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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

It's actually quite useful to ask the inverse question.

Why would anyone want to prevent sexual assaults in Cologne from being compared to other cases of sexual assault, especially cases where the racial element is absent?

Why would they want to get angry about or smear anyone who dares to make such a comparison?

Why not just say that the comparison is unconvincing for whatever reason (I didn't think the one in question was terribly helpful myself) rather than mount such furious attacks?
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Because she's using it as a jumping off point for criticising violence/sexism against women in all its forms.

Again yet another fucking empty smear, I have claimed no such thing. You're quickly becoming a cunt though.

A jumping off point it is not. Evasion it is. Insulting evasion. As if women in Birmingham feel they need to stay off the streets like women in Cologne and other german cities. The supposed attacks on the left here (really dissent) are based on this evasion, nothing to see here attitude that Phillips has so eloquently confirmed.

I'm not trying to smear you, it's just the tone of the previous dozen or so posts are disgraceful. A really demented derailment that you appear to have participated in.
It's actually quite useful to ask the inverse question.

Why would anyone want to prevent sexual assaults in Cologne from being compared to other cases of sexual assault, especially cases where the racial element is absent?

Why would they want to get angry about or smear anyone who dares to make such a comparison?

I agree this question is relevant, however, the flaw is that it equates different types of sexual assaults. We have never seen anything on the scale of NYE in europe. Nothig that has caused so much alarm and division. Sexual assaults in europe before NYE did not fuel the far right. That's the difference that is not being addressed. It is not business as usual.
Oh fuck off, you fucking prick. Of course it was an (shitty) attempt to smear, what other meaning could it have.

Nobody but the terminally stupid or dishonest could accuse the current U75 P&P regulars as being supporters of identity politics. I remember people like BA, danny, Louis MacNeice and others criticising multiculturalism from a left-wing/class based perspective ever since I've been here (over 10 years now). These days there are few (if any) P&P regulars that aren't critical of state-based multiculturalism. For you, treelover and bimble to accuse myself, Froggie, BA, DC, BG, etc as apologists for these attacks is both moronic and insulting. The fact that you're willing to do such a thing while cosying up to a rat like CR says that you're a prick.

FFS even if you're not familiar with my posts you must be aware that BA has long been a critic of multiculturalism and that's he's no friend of Labour MPs. Then what does it say when he thinks you've read Phillips completely wrong? Perhaps you should take a moment and think that maybe you are talking fucking crap.
If you want people to take you seriously as a librarian, it's best to demonstrate an ability to read rather than just copy/paste. Orang Utan asked for examples of matriarchal cultures. What you have provided are, determined by anthropologists, matrilineal societies. Big fucking difference. In that in most of those societies you quote, political power is still wielded by man. Hey, at least the woman gets to rule domestically though. :rolleyes:

PS Thread went down the shitter ages ago. No worries. Call me 'pig-faced' again. Haven't heard that one since I was 10.
i can't call you pig-faced again cos i haven't called you pig-faced at all you dull cunt.
Oh fuck off, you fucking prick. Of course it was an (shitty) attempt to smear, what other meaning could it have.

Nobody but the terminally stupid or dishonest could accuse the current U75 P&P regulars as being supporters of identity politics. I remember people like BA, danny, Louis MacNeice and others criticising multiculturalism from a left-wing/class based perspective ever since I've been here (over 10 years now). These days there are few (if any) P&P regulars that aren't critical of state-based multiculturalism. For you, treelover and bimble to accuse myself, Froggie, BA, DC, BG, etc as apologists for these attacks is both moronic and insulting. The fact that you're willing to do such a thing while cosying up to a rat like CR says that you're a prick.

FFS even if you're not familiar with my posts you must be aware that BA has long been a critic of multiculturalism and that's he's no friend of Labour MPs. Then what does it say when he thinks you've read Phillips completely wrong? Perhaps you should take a moment and think that maybe you are talking fucking crap.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I apologise for being clumsy in my answer to you. I was confusing you with the posters who used the word Strasserite in their posts. I don't care what CR has said on other threads. I sense in his posts a fear of the far right and a frustration with the left for not being representive of the working class. I feel betrayed and alienated from politics, disgusted with middle class poser leftism and dreading what the consequences could be in the future re a rise in the far right.
I dont feel a fear of the far right in his posts at all. He has a history stretching back years of making racist, homophobic and antisemitic comments completely unprovoked and pro nazi comments. I am trying to point this out so people know what his agenda is and how is making seemingly reasonable comments in order to further a far right strasserite view. Its not some witch hunt. If you check my earlier posts on this thread youll know im not some PC twat.
i can't call you pig-faced again cos i haven't called you pig-faced at all you dull cunt.

"Pigshit". So much informed from a university challenge (hahaha) contestant.

Now answer the matriarchal culture point you avoiding weasel-like toe-rag. Just like your porn fetish I originally called you out on, this is another example of you trying to be so right on and failing abysmally.
I am calling him a strasserite because he is a strasserite ffs.

He has made several posts attacking jews across this and other sites. Are we all supposed to say thats ok now. Because he posted something you agree with.

