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Huge earthquake in Haiti

Apparently there is a lot of emergency aid stuck on the tarmac at the airport and they aren't moving.
The shock doctrine,while flawed,is a very useful tool for understanding neo-liberal responses to disaster, though some of it is just blatant opportunism, filling a vacuum, my heart goes out to the Haitians, we just couldn't imagine it all here,the nearest thing is playing Fallout 3.
still think this should be in general though, some wealthy folk on urban who may donate,etc.

Haiti Disaster and the USA use it to invade an utter disgrace over 50 thousand fear dead red cross info, imperialism using the mask of humanitarian aid to occupy another country Norm Chomskay will be on Democracy Now at 23 hours our time. If you have not given to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières then please so!
Haiti Disaster and the USA use it to invade an utter disgrace over 50 thousand fear dead red cross info, imperialism using the mask of humanitarian aid to occupy another country Norm Chomskay will be on Democracy Now at 23 hours our time. If you have not given to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières then please so!

.................hospital ships, yeah - invasion :D
Is it just me or have we had an unusually high number of catastophic earthquakes in the last six years?

There was the Boxing Day Tsunami, the Pakistani Earthquake, the Sichaunese Earthquake and now this one in Haiti.
Massive infrastructure's going to need to be put in place, the armed forces are available and can sort things out.

Royal Navy's been called in to fish bodies out of floodwaters in Bangladesh on more than one occasion in the past.

Plus, Haiti's got nothing anyone wants :(
Is it just me or have we had an unusually high number of catastophic earthquakes in the last six years?

There was the Boxing Day Tsunami, the Pakistani Earthquake, the Sichaunese Earthquake and now this one in Haiti.
It's just you. I can remember disaster after disaster after disaster over my lifetime, from when I was quite small (I'm in my fifties). Look back ever longer than that and there have been countless geodisasters.
Haiti Disaster and the USA use it to invade an utter disgrace over 50 thousand fear dead red cross info, imperialism using the mask of humanitarian aid to occupy another country Norm Chomskay will be on Democracy Now at 23 hours our time. If you have not given to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières then please so!
I don't think your in a position to decry the source of aid when people who are in desperate need of help. This is exactly what the rich countries of the world should do with their military. Its not place to you to patronise the people of Haiti every single one of which would not reject the aid that should be coming from the states.
The mask of humanitarian aid to occupy another country see here

I've read the shock doctrine, and that article from the Heritage Foundation is as badly put together as your blind following of it.

There's over 500 miles between Haiti and the U.S, Cuba (upon which this theory is most likely formed) is 280 miles away. People in Haiti are burying their dead and sifting through rubble, they're not in the mood for D-Day on Nassau.

Heritage Foundation are putting their spin on it, which will always be 'RAPACIOUS CAPITALISM FTW'.

The fact is, people are needed on the ground - people who are well fed, watered and can be set to the task of securing dangerous areas and routing aid where it needs to go. The military are ready to roll, whereas other agencies may take time to get into gear.

The sky isn't falling, but help is needed.
I've read the shock doctrine, and that article from the Heritage Foundation is as badly put together as your blind following of it.

There's over 500 miles between Haiti and the U.S, Cuba (upon which this theory is most likely formed) is 280 miles away. People in Haiti are burying their dead and sifting through rubble, they're not in the mood for D-Day on Nassau.

Heritage Foundation are putting their spin on it, which will always be 'RAPACIOUS CAPITALISM FTW'.

The fact is, people are needed on the ground - people who are well fed, watered and can be set to the task of securing dangerous areas and routing aid where it needs to go. The military are ready to roll, whereas other agencies may take time to get into gear.

The sky isn't falling, but help is needed.

I agree in part with what is said, but trust The USA?
I think donating via www.dec.org.uk is the best thing. Médecins Sans Frontières is an amazing organisation but the people need so much more than just medical care right now.

I have been plugging them by my Twitter ie www.dec.org.uk and i would very much agree give where you feel indeed, but lets not forget those on the ground they need our aid and for us to be critical of people like www.dec.org.uk and ask what is there intent at the end of the day? DWB is more direct in my book..
I agree in part with what is said, but trust The USA?

