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Carl Beech trial round up.

Lot less press coverage this week.

News Story links

And the daily round up posts at the realtrollexposure blog. (Posts useful, their author less so etc. etc.)

Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday

Trial resumes next Tuesday 11th June.
Carl Beech trial round up

Presentation of the Prosecution case continued - it's likely to go on for a couple more weeks. Only the Mail ran stories every day apart from Wednesday when Beech's ex-wife gave evidence.

News Story links

The BBC's Daniel De Simone posted short twitter threads about some of the evidence on Wednesday and Thursday.

The daily summary posts at the realtrollexposure blog. (Not an endorsement of the author etc.).

Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday -- Friday

The trial resumes next Monday June 17th.
Carl Beech trial round up

The Prosecution presented what is likely to be the last full week of it's case, expected to conclude next week. Aside from the Daily Mail, press coverage focussed on the video of Lord Bramall's interview under caution which was played in Court on Monday, Harvey Proctor's evidence on Thursday and his cross examination on Friday.

News Story links
Monday 17th June

Abuse claims 'ridiculous', ex-Army chief told police - BBC News
Carl Beech trial shown video of ex-army chief banging desk in denial - The Guardian
Lord Bramall was interviewed by police over paedophile claims just days after his wife died - Telegraph
D-Day hero Lord Bramall slammed 'uncorroborated, monstrous' sex abuse claims made by 'Nick' - Daily Mail

Tuesday 18th June

Fantastist 'Nick' wrote 'memoir of abuse' in which he claimed VIP sex ring tortured him - Daily Mail

Wednesday 19th June

Dolphin Square sketch provided by 'fantasist' matched location featured in Culture Club video
- Daily Mail

Thursday 20th June

VIP abuse ring claims made life a nightmare, former MP tells court - The Guardian
Harvey Proctor: VIP child abuse ring claims ‘ravings of a fantasist’, ex-Tory MP tells court - The Independent
Harvey Proctor: Murder and abuse claims 'horrendous', says former MP - BBC News
Harvey Proctor says allegations he was part of Westminster sex ring are 'polluted ravings of a fantasist' - Telegraph

Friday 21st June

Carl Beech trial: former Tory MP calls police inquiry a charade - The Guardian
Harvey Proctor: Carl Beech abuse inquiry police 'acted in bad faith' - BBC News
Ex-Tory MP denies existence of Westminster VIP paedophile ring - Sky News
Harvey Proctor accuses Met of leaking his name to media, Westminster child sex abuse trial hears - Telegraph
Harvey Proctor blasts Met Police for handling of case after false accusations he was a child killer - Daily Mail

On Thursday and Friday BBC and Sky News journalists tweeted from Court.

Martin Brunt (@skymartinbrunt) on Twitter
Daniel De Simone (@DdesimoneDaniel) on Twitter

And the daily summary posts at the realtrollexposure blog. (Not an endorsement of their author).

Monday -- Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday -- Friday

The trial resumes on Tuesday 25th.
Carl Beech trial round up

Presentation of the Prosecution case continued. Although it was expected to conclude this week that didn't happen.

News Story links

Useful daily summary posts at the realtrollexposure blog. No endorsement of their author intended.

Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday

The trial is scheduled to continue in front of the jury on Tuesday 2nd July.
Carl Beech trial round up

Coverage of the trial picked up this week as Carl Beech began giving evidence. On Tuesday the Prosecution finished their case. Beech took the stand on Wednesday.

News Story links

For the days on which Beech gave evidence the best reporting is the live tweet threads from Jordan Milne of Sky News. Gathered together as text at these links :

Wednesday -- Thursday -- Friday

The daily round-up posts at the realtrollexposure blog (posts useful, author not so much). For Tuesday 2nd this is pretty much the only account fwiw.

Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday -- Friday

The trial continues at 10.00am on Monday. Cross examination of Beech should begin that day.
Carl Beech trial round up

Three days were taken up with the Prosecution cross examination of Carl Beech.

News Story links

Best coverage of Monday and Tuesday's cross examination is the live tweet threads by Jordan Milne of Sky News. Here reformatted as text :

-- Tuesday

Very short thread by the BBC's Daniel De Simone on Wednesday

Useful daily summary posts at the realtrollexposure blog. Ball not man (and balls he comes out with) etc etc.

Monday -- Tuesday -- Wednesday

Thursday was taken up with legal submissions. Trial resumes in front of the jury on Monday 15th July.
Carl Beech trial round up

Jury began deliberating Friday afternoon and will continue on Monday. So likely to be the last of these posts (cue loud cheering).

