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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Can we adjurn the court and get back to discussing, confronting the ideas we find objectionable with reasoned arguments.

The murder of a 22 year old female social worker and the fallout from NYE is creating a dangerous atmosphere in northern europe.

Here's a video of Stockholm station yesterday.

Can we adjurn the court and get back to discussing, confronting the ideas we find objectionable with reasoned arguments.

The murder of a 22 year old female social worker and the fallout from NYE is creating a dangerous atmosphere in northern europe.

Here's a video of Stockholm station yesterday.

Good idea, but not the urban way;)
I beleive the lot of the refugees/migrants in Germany and Sweden is an unhappy one and that violence is never far away, be it in the form of vigilante gangs attacking them, like in the video above filmed at Stockholm station, or even inside the refugee centres themselves, where apparently there can be friction over such things as drinking alcohol. In Leiman refugee centre in Germany there was a large brawl that required the attendance of more than 32 police patrol cars. One group was labelled bad muslims and attacked for drinking alcohol by another group which believes that their role is to police everyone.

Given this internal policing on strict religious lines and growing distrust towards them from the local population, I am pessimistic about the possibilities of integration for these people. Doing the right thing has turned out to be a recipe for disaster.

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Here's the Graun report on that incident: fash vigilantes Masked men in Stockholm threaten to 'punish' refugee children

By roaming street children I presume they mean pickpockets. Like the ones who roam Cologne station? I once saw a group of these "children", about 15 of them, get the shit kicked out of them in Plaza Real in Barcelona, by a group of 20 english (drinking) tourists. They had been trying to snatch bags and started a row at one table on a terrace not realising that all the clients at the bar were from the same group. One tourist had his face slashed during the fight. These were the homeless thieves from Tangier who terrorized the city for a few years and that I mentioned in another post.
A jumping off point it is not. Evasion it is. Insulting evasion. As if women in Birmingham feel they need to stay off the streets like women in Cologne and other german cities. The supposed attacks on the left here (really dissent) are based on this evasion, nothing to see here attitude that Phillips has so eloquently confirmed.

I'm not trying to smear you, it's just the tone of the previous dozen or so posts are disgraceful. A really demented derailment that you appear to have participated in.

Just as a matter of interest, where have you got your info from, that tells you that NYE in Cologne has translated into women in Cologne feeling "the need to stay off the streets" post-NYE? Thanks.
I agree this question is relevant, however, the flaw is that it equates different types of sexual assaults. We have never seen anything on the scale of NYE in europe. Nothig that has caused so much alarm and division. Sexual assaults in europe before NYE did not fuel the far right. That's the difference that is not being addressed. It is not business as usual.

TBF though, some kinds of sexual assaults are "equatable" in their severity. It should also be remembered, however, that the severity of the sexual assault is not the ultimate marker for the individual assaulted of the severity of their suffering. That is marked by the degree of emotional trauma they undergo - something our legal system scarcely acknowledges.
a great deal of women in Birmingham feel exactly that, and women every other town and city in the country feel the same about their local strip.

Still see it here, even though Brixton's demographics have changed markedly even in the last 10 years. Nothing being helped by the shite the media pump out, that forever ratchets upward the fear of crime, even when lived reality says otherwise. :(
"Pigshit". So much informed from a university challenge (hahaha) contestant.

Now answer the matriarchal culture point you avoiding weasel-like toe-rag. Just like your porn fetish I originally called you out on, this is another example of you trying to be so right on and failing abysmally.

"Pig-faced", you muppet.
finding it a struggle to get through to the 'OPEN BORDERS!?!' crew that it doesn't matter if the borders are 'open' or 'closed'. Ministers and politicians are not in control of mass population movement. Sure theres things to be done within their power but this idea that open/closed borders is some magic ticket. What planet are these people on. Its people here, now. Your choice is to uncitizen them to the internment camps or accept them into society. What else are you going to do? send em back to syria? to eritrea? Let them starve in the hedgerows? Is that what we are now?

It could be claimed that Europe is already going for the third position (irony intended) of handing off responsibility to a third state - in this case, paying Turkey to intern them.
Well with risk of bringing some serious wrath upon myself I'll just say that Bulgaria along with Macedonia is being prepared as a second border line. Seeing as I comprehend the above not as a border but as a buffer zone, I took the initiative and along with 2 blades that I don't leave home without, I'm also as of recently started packing heat. I'm not racist or atleast I don't consider myself to be, but if push comes to shove concerning any migrants that may be housed in my vicinity, all I say is woe to the fool. I plan to unload without prejudice and nothing any politician or government rep says will change my determination to not be assaulted/killed in my own country in which these people are guests. 500 years of ottoman slavery leaves a deep mark in the minds of the generations that came afterward. Myself obviously included. Can't imagine what I'll do if any of these yards do something to my wife or baby boy. Prolly gonna go all out and you'll see me on the news...
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What's the betting? five minutes max?
Well with risk of bringing some serious wrath upon myself I'll just say that Bulgaria along with Macedonia is being prepared as a second border line. Seeing as I comprehend the above not as a border but as a buffer zone, I took the initiative and along with 2 blades that I don't leave home without, I'm also as of recently started packing heat. I'm not racist or atleast I don't consider myself to be, but if push comes to shove concerning any migrants that may be housed in my vicinity, all I say is woe to the
Well with risk of bringing some serious wrath upon myself I'll just say that Bulgaria along with Macedonia is being prepared as a second border line. Seeing as I comprehend the above not as a border but as a buffer zone, I took the initiative and along with 2 blades that I don't leave home without, I'm also as of recently started packing heat. I'm not racist or atleast I don't consider myself to be, but if push comes to shove concerning any migrants that may be housed in my vicinity, all I say is woe to the

Big man. You're going to stab up any "migrant" who looks at you wrong. Enjoy your time in prison - you'll be spending it with a lot of migrants, if the Daily Mail is to be believed. :)
This isn't antisemitic then?

Well, we both know that Jews have no right to an animus about a Russian anti-Semitism that consistently killed their ancestors, and that was only ever (partly) suppressed under Soviet rule. No right to be aggrieved that in some parts of Russia, and to some class fractions in Russia, anti-Semitism is returning.
That's just "Jewish beef".
Can we adjurn the court and get back to discussing, confronting the ideas we find objectionable with reasoned arguments.

The murder of a 22 year old female social worker and the fallout from NYE is creating a dangerous atmosphere in northern europe.

Here's a video of Stockholm station yesterday.

Was it actually hundreds, really worrying times.
He said i hate all Russians (i dont) because of 'jewish beef'. At the least hes a lying cunt . And he was banned a couple years ago for making antisemitic jokes to another jewish poster, defended dieudonne and the quenelle for hundreds of pages, as well as hundreds of posts stating that 'the jews' control hollywood and so on other sites.

Not to mention that saying that irish gay marriage referendum is a defeat for humanity and an abomination and that he is ashamed of it. The bloke is fash and for making a few lefty noises every now and then its deemed to be ok.

It was ok to say the word groundsheet back in the day? What day, 2009?
The sex attacks that took place in Cologne on New Year’s Eve were simply a “matter of public order” and had nothing to do with the refugee crisis, Jean-Claude Juncker’s inner circle believe.

The European Commission will be the "voice of reason" and tell the public that there is no link between the migration crisis affecting the continent and attacks on women in Germany, internal minutes disclose, amid growing concerns at a “xenophobic” backlash.
EU leaders: 'No link' between Cologne sex attacks and migrant crisis

The Eurocrats speak.
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