:rolleyes: Oh dear god, I know that disasters don't exist in a bubble - but this isn't Chile in the 70's or Iraq in the mid 2000's. This is more like the 2004 tsunami.

Give it a rest. Imperialist think tanks have a tendency to be imperialist, regardless. It's what they get paid for.
C'mon Balbi, you can hardly blame people for being just a leeeeeetle bit sceptical, bearing in mind the history.

Perhaps they've just learnt some lessons from the criticisms about how they handled Katrina.

But yes, absolutely the Haitians won't be complaining and they need all the help they can get :(
I'm not sceptical, but I usually am. The U.S is the nearest 'big' nation to Haiti - 600 or so miles away, it makes sense for them to get as much as they can in there as soon as possible.
I agree in part with what is said, but trust The USA?

There's no-one else within range who has the resources to help meaningfully. It looks suspect that they are sending an aircraft carrier for example, but each of those has a desalination plant on board that can produce 400,000 gallons of clean water a day. That might come in handy, no?

Give it a few months till the situation starts to stabilise, and then it'll be clear if there's another agenda. It's not as if Haiti has anything much worth exploiting anyway.
And Aircraft carriers have lots of helicopters which will be needed as the roads are out, also medical facilities which will also be of need as the Hospitals in Port-au-Prince have collapsed.
Well I'm a little bit :hmm: Balbi, but not on a soapbox about it.

Whatever their intentions, I doubt they'll be deterred by a bit of shoutiness from Noam :D
:rolleyes: Oh dear god, I know that disasters don't exist in a bubble - but this isn't Chile in the 70's or Iraq in the mid 2000's. This is more like the 2004 tsunami.

Give it a rest. Imperialist think tanks have a tendency to be imperialist, regardless. It's what they get paid for.

Give it a rest for fuck sake and if you have read as you have said then every right to be critical, and what would you like to know how the Imperialist Nations failed regards the 2004 Tsunami and events following, as an anarchist I place no blind faith in the Imperialist Nations THAT IS NONE and before you preach at me think on, I have spent the last 36 hours awake doing what I can and this weekend a big event in Sheffield will now give part of the cash raised, will have buckets for collection for people to give and in 2 weeks they will be another gig I put my anarchism in action..
There's no-one else within range who has the resources to help meaningfully. It looks suspect that they are sending an aircraft carrier for example, but each of those has a desalination plant on board that can produce 400,000 gallons of clean water a day. That might come in handy, no?

Give it a few months till the situation starts to stabilise, and then it'll be clear if there's another agenda. It's not as if Haiti has anything much worth exploiting anyway.

Exactly. The US military is probably the only organisation that can quickly give assistance enough to make any real difference.

As you say, if an alternative agenda becomes apparent when the immediate crisis has passed then it'll be time to make a noise: for now the priority is getting food, clean water, medical assistance and shelter out there.

Donation to the DEC going through now...
Give it a rest for fuck sake and if you have read as you have said then every right to be critical, and what would you like to know how the Imperialist Nations failed regards the 2004 Tsunami and events following, as an anarchist I place no blind faith in the Imperialist Nations THAT IS NONE and before you preach at me think on, I have spent the last 36 hours awake doing what I can and this weekend a big event in Sheffield will now give part of the cash raised, will have buckets for collection for people to give and in 2 weeks they will be another gig I put my anarchism in action..

Well done, now go and listen to Noam get annoyed about a think tank and feel good about yourself if Haiti gets turned into Disneyland.

After all, while there were still bodies under rubble and thousands homeless - you were pointing out that the rescue effort could be the cover up for a dastardly attempt to further the U.S empire.

Good show.

Well done, now go and listen to Noam get annoyed about a think tank and feel good about yourself if Haiti gets turned into Disneyland.

After all, while there were still bodies under rubble and thousands homeless - you were pointing out that the rescue effort could be the cover up for a dastardly attempt to further the U.S empire.

Good show.


Do fuck right off stop putting words and thoughts across that I never fucking did, I was just putting another side it is a democracy after all one has the right raise the truth as I see however ugly the brain dead might see it?
No, you were gripping onto an article based on an article written by a think tank and sullying the rescue efforts being made in the process. I may put words in your mouth, but it's really hard with your foot in there as well.

Get some sleep, you've been awake for 36 hours.
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