Defence case concluded Monday. Closing arguments by the Prosecution on Tuesday and by the Defence on Wednesday. Judge's summing up Thursday and Friday. Not many news stories.

News Story links

Simon Warr live tweeted from court from Tuesday to Friday. Reformatted as text at these links.

Tuesday — Morning -- Afternoon

Wednesday — Morning -- Afternoon

Thursday — Morning -- Afternoon

Friday — Morning -- Afternoon

(Although Warr's twitter handle is @bbcsimonwarr he was there in a private capacity).

Daily summary posts at the realtrollexposure blog (despite their author).

Monday -- Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Thursday -- Friday
Sentencing hearing 10.00am Friday for the 13 guilty verdicts in this trial (twelve of perverting the course of justice and one of fraud), and the five counts of possession of child abuse images he pled guilty to earlier this year.
Tom Watson issues the statement he's been working on :


Maybe. Context was police attempts to institutionalise believing the (alleged) victim and treating all allegations as credible, alongside wider context of institutional failure to address historic abuse. And police should treat all allegations as credible - although stating in press conferences that allegations are true when no convictions have yet been secured (and if memory serves, not even charges yet) is obviously reckless and cavalier.

I do worry about the consequences of the Beech case though. I know the abuse in wrexham around bryn estyn and bryn alyn was known about for years, decades - it was common knowledge - and I know it's murkier and darker than has come out, with scores of abusers never held to account. Tbh I regret the momentum of a few years ago has been lost
18 years! Which is considerably more than what most child abusers get. To me that sounds like a strong message being sent out to anyone who goes to the police with accusations of abuse against powerful people.
Maybe. Context was police attempts to institutionalise believing the (alleged) victim and treating all allegations as credible, alongside wider context of institutional failure to address historic abuse. And police should treat all allegations as credible - although stating in press conferences that allegations are true when no convictions have yet been secured (and if memory serves, not even charges yet) is obviously reckless and cavalier.

I do worry about the consequences of the Beech case though. I know the abuse in wrexham around bryn estyn and bryn alyn was known about for years, decades - it was common knowledge - and I know it's murkier and darker than has come out, with scores of abusers never held to account. Tbh I regret the momentum of a few years ago has been lost
Agree with your concerns.
Clearly, the police failings with Beech will suit some within the political establishment in undermining the credibility of extant and yet to be revealed examples of high profile CSA.
Calling Beech's (then unproven) allegations "true" was a pretty startling example of how not to conduct an enquiry.
18 years! Which is considerably more than what most child abusers get. To me that sounds like a strong message being sent out to anyone who goes to the police with accusations of abuse against powerful people.
I posted about this other day, it does appear to be a chunky sentence, but I wasn't sure if the child porn charges also made up sentence - Mirror reported the 18 years was just for 12 x perverting course of justice and one count of fraud (getting 20k criminal compensation) while BBC reported that it also included half a dozen child porn charges
I posted about this other day, it does appear to be a chunky sentence, but I wasn't sure if the child porn charges also made up sentence - Mirror reported the 18 years was just for 12 x perverting course of justice and one count of fraud (getting 20k criminal compensation) while BBC reported that it also included half a dozen child porn charges

Possession of child porn images wouldn't get you close to 18 years - so im assuming most of it was for perverting the course of justice.
Did beech plead guilty?
Did he essentially rehash stories, accusations and rumour their were already out there and put it together in a narrative that placed himself at the centre of it - so various aspects looked corroborated and credible - thus gulling the mugs at the met?
Possession of child porn images wouldn't get you close to 18 years - so im assuming most of it was for perverting the course of justice.
Did beech plead guilty?
Did he essentially rehash stories, accusations and rumour their were already out there and put it together in a narrative that placed himself at the centre of it - so various aspects looked corroborated and credible - thus gulling the mugs at the met?
Guilty to child porn, not guilty to PCoJ and fraud. Yeah he weaved narrative from mixture of existing allegations, the (rampant) online conspiracy theory type stuff around CSA, and a book by a US abuse victim (from which he took lots of events that he claimed happened to him). He was able to draw pictures of people and properties linked to the claimed abuse because, unknown to police, an Exaro journalist had shown him photos (of people and places linked to existing rumours eg Elm House)
Regardless of Beech being convicted, come of post conviction media stuff has been dubious - BBC did a long piece which included substantial comment on Beech spending some of criminal compensation on a nice car. As if people receiving criminal compensation for CSA should only spend the money on therapy or something
Possession of child porn images wouldn't get you close to 18 years - so im assuming most of it was for perverting the course of justice.
Sentencing comments are here

15 years for each of the twelve counts of PCOJ. 18 months for the fraud. 18 months each for the two most serious child porn offences and varying terms from 1 to 6 months for the other counts at his first trial. 2 months for failing to attend (absconding to Sweden). The 15 years and the two lots of 18 months are to run consecutively totalling 18 years. The judge said, without being specific, that the lots of 18 months had all been reduced from what they would otherwise have been to take account of the overall total being imposed. Minimum term to be served 9 years.

