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Huge earthquake in Haiti

I've been asked to go out there to assist in preparation of the deceased.

I am not going. Apart from the fact that I have been 'off call' for the disaster response team, I really dont think its something I would be able to handle.

A plane going down is one thing, but this is something completely different.
The numbers of the hurt, dying and dead is huge :(

What proportion is that to the total population, does anyone know? I'm asking only cos I'm wondering if there's an evacuation element to this in addition to search and rescue.
Population 8,490,200

Capital City Port-au-Prince (1.4 million)

Population similar to Sweden, but in a much smaller area. It's quite densely populated then, Cuba's population is a couple of million more but over so much more land space. I had no idea how many people were living in that smallish space.

So the effect from the epicentre is going to be so much more marked, the aftershocks and damage are far more far reaching beyond Port-au-Prince.

Have I got that right?
UK, Population 61,113,000 - Land Area 243,610 sq km - 251 people / sq km

Haiti, Population 9,035,536 [1]- Land Area 27,750 sq km - 326 people / sq km

[1] updated pop figure from CIA.
I just had time to look at some of those picture.

Fucking hats off to all the rescuers and medics and joe bloggs' out there trying to help everyone.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.

Readers of the The Shock Doctrine know that the Heritage Foundation has been one of the leading advocates of exploiting disasters to push through their unpopular pro-corporate policies. From this document, they’re at it again, not even waiting one day to use the devastating earthquake in Haiti to push for their so-called reforms.




The following quote was hastily yanked by the Heritage Foundation and replaced with a more diplomatic quote, but their first instinct is revealing:-

“In addition to providing immediate humanitarian assistance, the U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti earthquake offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti’s long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the public image of the United States in the region.”

What is described is essentially an invasion and occupation of Haiti disguised as an assistance effort. US control of Haiti’s airspace and coastline. De facto control of all assistance flowing into the country (including that from other countries):-

“The U.S. government response should be bold and decisive. It must mobilize U.S. civilian and military capabilities for short-term rescue and relief and long-term recovery and reform.”..”This U.S. military presence, which should also include a large contingent of U.S. Coast Guard assets, can also prevent any large-scale movement by Haitians to take to the sea in dangerous and rickety watercraft to try to enter the U.S. illegally.”

The report also mentions a “strong and vigorous public diplomacy effort” (aka propaganda). To top it off the writer suggests the “leadership” involvement of a former president who is responsible for a catalogue of imperial wars across the Middle East.

INterestingly, but probably unrelated.... sunspot 1040 was facing the earth at the same time as the earthquake. It also morphed into a rough shape of the area effected. :cool:
Feel so sad about these people suffering - it's terrible and I hope the aid reaches them..

Boyfriend pissed me off about this with his comments that they're always having natural disasters so why don't they leave the place and live elsewhere..told him that the people there are mainly dead poor and it ain't their fault that this has happened. Really annoyed me to be honest...
someone at work just behaved as if it were just another disaster and that no doubt there would be a concert to raise support... yet no one helps out the people in this country.... :/
UK, Population 61,113,000 - GDP $2.236 trillion - GDP per capita $36,700

Haiti, Population 9,035,536 - GDP $11.53 billion - GDP per capita $1,300
Haiti earthquake: Aid floods in as rescue workers launch critical 72-hour effort

telegraph said:
As the Haitian Red Cross put the number of dead at 50,000, the focus was on locating people trapped under the rubble and trying to minimise an anticipated public health crisis that it is feared could claim thousands more lives on the improverished island.

The United States – which has a history of involvement in Haiti both politically and though aid efforts – led the charge, sending planes full of aid and rescue workers, an aircraft carrier and three amphibious ships with thousands of Marines on-board, along with a team to restore air traffic control to the airport so flights could evacuate the injured and bring in supplies.

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