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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Just to say, not read thread today but I think it's excellent overall. Every other converstaion I've seen on this complex and perplexing issue has lacked the general breadth and well informed nature. I think tempers have been held pretty well here too. Just saying, perhaps others disagree. If thwt know of a better tempered, informed and overall balanced discussion I hope they link to it.
Aye, urban at its best I think. There's always a potential tension in a thread like this where some people have done long term research and are using the thread to build things up precisely and logically Vs people like me who pop in and just comment on the days events or let off steam. However that doesn't become a problem and the thread works overall. In fact something that is primarily about integrating news and research, over 100+ pages and still functioning is good in itself. :)
Haven't read all thread, but is there any evidence that Jill Dando was planning an expose, hence the execution, or is that tin foil hat stuff?
So I take it from this article that if the defendant is unfit to stand trial then there is no trial..never mind there might be enough evidence to warrant a prosecution.


If that's the person Im thinking of, he has very powerful connections on an international level. I know someone abused in one of the homes he frequented , they and another reported him to cops in the 90s, they were asked to draw diagrams of the buildings and where abuse took place etc. A short time after the guy got sectioned and the former home then a derelict building mysteriously burnt down, then demolished. No action was taken.

The peer in question is also an amateur magician, he used that to entertain kids in homes, before he abused them. An absolute scumbag. Find it hard to believe, Blair was not aware of this guy.
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If that's the person Im thinking of, he has very powerful connections on an international level. I know someone abused in one of the homes he frequented , they and another reported him to cops in the 90s, they were asked to draw diagrams of the buildings and where abuse took place etc. A short time after the guy got sectioned and the former home then a derelict building mysteriously burnt down, then demolished. No action was taken.

There is a strong hint, deliberately or not, as to the identity of the Peer in the third paragraph of the article.

If it is the person you are thinking of you can always Wikipedia his name and have a look at some of his interests and hobbies.
If that's the person Im thinking of, he has very powerful connections on an international level. I know someone abused in one of the homes he frequented , they and another reported him to cops in the 90s, they were asked to draw diagrams of the buildings and where abuse took place etc. A short time after the guy got sectioned and the former home then a derelict building mysteriously burnt down, then demolished. No action was taken.

The peer in question is also an amateur magician, he used that to entertain kids in homes, before he abused them. An absolute scumbag. Find it hard to believe, Blair was not aware of this guy.

Sorry - you got in before me but yes it appears to be one and the same person!
The amount of detail given about the Labour Peer means he's virtually been named, but I won't. More to the point, I wonder what the police/social services are going to do see that he doesn't abuse again, in the absence of legal action? Also, he has a range of national and international positions. Particularly those where he was required to actually do something (rather than sit in an honourary positin), has he resigned from them recently due to reduced capacity? I'm about to look, but I suspect the answer's no.
As i said above - he was attending the Lords for the max number of days available as late as december last year. The following month - the last with publicly available records - he didn't attend at all. The months leading up to december pretty much all show max attendance.
As i said above - he was attending the Lords for the max number of days available as late as december last year. The following month - the last with publicly available records - he didn't attend at all. The months leading up to december pretty much all show max attendance.
Aye, I was just looking for evidence of him undertaking active tasks outside parliament. Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm pussy footing around with regard to identification, he was named by the Jewish Chronicle 10 days ago:

And again, maintaining a fairly pointless anonymity, politically active in September 2013:
A member of the house of Lords has written to Ofcom questioning whether Bauer Media is a fit and proper company to own broadcasting licences in Britain because it publishes the military magazine Der Landser, which is said to glorify second world war German soldiers who were guilty of war crimes
Lord (Monroe) Palmer has complained to the broadcasting regulator as it considers Bauer's acquisition of Absolute Radio (formerly Virgin Radio).
His letter follows one sent by the media banker and analyst Bruce Fireman, which I reported on last month. And another peer, Lord xxxx xxxx is, according to his assistant, also considering following suit.
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If he is suffering from early stage dementia he can still be interviewed in accordance with code c of the police and criminal evidence act 1984. The code specifically addresses mental health issues. He would have to be very far gone for an interview to have no evidential value. However, one factor in considering whether a prosecution would be in the public interest under the cps code for prosecutors is the infirmity of the defendant.
I can find informal references to him suffering from early stage dementia from dec '13. At the same time as he was putting in max attendance at the lords.
I can find informal references to him suffering from early stage dementia from dec '13. At the same time as he was putting in max attendance at the lords.

Was he actually working at the lords, or just using the restaurant? I hope that doesn't sound flippant - my understanding is that a lot of the Vermin in Ermine use it as a social club or retirement home.

Most likely this is the Saunders defence all over again, of course.
Was he actually working at the lords, or just using the restaurant? I hope that doesn't sound flippant - my understanding is that a lot of the Vermin in Ermine use it as a social club or retirement home.

Most likely this is the Saunders defence all over again, of course.
Janner is a proper busy body, fingers in every pie - i suspect he will have been working. And not at anything good. For instance he's been the main man on the consolidation bill joint select committee (i.e a body of both lords and commons and so pretty high powered) since 98.
Janner is a proper busy body, fingers in every pie - i suspect he will have been working. And not at anything good. For instance he's been the main man on the consolidation bill joint select committee (i.e a body of both lords and commons and so pretty high powered) since 98.

And using the old grey matter is apparently thought to provide at least some protection against the dreaded Herr Doktor Alzheimer.
Was he actually working at the lords, or just using the restaurant? I hope that doesn't sound flippant - my understanding is that a lot of the Vermin in Ermine use it as a social club or retirement home.

Most likely this is the Saunders defence all over again, of course.
Well, I found him making a speech outside Parliament in July 2013:

Along with showing an interest in a case in the Lords, post 3281 above.

Needless to say, forms of Dementia are complex and work out differently in the different areas of mental capacity, day to day life etc. However, this does look pretty Saundersish.
I'm surprised he didn't do a Dame Shirley Porter and flee to Israel claiming an anti-semetic plot to bring him down. Whatever happens like Maxwell before him his burial with full state honours on the Mount of Olives is assured.

Oh I forgot he forgets so he won't remember that , probably , allegedly.
if you try to google new "lord janner" or "greville janner" for the period between 2001 and November 2013 (to get a pic of his activity) you'll see it's been stripped bare and the google link to further info about why says:

Notice Unavailable

The cease-and-desist or legal threat you requested is not yet available.

Chilling Effects will post the notice after we process it.

Which suggests it may be relatively recent.
if you try to google new "lord janner" or "greville janner" for the period between 2001 and November 2013 (to get a pic of his activity) you'll see it's been stripped bare and the google link to further info about why says:

Which suggests it may be relatively recent.
'Magic tricks'
BBC Leicester have an article online from 30 April about evidence being sent to the CPS concerning a named 85 year old peer, renowned for good works. His home had been raided in December, so it's not surprising he didn't feel like turning up to the Lords after that. At the time of the article, the peer hadn't been charged or even interviewed. Now it looks as if he isn't going to be.

BTW, you can always try google.com/ncr if you want to avoid Google's trick of always referring you back to your national domain with its legal restrictions.
Needless to say, it's a grim busines searching for stuff on Janner at the moment. All the anti-semitic bloggers are going apeshit.
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