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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Regarding Janner, the next inquiry hearing about that is scheduled for late September. Its been pushed back to that date because they are trying to wait till the IOPC has finished looking at things. For all I know it could yet be pushed back further. The inquiry focus will be on institutional failings and related dodgyness, and I'm pretty sure they will find some in that case.

I should have said that this September thing is just a preliminary hearing. The full Janner thing is currently scheduled for February 2020.

October is abuse in residential schools.
November is abuse in the catholic church (the anglican church one already happened in July).
March is child protection in religious organisations and settings.

The Inquiry also took the step of releasing a short statement saying that Beech is not a core participant in any of the inquiry modules, and nor did he apply to be.

Inquiry statement on Carl Beech
Glad to see you say the author of realtrollexposure blog. author is "less so".

He runs the protected twitter abuse account ANY Protonmail Autodeleted (@majorleak2017) on Twitter and he is a proven liar, a liar who made knowingly false criminal allegations to Dorset police that resulted in the sudden & unexpected death of my partner Robert. His name is Simon R. Just and he has many victims, amongst them myself since 2015.

I invite you to read my expose and forensic dissection of his recent blog EXCLUSIVE: Messenger Deliverymessenger-delivery/

You can read my publication exposing him and another notorious SuperTroll stalker of Mark Williams-Thomas and myself and my late partner here @Scambusters999 & Simon the Goose who laid the Golden eggs This proves that you cannot believe all you read on his realtrollexposure website.

Carl Beech trial round up.

And the daily round up posts at the realtrollexposure blog. (Posts useful, their author less so etc. etc.)

Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday

Trial resumes next Tuesday 11th June.
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Probably not a great thread for this but didn't want to start a new one. What title would I give it for a start.

This article is about the course ran by MoJ in prisons that a researcher claimed was allowed to continue for years after she identified that it made sex offenders more likely to re-offend.

BBC News - Sex offender: 'I've never had so many deviant thoughts'
Sex offenders say rehab course 'made them worse'

It does seem incredible that MoJ ever thought to stick loads of sex offenders, rapists, and paedophiles convicted of crimes of varying severity together to talk about sexual offending in fine detail and didn't ponder the (to me quite obvious but maybe that's hindsight) possible negatives of this approach. Like making it a finishing school for apprentice sex offenders or normalising abhorrent behaviour amongst the selected cohort. What the fuck.
The whole Operation Midland investigation was farcical and disgusting.

Tom Watson should resign or be sacked.

However those who claim that this entire farce was a left wing snear campaign against the right are incorrect.

I speak as someone who endured "therapy" with an asociate of the psychologist Elly Hanson aka Elly Farmer (daughter of prominent Tory brexiteer Lord Farmer).

Elly Hanson / Farmer was the psychologist who convined the keystone cops at Op Midland that Beech's deranged narratives were credible.

She has a long history of invovlement with networks of quacks who promote David Icke style conspiracy theories about satanic ritual abuse and mind control, the Queen being a lizard and other insanity.

Hanson works as a psychologist with CEOP and the National Crime agency.

This contamination of our criminal justice system by insane conspiracy theorists is shocking.

The really concerning issue is the far right promotion of conspiracy theories around VIP paedophile rings in order to pervert democracy. this very clearly happened with Pizzagate and Qanon and I think it very likely that it happened with Brexit.


she is still at it, even after all the bad press re Op Midland

Dissociative Identity Disorder Created Through Organised Extreme Abuse
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One of the many demented pages from the website of the organisation hosting the event linked to in my above post


How is it that psychologists who work with the police at a very high level and who are allied with a Tory thinktank the Centre for Social Justice (remember them, they were one of the organisations promoting Camila Batmanghelidjh) see fit to attend such insane event?
One of the many demented pages from the website of the organisation hosting the event linked to in my above post


How is it that psychologists who work with the police at a very high level and who are allied with a Tory thinktank the Centre for Social Justice (remember them, they were one of the organisations promoting Camila Batmanghelidjh) see fit to attend such insane event?
ah right, you think that people who work with the cops and the tories should in some be way worthy of respect

i don't see any grounds for your suggestion that they should be reputable and above board
ah right, you think that people who work with the cops and the tories should in some be way worthy of respect

i don't see any grounds for your suggestion that they should be reputable and above board

WTF are you on about?