The sentence which stood out for me (if I'm reading it right) is the six months for voyeurism - setting up a camera in his toilet to film a neighbours child but I've no idea what the sentencing guidelines are for that.
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Regardless of Beech being convicted, come of post conviction media stuff has been dubious - BBC did a long piece which included substantial comment on Beech spending some of criminal compensation on a nice car. As if people receiving criminal compensation for CSA should only spend the money on therapy or something
I wasn't expecting anything other than a shitstorm of cuntishness and I haven't been disappointed. From Michael Jackson (and even Jimmy Saville) truthers claiming this supports their views through to cunts dragging out the same list of "academic studies" "proving" that the majority of rape allegations are false which mens rights types have been touting for years. And justified criticisms of the people and institutions which enabled and promoted Beech that have been wrapped up in so much sanctimonious cunt in a dog-collar sermonizing as to be positively nauseating. I was looking for any useful links yesterday but eventually came to the conclusion that it would be sensible to let my levels of bile drop before proceeding further.

I'm a little surprised at the example you give. As far as I can see the BBC (and other) reports were pointing to the fact that this fucking cunt was spending the proceeds of crime on a car, as opposed to paying the therapist he claimed he needed it for. If he had actually been a victim of CSA it would be a different matter. I haven't seen anything to support the idea that any of his claims are genuine, although some of his apologists are still putting forward the possibility that his lies are a product of the trauma caused by 'having been abused'.
I wasn't expecting anything other than a shitstorm of cuntishness and I haven't been disappointed. From Michael Jackson (and even Jimmy Saville) truthers claiming this supports their views through to cunts dragging out the same list of "academic studies" "proving" that the majority of rape allegations are false which mens rights types have been touting for years. And justified criticisms of the people and institutions which enabled and promoted Beech that have been wrapped up in so much sanctimonious cunt in a dog-collar sermonizing as to be positively nauseating. I was looking for any useful links yesterday but eventually came to the conclusion that it would be sensible to let my levels of bile drop before proceeding further.

I'm a little surprised at the example you give. As far as I can see the BBC (and other) reports were pointing to the fact that this fucking cunt was spending the proceeds of crime on a car, as opposed to paying the therapist he claimed he needed it for. If he had actually been a victim of CSA it would be a different matter. I haven't seen anything to support the idea that any of his claims are genuine, although some of his apologists are still putting forward the possibility that his lies are a product of the trauma caused by 'having been abused'.

allegations against ted heath, leon brittian, jenna amongst other did not originate with beech. But this has profundly undermined the chances of any investigation. Rich and powerful child abusers can sleep a lot easier in their beds.
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I'm a little surprised at the example you give. As far as I can see the BBC (and other) reports were pointing to the fact that this fucking cunt was spending the proceeds of crime on a car, as opposed to paying the therapist he claimed he needed it for. If he had actually been a victim of CSA it would be a different matter. I haven't seen anything to support the idea that any of his claims are genuine, although some of his apologists are still putting forward the possibility that his lies are a product of the trauma caused by 'having been abused'.

Yeah, that's fair. I've limited sympathy for Beech and take your point, it was more the general implication that people who receive criminal compensation can be judged on what they spend it on, that it's an indication of whether they were worthy of it.

A bit like when people bang on about big tellys or satellite dishes on council houses or how rates of smoking and scatchcards are more prevelant among people at the sharp end (there's a suprise, economically insecure people buying diversion and hope)
I'm not happy about the 'mood music' but I could have said that a year or two ago as well.

It was never going to be easy. I always said that I'd have been more optimistic if more of the stories had been 'new' rather than continuations of stuff that emerged/was rumoured decades ago. Because there were issues with historical shit media, shit spook games, political games, conflation of gay with paedophile, size of Tory closet. Plus all the stuff about choosing victims who would not be believed, and the difficulties of us being able to tell the difference between a damaged victim of high-level abuse, and damaged victims of other abuse whose reality is distorted and may have gone on to become abusers themselves.

There is ample evidence in regards elite priorities, closing ranks, and the upper echelons of society being treated differently. There is a lack of evidence in terms of victims of the highest profile alleged suspects. Not much has emerged that would better enable us to judge which accusations had truth to them, as little as there ever was to help us tell the difference between cover-up and untrue, scurrilous rumour.

