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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Sorry for posting a link to the DM but apparently the latest figures are that the number of sexual assaults reported to police from that one night in Cologne now stands at over 520.
New figures show sex assaults in 12 of Germany's 16 states on NYE

Meanwhile, that website which claims to be the mouthpiece for 'the leadership of the world socialist movement' is still fighting the good fight, carrying that article suggesting there is nothing to see here, nothing out of the ordinary went on that night . :facepalm:
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OK, so what's the hypothesis here? That NYE behaviour merely resembles the Egyptian accounts or that it's somehow patterned on it? If the latter, what would evidence for that look like?

I think I can see several accounts being suggested, of how the NYE behaviour was actively patterned on practices originating in either Egypt or North Africa, rather than just coincidentally resembling it.

1) Gates of Vienna crowd - initially seemed to want to say 'this is just them being good Muslims'

2) Another big favourite seems to be - 'This is just how (all) men from those places treat (our) women'

3) This is part of a spectrum of specifically criminal behaviour, adopting street crime practices from a number of regions, including the Maghreb countries and that we now have gangs of criminals infesting all our major cities doing 'waltzing' and occasionally, as in NY/E, escalating to outright sex attacks while groping women and nicking their phones.

4) The Tahir Square attacks became the model for either a deliberate rape-gang organised by means yet to emerge, maybe via PlayStation network or similar, or for some less structured, self organising variant.

6) Tahir Square was security forces acting politically and so was this.

7) It was a false flag operation caused by agents of the Jooz to create racial tension, also lizards ...

8) The resemblance is just a coincidence.

I have a feeling I've missed some out, so please feel free to supply alternatives.

I've no idea why your so obsessed with the tiny far right online fringes explanations for why these mobs do this . Nobody on here, barring yourself, gives a single toss what they say . Nobody here is looking to those cranks for an explanation on anything . Although it certainly looks to me like it's a ploy of yours to lump in anyone who doesn't accept the utterly ridiculous equivalence with Oktoberfest with radical neo nazi and racist positions . That's the only reason I can see as to why you keep dragging those twats into this . To portray their view as the alternative to your Oktoberfest comparison .

A much more pressing issue is why the mainstream media and the political establishment we're so keen to cover this up . Because cover it up they well and truly did . And not just in Germany . And why there's so much left wing and liberal hostility to anyone who's angry at what happened , and who's angry at the establishment cover up . anger that's gone so far to manifest itself in an attack on a rape victim as a "nazi whore " . While that was the work of a very unpleasant individual the sad fact is that attitude certainly wasn't developed alone by that twat in a vacuum . It was a product of a very unhealthy culture of knee jerk intolerance and fuckwittery among the wider left that we've seen elsewhere too . Calais another example . And frankly quite a few of the contributions on here . I find that a lot more disturbing and potentially dangerous than what the far right cranks are saying . Because It has the definite potential to make the far right sound more sane and honest . And if it continues then the only opposition to them will be some equally nutty fuckwits that nobody pays any heed to . And that people are actively hostile to . The roles may well become reversed.

I most certainly don't agree with this guys blanket condemnations of Islam, or religion in general. But he absolutely nails it when it comes to the reactions and attitudes of liberals to this entire debacle . There's no denying either that Farage sounds perfectly sane compared to the utterances of the mayor of cologne , or that German interior minister . Sad but true . They're fucking idiots . And this guy could be talking about this entire thread .

OK, so what's the hypothesis here? That NYE behaviour merely resembles the Egyptian accounts or that it's somehow patterned on it? If the latter, what would evidence for that look like?

I think I can see several accounts being suggested, of how the NYE behaviour was actively patterned on practices originating in either Egypt or North Africa, rather than just coincidentally resembling it.

1) Gates of Vienna crowd - initially seemed to want to say 'this is just them being good Muslims'

2) Another big favourite seems to be - 'This is just how (all) men from those places treat (our) women'

3) This is part of a spectrum of specifically criminal behaviour, adopting street crime practices from a number of regions, including the Maghreb countries and that we now have gangs of criminals infesting all our major cities doing 'waltzing' and occasionally, as in NY/E, escalating to outright sex attacks while groping women and nicking their phones.

4) The Tahir Square attacks became the model for either a deliberate rape-gang organised by means yet to emerge, maybe via PlayStation network or similar, or for some less structured, self organising variant.

6) Tahir Square was security forces acting politically and so was this.

7) It was a false flag operation caused by agents of the Jooz to create racial tension, also lizards ...

8) The resemblance is just a coincidence.

I have a feeling I've missed some out, so please feel free to supply alternatives.

Also there is the possibility of some combination of the above, eg criminal activity with a group of hangers on who were looking for other kinds of action.

