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How many times have you been abroad since this all kicked off?

How mant times have you made it out of your home country since COVID hit?

  • Zero

    Votes: 100 69.9%
  • Once

    Votes: 13 9.1%
  • 2-3 times

    Votes: 18 12.6%
  • 4-5 times

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • 6+ times

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • I never leave my home country anyway

    Votes: 5 3.5%

  • Total voters


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Zero here - I don't feel too sad about that but a little jealous of some friends who have travelled in the last two years! We gave it a miss summer 2020 as our US trip was cancelled and we figured travel might be easier in summer 2021 (LOL) then oldest had much-awaited summer camp that fell right in the middle of the holidays and kind of precluded any longer trips, and have stuck to UK. Our oldest actually got away to Italy with my inlaws for a long weekend in October but the stress of organising that was enough to put anyone off considering travel for a while. But some people I know who really can't live without travel (like my brother) have made it abroad quite a lot. I think we might * finally * make it somewhere else next June, but not before. Neither of us has a job that involve travel either.
Yeah, usually I'd probably holiday abroad twice a year.

At the moment on fb know one family holidaying in South Africa (visiting parents after 2 years), someone who's got away to West Indies and one family who managed to move ski holiday from France to Italy at last minute. I don't think I'd have the nerves to deal with travelling at the minute!
None unless you count a day trip to the Isle of Wight and another day trip to Bodnant Gardens in Wales both of which were in August. Last time we went abroad was Salzburg in October 2019.
Certainly can't see me even attempting it in 2022 or indeed ever unless things change.
In fact in real life I don't know anyone who has been abroad since this started. Know lots including one of my own daughters who have booked foreign trips and have been forced to cancel or have had them cancelled.
But no-one who has actually done it.
We were in Malaga just as this was all kicking off early March 20. Saw two masks at the airport on the way back, and a coughing dude on the return flight. Not even considered it since.
My work colleague has managed to visit France, Greece, Italy and Antigua in this period for holidays. I had a day trip to Oxford (from London) in August.
I'm missing it a bit, and kind of wishing we'd tried at least to get to my parents' place in Slovakia at some point, but the timing was never right! Think we'll aim to go there for summer half term next year as, providing her Maj is still alive, we'll be able to miss all the Platinum Jubilee (or whatever it is) bollocks at the start of June!

We did get to Isle of Wight last summer, so at least we went on a ferry!
Zero times, but I didn't go abroad much anyway before the pandemic . Mrs21 hasn't flown in about 25 years so going abroad was via Eurostar and we haven't done that for about 5 years.
Once, if you count the english/welsh border.

I don't travel well at the best of times, on top of that I'm claustrophobic so I can't wear a mask for extended periods, else I'd probably have followed my partner out to italy to see their folks.
Last time abroad was February 2020 for Retromobile in Paris.

Since then it's been two nights in Hove/Brighton and a night away in Oxford. Thrilling.
As already posted on another thread - I've pretty much kicked 2022 into touch for going away, away - I "might" be persuaded to go away for a longish weekend (providing suitable cat care can be sourced)

TBH - deep down I'm probably binning off 2023 for abroad travel as well as I simply wouldn't want all the faff regarding tests for getting into and out of countries - I'm more than prepared to leave it until "normality" returns, which I accept it may never do, in which case, we'll see - I know Mrs Voltz really wants to get away, probably more than I do . . . but neither of us are "dying" for a holiday
Assuming this started in December 2019 I haven't been abroad at all since.

I no longer travel for work and apart from a couple of friends in France I would like to visit I don't have any urges to get about really.
Zero times, our border has been shut. One one hand it has been fine, we had a trip to Bali in December 2019, and we have been able to travel freely within Western Australia so haven't felt too restricted, especially as we are practically covid free and have no other restrictions or masks. But I do worry about when we will be able to see family again, although to be honest i wouldn't be happy travelling to the UK at the minute even if we could.
No. Haven't been able to travel home (abroad) now for 2 years. I (plus famille) was supposed to be half way to Holyhead today to get a ferry back to Dublin to see the parents, they did manage a quick visit here in October but my mum was really looking forward to seeing everyone for Christmas, especially Mini Fire.

Sucks tbh.
Once, October 2020 to Berlin. Would you believe there were no tests to do, and no isolation or vaccination requirements.
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