The obvious exceptions are Cyril Smith and Janner, and further exploration of older cases that were known at the time (eg Peter Hayman). Heath and Brittan were always going to be impossible unless something concrete emerged, either because of effective historical coverup, or a lack of actual crimes and victims. I had hoped for more on the likes of Morrison, but the inquiry on that didnt really get any further than what scraps we'd already heard in the press, and many of the witnesses were deeply unimpressive. I had also hoped that we might get a bit more on Dolphin Square, but I dont think that went anywhere either.

I dont think the inquiry will have much trouble in damning institutions for their priorities and failings. Beyond that, we needed compelling evidence of things to emerge and mostly this hasnt happened. And no fresh coverup was required for this to happen, any original coverup decades ago, and the subsequent passage of time, was sufficient. Or a lack of actual abuse from the highest levels.

Beyond the highest levels, good things still happened post-Savile. Up and down the country, many people have had their day in court and seen the perpetrators of historical abuse against them face some justice. But most of these perpetrators were not high enough level for those who were only interested in the big names getting nabbed. And of course many people didnt get full justice because a lot of the perpetrators are old and had health issues that prevented trials, but at least the victims were believed this time.

Having said that, the push-back from certain quarters has been predictable and hideous and demonstrates that plenty of priorities are still twisted. The message seems quite deliberate. And the whole process has fallen well short of meaningful truth and reconciliation. In some ways the establishment could actually have done with a few high-profile names to be brought to justice, in order to 'draw a line under things' and start to create a new foundation of trust. Similar reasons probably explained why the police came out with statements about trusting the supposed victim, but they picked the wrong case.
allegations against ted heath, leon brittian, jenna amongst other did not originate with beech. But this has proundly undermined the chances of any possible investigation. Rich and powerful cunts child abusers can sleep a lot easier in their beds.
Bearing in mind what I said about my current levels of bile I don't really want to get into it much today. However I'm not in love with that as a takeaway. Yes Beech didn't originate the allegations about the VIPs he named. Some of the people he named were either IMO guilty (Saville) or IMO had a case to answer (Janner). But they weren't guilty of abusing him. Others IMO he clearly just plucked out of his arse (Bramall, Beach). But Ted Heath ? How many more millions do you want to spend ? I haven't seen anything to convince me there's anything there to investigate. He's still a (dead) cunt of course.

Some of the allegations Beech adopted originated in conspiraloon circles, and introducing them into investigations has, IMO, done nothing except compromise them and undermine the possibility of dealing with real CSA. Proper Tidy referred to North Wales. Amongst the multiple failings of the original investigations the introduction of VIP abuse allegations by a local Councillor only helped derail things as far as I can see. Interestingly he supposedly was told about them by a woman called Tara aka Andrea Davison, who amongst other things claimed to be involved with Scallywag. What is indisputable is that she fled the country and was convicted in her absence of involvement in a boiler room fraud targeting pensioners. She has since reinvented herself as an "ex-MI5 whistleblower", although it's pretty obvious that this is a supplementary income stream to whatever dodgy dealing she's actually making a living from. From the amazon page for her nonsensical book - yours for only 1.99.
Andrea Davison is a British born intelligence agent who fled persecution in Britain and now lives in Argentina with her five rescue dogs. Andrea was involved in scandals spanning the Atlantic, Arms to Iraq, Iran Contra, Lockerbie, terrorism, regime change and the trafficking of children. She was the intelligence advisor to the Labour members of the parliamentary select committee investigating Super-gun. She also worked with Tony Blair MP and other well-known Politicians and journalists. From an ancient Celtic line, she inherited the 'sight'.
I bring her up because during Beech's trial she popped up to do some 'brand building' by tweeting in support of him. Part of the networks of petty fraudsters and abuse entrepreneurs who make a dirty shilling by exploiting CSA.

IMO the people who are going to be sleeping soundly in their beds thanks to the post-Beech backlash against false allegations and 'compo seeking fake victims' will be the perpetrators of the majority of CSA which isn't carried out by VIPs or grooming gangs but within and around families.
Regarding Janner, the next inquiry hearing about that is scheduled for late September. Its been pushed back to that date because they are trying to wait till the IOPC has finished looking at things. For all I know it could yet be pushed back further. The inquiry focus will be on institutional failings and related dodgyness, and I'm pretty sure they will find some in that case.
Wrexham has been whitewashed three times over, can only hope one day it will fully come to surface

One of the long terms results of the inquiry that I am still hoping for, is that the issue of insurance companies leaning on councils to prevent report publications is examined in such a way that there is great pressure for some meaningful steps to be taken to change this picture.
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