Eta - some of the accounts want to talk about common characteristics of drunk blokes in groups, or indeed male primate groups in general, and the principle that there could be more than one mechanism in action here applies to those kinds of accounts too.
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I've no idea why your so obsessed with the tiny far right online fringes explanations for why these mobs do this . Nobody on here, barring yourself, gives a single toss what they say . Nobody here is looking to those cranks for an explanation on anything . Although it certainly looks to me like it's a ploy of yours to lump in anyone who doesn't accept the utterly ridiculous equivalence with Oktoberfest with radical neo nazi and racist positions . That's the only reason I can see as to why you keep dragging those twats into this . To portray their view as the alternative to your Oktoberfest comparison .

A much more pressing issue is why the mainstream media and the political establishment we're so keen to cover this up . Because cover it up they well and truly did . And not just in Germany . And why there's so much left wing and liberal hostility to anyone who's angry at what happened , and who's angry at the establishment cover up . anger that's gone so far to manifest itself in an attack on a rape victim as a "nazi whore " . While that was the work of a very unpleasant individual the sad fact is that attitude certainly wasn't developed alone by that twat in a vacuum . It was a product of a very unhealthy culture of knee jerk intolerance and fuckwittery among the wider left that we've seen elsewhere too . Calais another example . And frankly quite a few of the contributions on here . I find that a lot more disturbing and potentially dangerous than what the far right cranks are saying . Because It has the definite potential to make the far right sound more sane and honest . And if it continues then the only opposition to them will be some equally nutty fuckwits that nobody pays any heed to . And that people are actively hostile to . The roles may well become reversed.

I most certainly don't agree with this guys blanket condemnations of Islam, or religion in general. But he absolutely nails it when it comes to the reactions and attitudes of liberals to this entire debacle . There's no denying either that Farage sounds perfectly sane compared to the utterances of the mayor of cologne , or that German interior minister . Sad but true . They're fucking idiots . And this guy could be talking about this entire thread .

Fucking terrible video, must be nice to be him whoever he is who feels no need for nuance at all and is happy just to shout 'it's islam innit'. He's an idiot. :facepalm:
But I agree with pretty much everything written there in your post.
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And now a 22 year old female worker at a refugee centre in Sweden murdered
, stabbed to death by one of the people she was helping .

Woman stabbed to death in Swedish refugee facility

" I am shocked, all who live here are very nice "

Yeah, nice people brandishing knives who just inadvertently started a mass brawl among each other and stabbed a woman to death . Nice people do that all the time .

Btw I've pointed out already the type of piss taking that goes on regarding " adolescent" migrants
With no papers who look like their in their 20s .
And now a 22 year old female worker at a refugee centre in Sweden murdered
, stabbed to death by one of the people she was helping .

Woman stabbed to death in Swedish refugee facility

" I am shocked, all who live here are very nice "

Yeah, nice people brandishing knives who just inadvertently started a mass brawl among each other and stabbed a woman to death . Nice people do that all the time .

Btw I've pointed out already the type of piss taking that goes on regarding " adolescent" migrants
With no papers who look like their in their 20s .
how is that story relevant to the sexual assaults in Cologne?
Fucking terrible video, must be nice to be him whoever he is who feels no need for nuance at all and is happy just to just 'it's islam innit'. He's an idiot. :facepalm:
But I agree with pretty much everything written there in your post.

I disagree. It's not a terrible video IMO . I agree with you the guy has a serious bee in his bonnet about Islam that I certainly don't share . But his analysis of the liberal reaction to these events is spot on . Even if he does sound like an annoying jimmy Carr .
how is that story relevant to the sexual assaults in Cologne?

Because, like cologne, hamburg, Bielefeld, Stuttgart and a string of other places, of an immigration policy that plainly lets in an awful lot of men who are a real and serious danger to women in Europe . And what the reactions to that are going to be in Europe if such policies continue . that's pretty relevant from what I can see .
That story is national news in Sweden .
Because, like cologne, hamburg, Bielefeld, Stuttgart and a string of other places, of an immigration policy that plainly lets in an awful lot of men who are a real and serious danger to women in Europe . And what the reactions to that are going to be in Europe if such policies continue . that's pretty relevant from what I can see .
That story is national news in Sweden .

I think it's a mistake to bring that murder into this thread. Don't see the point unless you're of the same opinion as extra annoying Jimmy Carr video man, or want to join the 'Soldiers of Odin'.
I think it's a mistake to bring that murder into this thread. Don't see the point unless you're of the same opinion as extra annoying Jimmy Carr video man, or want to join the 'Soldiers of Odin'.

Then it's a mistake to mention very serious violence against women in europe by immigrants , and what the political repercussions might be , unless it happened on new years eve in cologne ? Otherwise I'm a nazi ?

Am I getting you right here ?

