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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

nice. That scene, for non Game of Thrones watchers is actually a load of freed slaves who see the 'khaleesi' as a saviour and basically think she's great for freeing them and killing the Masters. But, its a load of brown people with hands out to a very pale blonde beautiful woman. So the meaning is twisted here to suit an agenda. funny, a little microcosm of the whole thread. God knows what cesspit you dragged that nasty bit of agit prop from

e2a I had a look to check I was remembering the image correctly:

Game of Thrones – “Mhysa” (Season 3, Episode 10)
so yes I was.
Nice work, detective McNulty.
Ive a polish mate who over the years I found out to not only be a member of Opus Dei but when he was a teenager and a member of a far right grouping , he gave a radio interview where he defended Adolf Hitler . Id regard him as probably my best mate at work ,where i keep pretty much myself to myself and avoid socialising with anyone .


Whats this about all the immigrants having his number on their phone lol.
He is a strasserite, the postings on politics.ie make that obvious. Lots of stuff about jihadis in iraq beheading 'british terrorists' as well but that was the good isis not the bad one.
Nazism is deeply linked to gay militaristic fetishism and sadism . Thats not to suggest for a second that all gays are nazis , or vice versa , but the driving force behind nazisms origins was a perverted form of militaristic and sadistic homosexuality .


Yet the nazis should have won the war even though they were all gay.

Yet the nazis should have won the war even though they were all gay.

It's interesting how many bought into this sort of belief and for how long, even a mainstream history like The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich by William L. Shirer is very homophobic in both the way it portrays senior Nazis and its omission of Nazi homophobia.
It's interesting how many bought into this sort of belief and for how long, even a mainstream history like The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich by William L. Shirer is very homophobic in both the way it portrays senior Nazis and its omission of Nazi homophobia.

Yes theres a,nasty homophobic taint in that book i only noticed when older.
...bit of a de-rail but lets go with it...


review of

6 Modern Societies Where Women Literally Rule

if you want people to take you seriously as a librarian you must be able to demonstrate advanced search skills. or search skills more advanced than those of the people you're demonstrating them to anyway.

If you want people to take you seriously as a librarian, it's best to demonstrate an ability to read rather than just copy/paste. Orang Utan asked for examples of matriarchal cultures. What you have provided are, determined by anthropologists, matrilineal societies. Big fucking difference. In that in most of those societies you quote, political power is still wielded by man. Hey, at least the woman gets to rule domestically though. :rolleyes:

PS Thread went down the shitter ages ago. No worries. Call me 'pig-faced' again. Haven't heard that one since I was 10.
Has the massive derail/incoherent witchhunt above finished? having an opinion on nazis makes him a nazi? That's fucked up.

Labour MP Jess Phillips defends remarks about Cologne sex attacks

Jess Philips comments are creating quite a stir.

She is the new John Prescott, foot always in mouth.

Well, it's typical for a politician to peddle it, isn't it.

From the article:

Her comments on Thursday night provoked a backlash, with one Birmingham police officer, Insp Gareth Morris, insisting that the city centre was a “safe, positive and vibrant place”. He said: “I would invite anyone to come and enjoy a night out in Birmingham and experience what the city has to offer.”

Said by a coppa so must be lies...:hmm:
Oh my god I just found proof of mass sexual harrasment, groping and rape in Birmingham city centre. Apparently it's a no go zone for women (not)

Check the appalling atrocities in this video:

So, what is the general opinion of Jess Phillips' tasteful comments?

Is it atypical unheard of whataboutery?

...actually maybe these rails can be joined up ....re that Theweleit book how does one square the idea that it is a classic manifestation amongst the Far Right to harbour exaggerated concern about "their" women being raped with :

His central contention [ ] that the Freikorps soldiers were afraid of women. Indeed, not just afraid, they were deeply hostile to them, and their ultimate goal was to murder them.
Oh my god I just found proof of mass sexual harrasment, groping and rape in Birmingham city centre. Apparently it's a no go zone for women (not)

Check the appalling atrocities in this video:

I don't really know why I'm no bothering as you, treelover and co will just ignore it but at no point did Phillips state, or even imply, that Birmingham CC was a no go zone, she simply said that you would see women been "baited and heckled" there.
I don't really know why I'm no bothering as you, treelover and co will just ignore it but at no point did Phillips state, or even imply, that Birmingham CC was a no go zone, she simply said that you would see women been "baited and heckled" there.

That's just it, you are not bothering.


Groped by large gangs in a public square?

Why bring up Birmingham in an answer to a question about Cologne on NYE? What is the fucking comparison she is trying to make? Why not just answer the question about Cologne?

Am I a member of the fucking hitler youth for asking this question?
Why bring up Birmingham in an answer to a question about Cologne on NYE? What is the fucking comparison she is trying to make? Why not just answer the question about Cologne?
Because she's using it as a jumping off point for criticising violence/sexism against women in all its forms.

Am I a member of the fucking hitler youth for asking this question?
Again yet another fucking empty smear, I have claimed no such thing. You're quickly becoming a cunt though.
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