Of course a psychologist who works with the cops at a senior level should be reputable. She specialises in the sexual abuse of children.

The Centre for Social Justice promotes itself as a reputable, caring organisation.

Elly Hanson is not reputable

The CfSJ is not reputable

That is my point
WTF are you on about?

Of course a psychologist who works with the cops at a senior level should be reputable. She specialises in the sexual abuse of children.

The Centre for Social Justice promotes itself as a reputable, caring organisation.

Elly Hanson is not reputable

The CfSJ is not reputable

That is my point
i still don't see any grounds for your suggestion that they should be reputable and above board. why should they be reputable and above board when so much of our public life is riddled with corruption and hypocrisy? how can they be reputable at such a time?
i still don't see any grounds for your suggestion that they should be reputable and above board. why should they be reputable and above board when so much of our public life is riddled with corruption and hypocrisy? how can they be reputable at such a time?

So if someone attempts to demonstrate corruption the response should be to ridicule them for claiming that we should expect our stautory bodies and qualified mental health professionals to not be corrupt?
Some other fascinating mental health professionals associated with the Centre for Social Justice

Benjamin Fry

Commissioning Effective Talking Therapies | The Centre for Social Justice

Founder of Khiron House an interesting treatment centre for people experiencing emotional trauma

"Each client’s individualised treatment plan of trauma modalities may include Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, EMDR, Internal Family Systems, Lifespan Integration and BSP (Brainspotting), all of which are body referencing therapies that are redefining therapeutic and health outcomes."

Trauma Treatment | Khiron House - Treatment for Trauma

Internal Family Systems is a discredited form of quackery that lead to multiple lawsuits in the US at the Castlewood Treatment Centre, where vulnerable patients with eating disorders "recovered memories" of satanic ritual abuse.

Satanic Ritual Abuse therapist loses job amidst claims of malpractice - International Skeptics Forum

All the other therapies listed are dubious to say the least and have been associated with false memories of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse

I could go on but am pushed for time


Peter Fonagy is another quack associated with the CSJ
So if someone attempts to demonstrate corruption the response should be to ridicule them for claiming that we should expect our stautory bodies and qualified mental health professionals to not be corrupt?
over the last ten years we've seen some of how corrupt our elected representatives are, with the expenses scandal. we've seen how little the police will do to protect vulnerable people from paedophiles - indeed, the great lengths they will go to to protect paedophiles. there is great scope for corruption and incompetence in mental health, some of which you've alluded to. so while there should be an anticipation that statutory bodies and mental health professionals are honest, upright and disinterested, that they act with the best interests of society in mind, i don't think that can be an actual expectation as those augean stables haven't yet been cleansed.

oh: as for the ridicule, don't know where you're getting that from
Why don't you report him to his governing body?

Some years ago I attempted to report some therapists who were sexually assaulting* clients to their accrediting body.

The accrediting body (the UKCP) gave me the run around for weeks before finally phoning me to tell me that they had consulted a lawyer and that they had been told that because sex work is not illegal there was nothing that they could do. They seemed to consider the sexual massages as prostitution and a seperate issue to abuse.

I contacted the same person I spent hours on the phone to, Sunita, fairly recently and she claimed to have no memory of my communication. Either she has severe amnesia or she is lying. The then chair of the UKCP David Pink promised, via Sunita, to contact me. He never did despite repeated phone calls and emails.

I subsequently learned that all of the UK psychotherapy accrediting organisations have been infiltrated by quacks, charatans and even criminals

It raises the issue of who do you report people to when the accrediting organisations are rotten?

These days I spend a lot of time reporting various quacks and charlatans to the PCCs and CCGs who have commissioned their services

I continue to get the run around and, as a result, have extreme concerns about some police officers, some people working in the NHS at senior levels and other people of influence in various statutory organisations.

People with direct personal experience of the cults involved have warned me that by whistleblowing I am putting my safety at risk. I believe that they are correct. I have little to lose as people I have whistleblown to have passed on my details to the people I am concerned about.

