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Huge earthquake in Haiti

Oh,and Cuba has agreed to let the US use its airspace for the relief effort, a good sign

How the fuck is that a good sign? please do tell!

Relief efforts are building in response to the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti Tues. Centered 10 miles from the capital Port Au Prince, it was the worst earthquake to hit the region in more than 200 years and the devastation is enormous—thousands of structures have been destroyed, including hospitals and countless homes—people are trapped in the rubble, and we don't even know the full extent of the damage.

DONTAE NOW TO: Doctors Without Borders Partners in Health Grassroots International

Do not contribute to the Red Cross (organizational corruption) or Yele Haiti, Wyclef Jean's organization which is distributing his call for US military intervention in Haiti.
Seriously enumbers, you're a tool.

You bang on about trying to get help, then boldly tell us not to contribute to internationally renowned organisation.
Seriously enumbers, you're a tool.

You bang on about trying to get help, then boldly tell us not to contribute to internationally renowned organisation.

If you want to donate to renowned organisation then do so, a tool is better than being Brain Dead understanding where your cash is going is something i feel people should know, and that if you desire for your donation to work then give to people like DWB..
Do not contribute to the Red Cross (organizational corruption) or Yele Haiti, Wyclef Jean's organization which is distributing his call for US military intervention in Haiti.

Don't be so bloody bossy! Telling people where to donate or not, ffs. Unless you can show that the organisations are dodgy (in relation to immediate aid) i.e. that the donations won't reach Haitians in some form - all you're doing is substituting your own political agenda.

Don't get me wrong, as I said last night I'm a bit sceptical about the long term political agendas myself. But throwing your own political agenda into the ring by attempting to stop people from donating to the Red Cross, just rings all manner of wrong for me.
Don't give Haitians a penny, says Rush Limbaugh
Don't give Haitians a penny, says Rush Limbaugh

That's rich, considering the Dominican Republic is Limbaugh's favourite sex tourism destination (all that's available to him...that, and his gobbed-up right hand, despite the fact he's got tons of money).

And yes, I understand Haiti and the DR are two separate entities. There is, however, deep animosity between the two countries. Dominican's esp. hate Haitians.

Thus, I'd be willing to bet, while Rush was 'vacationing' and getting his Viagra-engorged dick sucked on by some cheap 10 dolla Sousa hooker, she paused and said "we don't like Haitians". Such is the depth of Limbaugh's *research* into the region.

Just my theory. I don't open Rush Limbaugh links. At least Pat Robertson's funny and will be dead soon...
19 big fuck off helicopters mh53 and theres more on the way.
the sheer cost of running those things is mind boggoling no aid organisation could do it.
irans sending a 1000 riot police good news they will be needed if only to guard stuff and being 1000s of miles away from iran they can't hit iranian students:(.
pity the idf could'nt send some of there bulldozers:hmm:
unlikely more than enough work to go around:(
haiti not the most law abiding place at the best of time.
warehouses field hospitals full of shiny kit and food water desperate people and those who know or care less = lots of places that need guarding.
you can whine all about the occupation.
haitian goverment has either dieded or is trying to look after there own families:(
Haiti earthquake: British aid on its way
Planes carrying supplies and rescue teams leave Britain amid reports of fights and looting over food and water A British Airways jumbo jet carrying relief supplies to the Caribbean island state took off early this morning crewed by volunteers from the airline, while Virgin Atlantic is flying out medical and rescue teams. The BA flight departed from Heathrow at about 8.30am with 10 tonnes of Oxfam cargo. It will stop at Billund in Denmark to pick up 40 tonnes of aid from Unicef and is due to land in the Dominican Republic at about midnight British time
still wondering who to make my donation to, i am not a big fan of Oxfam, are there any smaller ones worth donating to, or should I just donate to DEC?
unlikely more than enough work to go around:(
haiti not the most law abiding place at the best of time.
warehouses field hospitals full of shiny kit and food water desperate people and those who know or care less = lots of places that need guarding.
you can whine all about the occupation.
haitian goverment has either dieded or is trying to look after there own families:(

So who is communicating on behalf of Haiti?

2 years back I visited my friend who lives on Turks & Caicos and met a lot of people from Haiti and sadly on my part it was the first I got to know that it wasn't a 'paradise' island. The people really don't need or deserve this.

I give my money to Oxfam...overall I support who they are and IMO they do get aid to people quickly.
still wondering who to make my donation to, i am not a big fan of Oxfam, are there any smaller ones worth donating to, or should I just donate to DEC?

DEC is the one to go for.

These are its members:

* ActionAid
* British Red Cross
* Care International UK
* Christian Aid
* Concern Worldwide
* Help the Aged
* Islamic Relief
* Merlin
* Oxfam
* Save the Children
* Tearfund
* World Vision
Haiti earthquake - how do UK charities help?
With up to 50,000 people feared dead in Haiti, UK charities are scrambling to get aid to the earthquake-stricken Caribbean island. But what do agencies do when disaster strikes?

Seems a bit like a lot of talk, very few are there on the ground now!
And before enumbers gets in, Obama has announced that W. and Clinton will be heading up fundraising efforts in the U.S....

............JUST LIKE THE ARTICLE TOLD US HE WOULD. That think tank obviously controls the U.S Govt., or they're just stating the flipping obvious. After all to make it to Presidency twice, their ability to squeeze money out of reluctant people will be extremely adept.
president of haiti is sleeping at the airport so he's speaking for haiti though to be honest if he's doing more than going oh fuck repeatidly be a miracle:( The haitan senate most of the are lieing in front of the senate building in bodybags:eek:
some cunt in the independant is blaming the US military already as they hav'nt managed to get anything into the centre of town. everything is completely fucked the airport is tiny the port is fucked the roads are fucked. how exactly are they meant to get heavy lifting gear in :facepalm:
still wondering who to make my donation to, i am not a big fan of Oxfam, are there any smaller ones worth donating to, or should I just donate to DEC?

I'm going to donate to this charity


We are a well established charity in Haiti (since 1978) , and before this earthquake started we already had 800 children needing sponsorships orphaned by AIDS, tropical storms, unrest and poverty related disease. Port au Prince was still recovering from tropical storms in Nov 2008 which destroyed 10,000 homes and made many more homeless. The earthquake has destroyed most communcations. So far we have not managed more than brief contact with our offices and field workers in Haiti because of the infrastructure collapse. It is clear that there will be a massive need for emergency relief work after the earthquake yesterday. Therefore we have decided to appeal for funds to help the people of Haiti.
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