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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Which bit of "fuck it, me anyway" didn't you understand?
Don't take it personally, the thread seems to have descended into personal attacks these last couple of days, maybe out of exhaustion and lack of anything positive to say about the actual issues .
Don't take it personally, the thread seems to have descended into personal attacks these last couple of days, maybe out of exhaustion and lack of anything positive to say about the actual issues .
by no means. did you phone the german cops, to check on the state of play?
My German is very rusty even though it was my first language (being the one that both my immigrant parents had in common despite neither of them being German) . Haven't actually used it to chat with since I was about 12.
My German is very rusty even though it was my first language (being the one that both my immigrant parents had in common despite neither of them being German) . Haven't actually used it to chat with since I was about 12.
so you'll be after opportunities to practice it i suppose
Is it strange isn't it, that after Cologne NYE being such a huge story, with such ripples, it's apparently so difficult to find out who / how many have been charged with any sort of criminal offence relating to the events.

I'd have thought that any charges brought against anyone would be trumpeted out loud, to reassure the public and calm things down a bit.
There are possibilities the cops may want to follow up. I'd be very interested for example to know if there's any connection to people trafficking gangs and other criminal enterprises (my guess) or Islamic nutters (I think I that's unlikely, but evidence would be nice either way)
Merkel's Last Stand? Chancellor Running Out of Time on Refugee Issue - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Danger Ahead

Money has always been a good argument in politics, but votes are even more important. And here too there is bad news for Merkel. Many conservatives have long been hoping that losses in the upcoming state elections could be limited. Internally, the CDU wasn't particularly concerned about the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) gaining a bit of support so long as the CDU was able to emerge as the strongest party and secure the governor position.

But recent surveys now show that the CDU result could be worse than feared. Those surveys show that the AfD may not just exceed the five-percent hurdle for parliamentary representation in March, but could also emerge with a two-digit result in Baden-Württemberg.

Furthermore, sinking CDU poll numbers in both Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate make it possible that Merkel's party could emerge from both state elections without the governorship, depending on the make-up of the ultimate governing coalition. That would be a disaster for Merkel. Defeats in important state elections have always been dangerous for sitting chancellors, most recently hastening the end of Gerhard Schröder's term in office.

Merkel is fully aware that she is running out of time. If she isn't soon able to demonstrate that she is making headway, she could be in trouble. Even her own confidants say as much. "Then we would be facing a power struggle," says one.
Is it strange isn't it, that after Cologne NYE being such a huge story, with such ripples, it's apparently so difficult to find out who / how many have been charged with any sort of criminal offence relating to the events.

I'd have thought that any charges brought against anyone would be trumpeted out loud, to reassure the public and calm things down a bit.
Or mebbes another attempt to bury it? 'Under today's breaking news' Cologne, Rotherham, even up here with 'operation sanctuary' there seems to be a disturbing pattern of relegating it as quickly as possible to 'yesterday's news'
Analyse his arguments. Saying that he thinks he's everyman isn't ad hominem, it's an accurate presentation of how he represents his views as normative "common-sense" views. Most people hedge their views by making clear that it's their opinion only. He doesn't. He deploys the politician's trick of placing himself as the centre of rational and reasoned commentary on the subject he's discoursing on.

Plainly it's a bit of a liberty to assume the average person in the street would be , I dunno,... a tad miffed that young women were being assaulted and raped by organised gangs of criminals numbering up to a thousand .
And that the media and cops were deliberately covering it up . But plainly I'm manufacturing outrage were none exists, it's all me , and the average person on the street is taking a leaf out of the book of wankers on here and fretting that to be livid when the subjects raised inevitably means a return to the third Reich, and so instead emphasise the "nuances " of organised gang rape right across Europe . And agree its perfectly tickety boo for the authorities and media to cover it up .

And the only reason I haven't heard an actual real person talking such utter shit is they're the silent majority, and they communicate by manner of nod and wink. Tapping nose etc .
And wankers like you are correct after all and everyone agrees with you . Hence the currently robust state of the left . Such is the level of agreement with your stance by the average person in the street .
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The way these things work in internet is by a page being denounced. Who would denounce a definition?