*they were in fact claiming to cure rape and child sexual abuse survivors by massaging their genitals and anuses (yoni and "sacred spot" massage) in order to heal sexual abuse because "the body remembers what the mind cannot" or some such bullshit
This is one of the charlatans I attempted to report

About Me

His real name is Martin Jelfs

He is a UKCP accredited psychotherapist and supervisor

I reported him to the UKCP 8 years ago

[editor: without proof, this is libellous, so content removed]


I once found various ratings for Jelf's wife Hannah Katz Jelfs on the punternet or punterlink website. [editor: without proof, this is libellous, so content removed]

further eta

a video

further eta

Jelfs has trained in Brainspotting one of the quack therapies that Benjamin Fry has trained in.

even further eta

[editor: without proof, this is libellous, so content removed]

We have an absolutely bizarre and scary situation happening right now in the UK in which allegations of sexual abuse and historic sexual abuse have been weaponised for political purposes.

Given that psychotherapy organisations are promoting and endorsing quack therapies that generate false memories of sexual abuse this is an incredibly dangerous situation
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I got locked out of my old email address and I cannot show you the emails (they may be accessible via an old external hard drive), however I swear that everything in my (now deleted) post is true

I understand why you removed it and would not wish to get you into any problems

Could I post a photo of Jelf's flyer that I sent to the UKCP in 2011?

If it's a problem don't worry, I have shedloads of evidence re things I can prove re the UKCP :)

Jelfs is still accredited with them and anyone who wants to can report him if they are concerned about him
I got locked out of my old email address and I cannot show you the emails (they may be accessible via an old external hard drive), however I swear that everything in my (now deleted) post is true
That's not the point though. I don't want this site being put in the firing line like this by your accusations, even if they are true.
I understand

I have no wish to cause you problems

FWIW I visited the Professional Standards Authority to complain about my experience of attempting to report Jelfs to the UKCP, if it came to me being in a court of law I could hold my own very well on this, but I appreciate that you have to keep yourself out of the firing line


I may have the punter reviews on an old hard drive, will look for them

here is a link to Mrs Jelfs' (she spells Hanna sometimes with an h and sometimes without aka Shakti Aqua) massage services

Shakti Hanna | Tantralink.com

The website and contact details are the same as for Mr Jelfs
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That's not the point though. I don't want this site being put in the firing line like this by your accusations, even if they are true.
Would it make any difference if some of the stuff were posted in the community forums? I didn't see any of the posts before they were edited I'm afraid so not sure what kind of content it was and just trying to help.
The Elly Hanson stuff is actually very interesting IMO. An article in Private Eye after Carl Beech had been found guilty goes into some of it. It doesn't seem to be online so here it is :


Richard Bartholomew has also written about her and about the role of psychotherapists at his blog, for example

A Note on Carl Beech and the Psychotherapists

Private Eye Looks at Clinical Psychologist Involved with Two “VIP Sex Abuse” Investigations

and back in 2017
Police Consulted “Dissociative Identity Disorder” Therapist In Ted Heath Abuse Probe

The second blog post refers to her involvement with Ian Duncan Smith's Centre for Social Justice. (Which IMO while interesting doesn't amount to very much).

The Private Eye article points out that an outside police review of Operation Conifer (Wiltshire Police into Ted Heath) had questioned the fact that Elly Hanson had given advice to Conifer itself, but had then been employed by Wiltshire as part of a supposedly independent external scrutiny panel into Conifer. The circle is joined even further now that we know she had not only already acted as a consultant to the Met regarding Carl Beech's allegations about Heath, which had been passed on to Conifer, but had also been consulted by Beech's own therapist !!

That's even before we get into any questions about Hanson's therapeutic methods, the ideas underpinning them or her professional judgement.

After Beech was found guilty the Guardian published the following letter (28th July) :

Trauma and abuse evoke powerful feelings. As therapists, psychologists and counsellors we are concerned that the extra anger being aimed at Tom Watson MP, the police and Carl Beech is missing adequate reflection. Tom Watson suggested, in parliament in 2012, that evidence from the paedophile Peter Righton’s conviction pointed to a “powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”. This was prior to speaking to Beech, and he was right. National figures such as Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith MP were unmasked as prolific child abusers.

The outcry culminated in the then home secretary, Theresa May, announcing an independent inquiry, and the 2014 pressuring on police to be believing – now rescinded. The scenarios Carl Beech describes, and his complex mixture of untreated victim and perpetrator, are familiar. People need to understand “fantasists” and “liars”. To ignore that subject risks not hearing vulnerable children. Children with dissociative identity disorder from trauma, for example, are often accused of being liars when one state of mind is amnesic to what another has said or done. To be wrongly accused is abuse.