Firstly as Iraq and Iran fought a dispute over that waterway and were at each others throats over it for a considerable length of time I find it hard to believe the Iranians got lost or that they would publicly claim they were in a position that turned out later to be in Iraqi territory .
I also find it very hard to believe that its only today the brits have copped on that this Indian ship was anchored in Iraqi waters and that no attempt was made to intervene in the arrests by the British navy if it was in co alition controlled waters . The British assertion that it was comes very late in the day .
Im more inclined to believe the Iranians than I am an army who invaded Iraq on the basis of lies and more lies and whose cross border incursions here occured on a monthly basis . Royal marine patrol boats regularly stopped and searched vessels in southern Irish waters off the coast of Omeath and Greenore in the most arrogant fashion despite their location not only being obvious but highlighted to them . The royal marines have a very long track record of committing such transgressions in waters theyve no business being in .
Looks like the Iranians will release the groundsheet anyway .

Whats a groundsheet eh defender of women??
I dont feel a fear of the far right in his posts at all. He has a history stretching back years of making racist, homophobic and antisemitic comments completely unprovoked and pro nazi comments. I am trying to point this out so people know what his agenda is and how is making seemingly reasonable comments in order to further a far right strasserite view. Its not some witch hunt. If you check my earlier posts on this thread youll know im not some PC twat.

From what I've read into his posts and all the others on this thread I think you should cut him some slack and deal directly with his arguments and not his history or his person, as the greek philosophers would have had it.

Sometimes, when people clash in argument they themselves are secondary in importance to who is standing around listening. He argues his points straight and his opponents resort to evasion and insult.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I apologise for being clumsy in my answer to you.
OK, thank you for the apology.
I was confusing you with the posters who used the word Strasserite in their posts. I don't care what CR has said on other threads.
You don't care that this is a bloke who's deeply homophobic? Who supports regimes that use chemical weapons on civilians or throw communists out of aircraft? Who's, while IMO not an ideological anti-semite, is willing to use borderline anti-semtic shit to attack another poster? Sorry but I think you should care, I mean at the very least it provides context for his attack on "the left" and other U75 posters.
From what I've read into his posts and all the others on this thread I think you should cut him some slack and deal directly with his arguments and not his history or his person, as the greek philosophers would have had it.

Sometimes, when people clash in argument they themselves are secondary in importance to who is standing around listening. He argues his points straight and his opponents resort to evasion and insult.

He has a history going back years. And those that suss him out get ignored. He doesn't deal directly with arguments.
From what I've read into his posts and all the others on this thread I think you should cut him some slack and deal directly with his arguments and not his history or his person, as the greek philosophers would have had it.

Sometimes, when people clash in argument they themselves are secondary in importance to who is standing around listening. He argues his points straight and his opponents resort to evasion and insult.

This is a guy thats made repeated antisemitic attacks on me before i even accused him of any of this. I think his posting history is relevant here as it makes it impossible for him to take seriously or not be suspected of dubious motives.
I am calling him a strasserite because he is a strasserite ffs.

He has made several posts attacking jews across this and other sites. Are we all supposed to say thats ok now. Because he posted something you agree with.

Whats a groundsheet eh defender of women??

I really don't follow you? I am very confused by this post. Iran? Ireland? Royal marines? I know what that is but a groundsheet is something I put in my tent:(
And yeah i think that calling someone a strasserite when they are making pro nazi, racist and sexist comments repeatedly is acceptable because this is someone with obvious far right sympathies and a repeated history of pro-fascist views on a left leaning site many of whose posters are involved in political activism and whose presence is going to deter many people from posting.
A groundsheet is a woman soldier ie something you put on the ground. CR posted that.

Well, I haven't followed him on other threads and don't really understand the context of the groundsheet quotes. PM me links to when he attacked you as a jew.
"Pigshit". So much informed from a university challenge (hahaha) contestant.

Now answer the matriarchal culture point you avoiding weasel-like toe-rag. Just like your porn fetish I originally called you out on, this is another example of you trying to be so right on and failing abysmally.
it'd be nice to see one post from you without a lie. but i'm not holding my breath you lying piece of shit
And yeah i think that calling someone a strasserite when they are making pro nazi, racist and sexist comments repeatedly is acceptable because this is someone with obvious far right sympathies and a repeated history of pro-fascist views on a left leaning site many of whose posters are involved in political activism and whose presence is going to deter many people from posting.

I disagree with this. I see nothing nazi. If he is, he's good at hiding it. Basically, without him on this particular thread there would be no debate and the NYE events would be forgotten. Take his arguments and confront them, not the person.
And its important that people know this history so that they understand where this individual is coming from if he makes points that sound reasonable to someone dissilusioned with the left.

Give me a sec.
Theres been plenty of debate. Bimble has made some reasonable points on this thread as i think have you. We can have debates and discussions without sympathising with far right loons. I totally agree that the initial coverup by the state was a disgrace. What is in danger of happening is that because his posts appear reasonable it actually discredits stuff like the leftist critique of multiculturalism and people end up going along with someone elses fairly unpleasant agenda.
so there's everything wrong with me avoiding a question - and what question is that anyway? - but apparently you see nothing wrong with avoiding questions yourself, you filthy hypocrite.

Why did you choose matrilineal societies instead of matriarchal cultures? Is it because you're thick as shit when it comes to the meaning of language (when asked a direct question)and/or a complete sexist gibbon trying to prove yourself as right on to feminist politics at which you fail abysmally with your concentration on 'quality' (hahaha, pfft) as opposed to quantity porn. Go crawl back under that rock.

But I'm sure you're pleased with women doing the washing up. It would mean a visitor to your hovel. Prick.
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