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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

And if they tell me this 80p lasagna might contain anything, but hey, you've been eating them for years and never complained, do you still want it at a knocked down price, why can't I get stocked up on them?

Perhaps a Gallop poll should be conducted on whether the public want to eat discounted horse products.
Tesco says 149 products are clear - BUT WHICH ONES FFS? ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!!

Especially I want to know if my Aberdeen angus burgers wot I intend to buy tonight are clip clop free!
I've got a tikka lasagne for later. It may sound a bit outre but I'm going to try it so you don't have to.

Its a pound from iceland so I fully expect it to be 90% equine offal :cool:
I've got a tikka lasagne for later. It may sound a bit outre but I'm going to try it so you don't have to.

Its a pound from iceland so I fully expect it to be 90% equine offal :cool:

Icelandic tikka lasagne (via Romania?). You little internationalist, you!:D
The other thing to remember about these other meats - chicken and pork - now found in products labelled beef is that those require more thorough cooking than is customary with beef.
I've got a tikka lasagne for later. It may sound a bit outre but I'm going to try it so you don't have to.

Its a pound from iceland so I fully expect it to be 90% equine offal :cool:

Update: it was actually a bit rank, way spicier than it had any right to be. Frog ate her half and enjoyed it whereas I poked angrily at mine with a fork for a bit then resentfully ate some of it.

The horse/lack of horse has not been confirmed but I think we can take it as given
I bought Aberdeen Angus burgers tonight and ate them. The staff in the local tesco did not seem too worried when I asked them how much clippity clop in the burgers then? One, said she did not know what all the fuss was about, she had eaten horse. Another thought it was all overblown, meat is meat or something. But I had an email from tesco's boss today saying that they are all taking it very seriously and are taking action to become the most tested supermarket so that we can all have trust in their food being as specified on the label!
The managing director of Iceland was just interviewed on the Andrew Marr show and denied that any horse *flesh* was found in any supermarket products - he asserted it was just DNA due to cross contamination. The interviewer did not even challenge him on this point!
how are companies expected to make a profit on feeding children shit dinners if the schools are making it themselves?

Just throwing it out there but isnt it cheaper to make it themselves?
Disclaimer: I have no kids and its years since I was at school.
Just throwing it out there but isnt it cheaper to make it themselves?
i don't really know but i bet there aren't many examples of privatisation/outsourcing leading to better value for money but then i don't think value for money has ever been the main consideration
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