We must provide justice for all, while acknowledging the number of innocent people named is very small compared with the one in 65 survivors who gain justice.

Valerie Sinason, Sue Richardson, Kathryn Livingston, Melanie Goodwin, Rémy Aquarone, Nancy Borrett, Jaclyn Everitt,Andrew Baxter, Penny Johnson, Paula Fenn, Dena Sanger, Ruth Alborough, Kay Luck, Maire Fitzmaurice, Michelle Jowett, Winja Lutz, Sandra Buck, Judy Williams, Lindsay Schofield, Kate Forbes Pitt, Dehra Mitchell, Eimir McGrath, Andrea Aldridge, Liz Hall, Mandy Coghill, Ronete Cohen, Giles Lascelle, Abbie O’Connor, Jane Blackhurst, Cathie Wright, Ruth Leaper, Patricia Bahs, Katia Kohler, Loraine Newbold, Paula Biles, Rainer Kurtz, Judith Marlow, Heather Bacon

This has to be the most astonishing apologetic for Beech I have seen outside conspiraloon circles. Ignoring the utter nonsense in the first paragraph about how Tom Watson "was right", the second paragraph actually suggests that we should be open to the possibility that Beech's lies (or as the letter writers seem to prefer "lies") might be a result of his being a "complex mixture of untreated victim and perpetrator".

He wasn't "untreated", at least not as a "victim", he had been in therapy. He was indeed an untreated perpetrator. Three different police forces looked at his claims, found no trace of evidence that he had ever been abused by anybody, but a fair bit of evidence that he'd made all his claims up. And a jury had just found him guilty of perverting the course of justice by lying. Is there any point at which inconvenient facts might be allowed to outweigh expensive professional opinions about the credibility of "scenarios" being presented?

In being concerned about people "getting away with it", and their misdeeds being covered up, we should be including some of these arrogant shitheads.
Thank you Lurdan

I agree with your post

It is really hard to get people to appreciate what is happening partly because the situation is so insane and so disturbing

One thing that all of the people who signed that letter have in common is that they are almost all (possibly all) involved with the ISSTD as a quick google search will demonstrate

Some more information re the CSJ

Firstly re Benjamin Fry

He started a therapeutic residential centre in the UK called Khiron House

Like many strange and concerning organisations promoting conspiracy theories about satanic ritual abuse and VIP paedophile rings, Khiron House has connection to an organisations called the ISSTD (the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation)

On the Khiron House website it states:

"We comply with the International Society for the Study of Trauma (ISSTD) guidelines (2011) for the treatment of trauma ISSTD - International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (I wouldn't click on that link IIWY) and work with its three phase model of:

1. Symptom reduction and regulation

2. Processing traumatic memories

3. Consolidation and integration"

source via the archive
Wayback Machine

The ISSTD is an extremely controversial organisation that for decades has promoted David Icke style conspiracy theories about satanic ritual abuse, although, strangely, a significant number of the UK psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists involved with the ISSTD trained at the Tavistock Clinic and its related organisations. This is extremely weird as the La Rouche organisation has for many years been publishing bizarre conspiracy theories regarding the Tavistock as being at the centre of a satanic cult, as has Icke.

I believe that the situation is one where there are real conspiracies but that they have layers of clearly incredible conspiracies heaped on top of them. The end result is that anyone trying to whistleblow about the real abuses is assumed to be a conspiraloon.

Back to the ISSTD.....

wiki on the ISSTD past presidents here

International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation - Wikipedia

From the above wiki you will see that the 2nd president of the ISSTD was the late “Dr” Bennett Braun, a notorious charlatan who destroyed the lives of many vulnerable people by brainwashing them into believing that they had been abused by satanic cults. Many people ended up believing that they were satanist cannibals and baby murderers themselves and had repressed the memories.

There are some excellent old documentaries about Braun and his abuses of vulnerable people available on youtube

These are highly recommended

Much more can be found via google about Bennett Braun and the ISSTD but this is all I have time for right now


One of the most notorious people who signed the letter defending Carl Beech is someone who anyone familiar with the satanic panic and mental health malpractice will recognise instantly Valerie Sinason. Private Eye magazine publishes articles about her regularly under the Satanic Panic section of the Eye.

She is an extremely disturbed and abusive person who was one of the clinicians, based at the Tavistock, who abused Carol Felstead.
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