to the 'big issues' like Syria, Palestine, Migrants. Momentum is another example of this largely now middle class movement, I would like to see the opinions of the ex IWCA on here to all this. I think I will leave it there, sadly big changes are on the way in the Western world: a move to the euro-nationalists, fascists in some cases, the working class across the EU fleeing the left, etc.
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TINA, was meant to emphasise the nature of the broadly open borders supporters, that the flow of people is not negoitable, that they will come,

I help in my own way with groups in the developing world, etc,, i am an internationalist, i have marched in support of asylum seekers, (and was shocked by the venom the general public showed towards us) and would agree more needs to be done for refugees, but my politics are welfare statist, you can't have open borders and a comprehensive welfare state. I think the left (broadly defined) has become obssesed with global issues, identity politics etc,, a small indicator would be on social media where even suicides of individuals who have been sanctionedis seen as marginal compared to the 'big issues' like Syria, Palestine, Migrants. Momentum is another example of this largely now middle class movement, I would like to see the opinions of the ex IWCA on here to all this. I think I will leave it there, sadly big changes are on the way in the Western world: a move to the euro-nationalists, fascists in some cases, the working class across the EU fleeing the left, etc.
we are faced with a humanitarian crises treelover. I know full well the UK's own dire needs, I'm less than half a rung above some people in dire need. I help out at the churches homeless help project, I sort coats into sizes, chop veg for the meals, hoover for them. I do what I can. Which isn't much but its something. Socialism in one country is a rotten fruit and a bitter one. Don't do that route.
Aye a British woman soldier . It's what we all called them growing up. And worse, much worse in fact .Ever been searched by one ? Ever had your house or the family car searched by one ? ever had subjects such as the stunning successes of the SAS around east Tyrone rubbed in your face by one while they're showing off how macho they are to their mates ?

If not I'd suggest you keep it zipped when it comes to the subject of people from a certain part of the world referring to them in less than complimentary terms .

Herr Strasser and the steel helmetted legions have fuck all to do with it .

Like an acceptable misogyny in exceptional circumstances? Like on the internet?
Why would I be bothered how I look on the internet? Bimble has made some excellent contributions to this thread and all you seem to do is be the hanger on and a try hard. Something another poster picked up on the Revenant thread.
i thought thats what made them happy

gay pride parades just look really stupid in my opinion . They should f*ck off and grow up. Its just attention seeking coupled with tiresome stereotypes . Plus that weird gay smile they all seem to have just looks really creepy .
Sadly in this country were not going to mass is still seen as making some sort of daring point to society by the middle class Ireland will probably be the last country in the world to dispense with its gay parades , even long after people in saudi arabia began to regard them as a tired cliche .

:facepalm: :D
Why would I be bothered how I look on the internet? Bimble has made some excellent contributions to this thread and all you seem to do is be the hanger on and a try hard. Something another poster picked up on the Revenant thread.
ah, you're still crying cos I have an opinion you disagree with about a tarantino film? gotcha. Grow up you nob.
Making an anti-semitic dig against frogwoman when accusing her of hating Russians as a race and breed. A valued contribution.

Yeah maybe I wrote I did not follow all post so I cant argue about that. There are nasty comments against casual red all the time, I so some good points from his/her post. but anyway I had a drink of plenty wine so maybe I confuse.
Well given that it was posted by a fash that thinks the nazis should have won the war even though they were all gay im not sure what counts as a joke.
No, I simply think you try too hard. Way too hard. Not quite sure what QT has to do with the Revenant but whatever, I am off to bed.
its nice that you've found something to say about the matter in hand btw. Besides 'well done bimble! you give them leftie liberals what for!'
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