I am .

The BBC as well linking it to the overall migrant crisis

Fatal stabbing at asylum centre shocks Sweden - BBC News

Narzi scum
Then it's a mistake to mention very serious violence against women in europe by immigrants , and what the political repercussions might be , unless it happened on new years eve in cologne ? Otherwise I'm a nazi ?

Am I getting you right here ?

I am .

No. But me personally my anger (and fear) - worse now than it was almost a month ago when we first heard about it - is about this phenomenon of mass sexual assaults wherever whenever they take place. 520 reported on that one night in that one city now.
This murder (by a 15 year old boy) does not seem connected to this apart from very very tenuously & so I don't see the point of lumping that in as related to the sort of violence against women that we've been talking about here is all.
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No. But me personally my anger (undiminished after almost a month now) is about this phenomenon of mass sexual assaults wherever whenever they take place. 502 reported on that one night in that one city now.
This murder (by a 15 year old boy) does not seem connected to this apart from very very tenuously & so I don't see the point of lumping that in as related to the sort of violence against women that we've been talking about here is all.
yeh but this is urban and as you know we like to cobble together apples and avocados.
No. But me personally my anger (undiminished after almost a month now) is about this phenomenon of mass sexual assaults wherever whenever they take place. 502 reported on that one night in that one city now.
This murder (by a 15 year old boy) does not seem connected to this apart from very very tenuously & so I'd be very wary of lumping that in as a related in any way to the sort of violence against women that we've been talking about here is all.

Fair enough, but I thought it was relevant in that it's major news and linked to the overall issue .

This however is even more worrying . Oslo police statistics show that over the past 5 years 100 percent...all...of the ( reported ) stranger rapes carried out in Oslo were by men of immigrant backgrounds . All of them . I'd seen that figure bandied about and assumed it was nazi propaganda and dismissed it . But it's actually true . And that is really shit news . I still instinctively find it unbelievable, I don't want to believe it but there it is . It's incredible .

How is it possible that there's not going to be a popular backlash against this stuff if it carries on like this ? Do we just ignore this ? How is it to be dealt with ? actually dealt with ?
Fair enough, but I thought it was relevant in that it's major news and linked to the overall issue .

This however is even more worrying . Oslo police statistics show that over the past 5 years 100 percent...all...of the ( reported ) stranger rapes carried out in Oslo were by men of immigrant backgrounds . All of them . I'd seen that figure bandied about and assumed it was nazi propaganda and dismissed it . But it's actually true . And that is really shit news . I still instinctively find it unbelievable, I don't want to believe it but there it is . It's incredible .

How is it possible that there's not going to be a popular backlash against this stuff if it carries on like this ? Do we just ignore this ? How is it to be dealt with ? actually dealt with ?

i wonder how many were by family members and friends during the same period
Sorry for posting a link to the DM (I can't find the source in the German paper which this crap article says its based on) but apparently the latest figures are that the number of sexual assaults reported to police from that one night in Cologne now stands at over 520.
New figures show sex assaults in 12 of Germany's 16 states on NYE

Meanwhile, that website which claims to be the mouthpiece for 'the leadership of the world socialist movement' is still fighting the good fight, carrying that article suggesting there is nothing to see here, nothing out of the ordinary went on that night . :facepalm:

Six men and a dog.
I really don't believe you, posters can't win with you, I was being fucking cautious as is required in these matters, most of this thread is people like BG claiming others aren't.
you were not being cautious, your first instinct was to refuse to believe her, to call her a liar.
Loads of course most of them unreported. Stranger rape / assault is usually around 5% I think.
just taking that 95% bit, perhaps that should be addressed at the same time as stranger rapes, refusing to act on the larger (numerically) problem while insisting on action on the less frequent one to my mind perverse.
just taking that 95% bit, perhaps that should be addressed at the same time as stranger rapes, refusing to act on the larger (numerically) problem while insisting on action on the less frequent one to my mind perverse.
Yes of course , less rape all round sounds like a great idea. But pointing to that as a way of pointing away from mass sexual assaults in public doesn't work.
Yes of course , less rape all round sounds like a great idea. But pointing to that as a way of pointing away from mass sexual assaults in public doesn't work.
i'm not using it as a way of pointing away from the matter at hand. i think that your 19 rapes by friends and family to every 1 by a stranger indicates there's a huge mounting to climb all round.
A much more pressing issue is why the mainstream media and the political establishment we're so keen to cover this up . Because cover it up they well and truly did . And not just in Germany . And why there's so much left wing and liberal hostility to anyone who's angry at what happened , and who's angry at the establishment cover up . anger that's gone so far to manifest itself in an attack on a rape victim as a "nazi whore " .

I really hope that creature got some sort of legal punishment or otherwise.
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