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Huge earthquake in Haiti

Another 4.5 aftershock. Thjat's about 12 they've had of around the same size. Which is enough to shake the crumbling buildings :(
:( poor barstards.

the US will rock up shortly with field hospitals and food for a couple of months if only to stop refugees.
the place is such a well of problems
Oh my gosh.
Sky news reporting from an AP link ;
500,000 dead.

President Rene Preval says he believes thousands of people are dead even as other officials give much higher estimates - though they were based on the extent of the destruction rather than firm counts of the dead.

His prime minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, tells CNN: "I believe we are well over 100,000," while leading senator Youri Latortue tells The Associated Press that 500,000 could be dead. Both admit they have no way of knowing.

It sure is bad news.

They didn't exactly have building standards in the shanty towns around the capital.
Bloody Hell, those poor people are cursed. Hundreds of thousands dead doesn't seem like an exaggeration when the earthquake occurred in the capital city and it was bad enough to destroy the President's palace, let alone smaller buildings (not that everyone had the luxury of a building).
Every single house in the capital is damaged. The city's cathedral has collapsed, the presidential palace collapsed. Dead and dying are lying in the streets. The death toll could be as high as 500.000 dead. This is so awful. Words escape me. These poor people. I feel like crying.

The news just reported a young woman screaming "Its the end of the world."
News story I heard, said maybe a million dead.

There are only about 1.3million people in Port-au-Prince in total.

That would suggest nearly all of them are dead, I don't believe that.

In the news reports I have seen so far there are plenty alive and assisting in the rescue efforts.
There are only about 1.3million people in Port-au-Prince in total.

That would suggest nearly all of them are dead, I don't believe that.

It is the outlying and very difficult to get at areas, where many of the deaths have/will happened based on what has happened in past disasters of this magnitude.
America seems to be sending the most rescue type aid, there is an aircraft carrier on the way and thousands of marines.

There is a flight of British rescue people on the way also.
Let's hope when they do rebuild, they build more resistant structures.

I heard that the palace and the hospital were knocked down.
bloody awful, these places are already in dire straits, a tragedy

btw, shouldn't this be in general, there has been more killed than on 911, yet that was on there.
There are only about 1.3million people in Port-au-Prince in total.

That would suggest nearly all of them are dead, I don't believe that.

In the news reports I have seen so far there are plenty alive and assisting in the rescue efforts.

About 20 mins ago on BBC live feed:

2050 Haiti's President, Rene Preval, tells CNN he has heard that between 30,000 and 50,000 people were killed by the earthquake. He did not say where the estimates had come from.
Medicine Sans Frontieres HQ has collapsed, the U.N's base has collapsed and they're missing their staff. Unreal.

And that firefox app tells me they've had a 4.8 quake 15 miles WSW of Port au Prince about an hour ago, 4.6 quake 20 miles WSW od Port au Prince at ten to seven this evening and a 5.3 quake forty miles away at quarter to three....

God, and another 4.9 quake just registered 20 miles from the city again. There's some serious rumbling going on.

Medicine Sans Frontieres HQ has collapsed, the U.N's base has collapsed and they're missing their staff. Unreal.

And that firefox app tells me they've had a 4.8 quake 15 miles WSW of Port au Prince about an hour ago, 4.6 quake 20 miles WSW od Port au Prince at ten to seven this evening and a 5.3 quake forty miles away at quarter to three....

God, and another 4.9 quake just registered 20 miles from the city again. There's some serious rumbling going on.


Wow. All that gives the survivors even less chance of continuing to survive.

I hope the UK lets people from that region stay in the UK legally if they make it here.
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