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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

"Stormfront language".
Nope. That's flimsy. Very flimsy. There are still many parts of the UK where "that lot" is used to denote everyone and anyone from supporters of a rival football team to members of a rival religious or political sect. Yes, it's a deliberately "othering" term, but your instant assumption that use denotes racist language is daft. If you'd claimed it solely about his calling them all rapists, I would agree, but "that lot" is colloquial English.
Over the course of 35,000 posts here and on the other shit site, CR has proved that he has an unfortunate habit of ganging up with the far right time and time again, inevitable given his infantile anti-imperialist pose, so in this instance, it's fair to say there's a significant overlap between himself and the scumfronters. He's a little bit vichy.

Cajfash said:
the brits should be thanking their lucky stars to this day we never rowed in firmly behind the germans , whod have let us write a blank cheque . Financial reparations etc from Britian . Had that have happened Britian would have been finished for good . [...] Our self interest and sovereignty is what must come first , not some musty old empire that destroyed and annihilated this country

(Apologies to everyone else for the unedifying derail)
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Germany seem to have this all in hand. They've released a leaflet about respecting women and gays and not hitting kids


Guide: Germany and its people | BR.de
Where did you find that ? Is it some sort of official government sponsored leaflet to be handed to everyone at the border??
There's other versions, like this here 'refugee guide' Chapter 0 – Introduction which includes advice like 'Smiling in public is fine and quite acceptable, it is not considered to be flirting, even if you are talking to a stranger' but also warns that, in Germany, 'Punctuality is very important.'.
Dutch Lore

"Rumors claiming a video shows Muslim refugees beating a girl in the Netherlands for dressing immodestly were inaccurate and misleading."

Is this an example of over-compensation by liberals?, the rejection of the story is based on the fact that the police, authorities made no mention of the 'religious aspect' of the confrontation, 'dressing like a whore, etc' indeed if there was one. However, we know now that the Police, Councils, etc, in Europe have been reluctant to report incidents such as these, could the ' 'religious' element have been removed, or is Scopes right?
‘Stop asylum nonsense!’ Anti-refugee rally in small Dutch town erupts in violence (VIDEOS)

Trouble in the small Dutch town of Heesch(population 12,000) as anti-refugee rally turns violent with upto 1000 protestors, the second one in the country in a few months if I recall. Loking at the videos, stories, many of the protestors were demanding that the numbers were reduced from 500 over the period.

Dead pig hung from tree at proposed refugee centre site - DutchNews.nl

update: looks like the trouble had been brewing, pigs head left at site of proposed refugee site.
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Where did you find that ? Is it some sort of official government sponsored leaflet to be handed to everyone at the border??
There's other versions, like this here 'refugee guide' Chapter 0 – Introduction which includes advice like 'Smiling in public is fine and quite acceptable, it is not considered to be flirting, even if you are talking to a stranger' but also warns that, in Germany, 'Punctuality is very important.'.

The image for personal freedom isn't very helpful:

Its like a PC pamphlet for telling immigrants how to be PC but too PC to explain PC
Its like a PC pamphlet for telling immigrants how to be PC but too PC to explain PC
Dunno. It's pretty out there in parts. Don't think this advice would go down very well on U75 for instance :
"Therefore, it is advisable to use the toilet in a sitting position. Where no urinal is available, this applies for men, too."
It is interesting how the response from the euro left to the attacks like in Heesch is so weak, one can remember the attacks in Cotbuss in post re-unification Germany, they sent ripples across the world.

Btw, Bernie Gunther is right on one thing, the far right/US libertarian/anti-jihad activists are picking up on these stories well before the mainstream media.
Hardly surprising. He sees himself as "Everyman".

An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attack on an argument made by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, rather than attacking the argument directly. When used inappropriately, it is a logical fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized.

Too much of this going on!!!
Cheers for posting. Just read it. Why the need for you to bring sarcasm with it? (Hate filled bastard)

The difference here is he is talking, in terms I wouldn't dispute, about multiculturalism as state enforced and the problems and contradictions that brings. I don't have a problem with his argument.

Except the average person on the street, fuck it, me anyway, doesn't necessarily use the word multiculturalism in this way. He talks of 'diversity' in a kind of opposition to multiculturalism. To me it's semantics. And using the word 'multiculturalism' as a negative gives succour to pretend lefties like CR to deal in their casual racism.

The "average person on the street" , you're smart enough not to
say what you are thinking I will give you that. However it is quite obvious that this is just sneering classism.

He uses the language of the people in the pub, the people on the estates, the streets, shops, places of work. He is not some effete hand wringer.
An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attack on an argument made by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, rather than attacking the argument directly. When used inappropriately, it is a logical fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized.

Too much of this going on!!!

Analyse his arguments. Saying that he thinks he's everyman isn't ad hominem, it's an accurate presentation of how he represents his views as normative "common-sense" views. Most people hedge their views by making clear that it's their opinion only. He doesn't. He deploys the politician's trick of placing himself as the centre of rational and reasoned commentary on the subject he's discoursing on.
The "average person on the street" , you're smart enough not to
say what you are thinking I will give you that. However it is quite obvious that this is just sneering classism.

He uses the language of the people in the pub, the people on the estates, the streets, shops, places of work. He is not some effete hand wringer.

"...the language of the people".
Surely that phrase, and the above explanation, is loaded with assumptions?
They dont have to approve like what germans do in germany they just have to accept that that is what happens in germany and to keep their views and hands to themselves.
That is not a bad pint he has pulled to be fair.
He looks like something off the Scarfolk blog. "Watch out there's a humanoid simulacrum about"
What is supposed to be going on in that picture? I can not work it out. Never wear speedos around reading nuns?

The message is quite clear, do what you like within limits. Speedo man isn't giving us an eyeful of "little Speedo", Nun woman covers her hair but not her face.
This is odd: Klausur in Kreuth: CSU will Kurswechsel in Flüchtlingspolitik | BR.de

Far as I can tell it's saying that in Bavaria, where the right wing Christian Democrats are the biggest party, and where many refugees first enter Germany, the local government is debating a change to their constitution which would make it obligatory (how??) for all refugees to 'be fully integrated into and accepting of" the mores and values of bavarian culture. Apparently local polls show that only 29% of bavarians are into 'multiculturalism' and 64% want forced integration / shared values'of some sort.
They're not Christian Democrats in Bavaria, they're Christian Social Union. And the "social" in their name is definitely not meant to mean "socialist". It's a party of hardline Catholics who didn't get Pope Frank's memo. They would probably go more for Franco, if they had to choose. . .

Bavaria is the Texas of Germany. I'm going there next month.
Analyse his arguments. Saying that he thinks he's everyman isn't ad hominem, it's an accurate presentation of how he represents his views as normative "common-sense" views. Most people hedge their views by making clear that it's their opinion only. He doesn't. He deploys the politician's trick of placing himself as the centre of rational and reasoned commentary on the subject he's discoursing on.

Pretty much. Just because I think CR is parroting far right talking points doesn't mean that I think everybody whose view of this I disagree with is, nor have I ever said anything that could be reasonably construed as meaning that.

However, I've explained all that multiple times on this thread already, and couldn't be arsed doing it all over again.

That way of interacting with people seems to me to be a kind of semantic denial of service attack. You just waste a whole bunch of time you'll never get back systematically refuting a bunch of dishonest bullshit, which is much easier and quicker to generate than it is to refute. Life is too short to waste on people who argue in bad faith IMO.
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