Over Christmas and new year I noticed Wikipedia were fishing for donations again . It's possible a major donor may have attached a string or 2 . Hence the deletion . It's obvious it's nothing more than more censorship .
He's describing a mass of refugees as 'that lot' and tarring them all as rapists. That's stormfront language. Last time I checked the police had 21 suspects, around half of whom were not refugees.

All of whom were recently arrived migrants of a NAME background . And you're talking shite . I plainly have not tarred all refugees as rapists . That's complete and utter bollocks .
No one commenting on the events in Heesch(video above), pretty alarming, by the look of it many locals not just the usual far right.
Over the course of 35,000 posts here and on the other shit site, CR has proved that he has an unfortunate habit of ganging up with the far right time and time again, inevitable given his infantile anti-imperialist pose, so in this instance, it's fair to say there's a significant overlap between himself and the scumfronters. He's a little bit vichy.

(Apologies to everyone else for the unedifying derail)

And , as my resident online stalker, who's being actively stalking me across multiple threads for a period of years now ..literally years you sad pathetic cunt..you are a disingenuous lying little twat and all . Being opposed to Ireland abandoning neutrality and joining up with the British empire does not equate with supporting the third reich, not for an instant . Although there's always been a fifth column who like to frame Irish independence in those negative terms .
And I'm quite sure in your obsessive perusal of my entire posting history you haven't found a single instance of me expressing any opposition to fascism whatsoever . Or indeed advocating a robust physical retort to it . None, nope. None at all . Not even a teeny weeny little bit .

That's what you're telling people here, isn't it ?
Like presenting fascists as socialists on the Ukraine thread.

Tell me (via a sideways comment when replying to someone else because you pretend to ignore me) about the Russian 'race,' fash cunt.
No one commenting on the events in Heesch(video above), pretty alarming, by the look of it many locals not just the usual far right.

If its locals combined with the far right then that's indeed alarming, and depressing . Because that's crossover and community traction . But then again that sort of unpleasantness was always going to be the outcome of this brave new world . Depressing yes, surprised no . Not a bit . When you routinely denounce people as racists and fascists for opposing mass immigration then they might as well team up with them. What are they going to do then ? Call them racists and fascists ....again ? They're effectively driving them into the far rights arms .

Then again there's no excuse really . After all anyone outraged by the attacks on women in the Netherlands had an alternative means of demonstrating their outrage . I'm at a loss to understand why those angry locals didn't just do what these nice liberal people did instead .

Let me get this straight. This thread isn't about whether the assaults in Cologne are a new phenomenon and if so whether we should be concerned, and if we should be concerned what if anything we can or should do about it - but about who is right. So glad that is sorted!

Edit: Yes, I know. 'We' means 'I'. :oops:
Nevertheless, who is content?
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No one commenting on the events in Heesch(video above), pretty alarming, by the look of it many locals not just the usual far right.
That video you posted is very scary. Doesn't look like the usual skinhead crowd at all, or at least it looks like they have lots of new friends, middle aged women bringing their kids along even.
Yes. I can see lots of reasons why it'll be very hard to identify & bring charges against people for the sexual assaults perpetrated in / under cover of a huge crowd in the dark. Obviously easier to identify people with stolen goods on them, maybe some of them already known to the police etc.
But the numbers look awful don't they:
'Police say 883 people have now filed criminal complaints over the events in Cologne, including 497 women alleging sexual assault.The number of alleged crimes stands at 766, including three rapes.'
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Little bit of good news though (from the bottom of that link);

"Meanwhile a German town that banned male asylum seekers from a public swimming pool over complaints of harassment said it would allow them access again from Wednesday.
In a statement, town officials said the move was not a result of media pressure but instead followed "intensive discussions with refugees on how they should treat women with respect".
Let me get this straight. This thread isn't about whether the assaults in Cologne are a new phenomenon and if so whether we should be concerned, and if we should be concerned what if anything we can or should do about it - but about who is right. So glad that is sorted!
Nah this thread is all about casually red, you know, what sort of a person he really is, whether his outrage is genuine or strategic blah blah.
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