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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

It could be, seems that there's a lot of horsemeat for human consumption in some parts of Europe. Difficult to imagine that it's significantly cheaper than beef although it could be and, economies of scale. Might not still be at UK standards.

It could be petfood horse, though.
Doesn't cost much to round up and shoot a wild horse in Romania.

Domesticated ones are also an important form of transport in Romania; I expect there's a version of "We buy any...horse"?
''Experts within the horse slaughter industry have told the Observer there is evidence that both Polish and Italian mafia gangs are running multimillion-pound scams to substitute horsemeat for beef during food production. There are claims that vets and other officials working within abattoirs and food production plants are intimidated into signing off meat as beef when it is in fact cheaper alternatives such as pork or horse.


Misha Glenny's ''McMafia'' was very prescient in documenting the writing the rise of these organised crime cartels which have their fingers in many many pies(pun intended), perhaps yet another example of the often baleful consequences of globalisation.
btw, I suspect this is one of the reasons why inflation hasn't increased massively, the food industry has been keeping prices relatively low and in some cases ridiculously cheap by all these various methods...
btw, I suspect this is one of the reasons why inflation hasn't increased massively, the food industry has been keeping prices relatively low and in some cases ridiculously cheap by all these various methods...

No, they're having their horse and eating it; food price inflation outstrips general inflation rises.
If you're a smug, ignorant twat, yes. If you have to hold down two jobs to make ends meet, there are no shops selling fresh food in your local area and the busfare to shops selling decent food adds 10% to the cost of what you can carry home and then only if you're lucky enough to have free childcare available, you might think differently. If you are, in fact, capable of thought.
But harsh I think. Unless you're not freezing them and and making them fresh every time, burgers don't take a long time to make (just mix mince, onions, etc) and the ingredients are available from pretty much any shop within walking distance (unless you live in the countryside?). Cost wise, if you got lean mince, your burgers would be on a par with a brand like Birdseye. If you got value mince, your burgers would be on a par with supermarket own brand value burgers.

But...I'm single and have all the time in the world to do what I want. Before every payday I make a food plan for the month and spend the first week cooking stuff that I can freeze so I'm sorted for the month (this means I watch what I spend and also guarantee I don't go hungry!). This is a hobby of mine and I do spend quite a bit of time doing it that first week (but this is off set by only having to spend as much time as it takes to boil rice etc the rest of the month so I am saving time in the long run but it's whether you have that time to start with?). I have a friend who does have kids and does similar to me and him and his wife can work pretty unsociable hours at times (he used to get stocked up on Netto frozen foods for obvious reasons but will now make shepherds pies, chillis or bologneses etc and whack it all in the freezer).

Saying that, if I was conscious of the time, I think I could still make very healthy and very cheap meals for the freezer that would last a month in the same time it would take to cook a meal consisting of cheap supermarket burgers so maybe time's not that much of an argument against cooking? Depends what you cook?
''Experts within the horse slaughter industry have told the Observer there is evidence that both Polish and Italian mafia gangs are running multimillion-pound scams to substitute horsemeat for beef during food production. There are claims that vets and other officials working within abattoirs and food production plants are intimidated into signing off meat as beef when it is in fact cheaper alternatives such as pork or horse.


Misha Glenny's ''McMafia'' was very prescient in documenting the writing the rise of these organised crime cartels which have their fingers in many many pies(pun intended), perhaps yet another example of the often baleful consequences of globalisation.

So what happens to the officials that refuse to comply with these mafia gangs then?
Sky News just had a very long interview with a whistle-blower in the meat industry, he claimed that most meat after packaging to distributors is unidentifiable as to origin and went on to describe some shocking descriptions of the processes involved.

as a Veggie, wondering about Quorn now, its now owned by a multi-national...
Sky News just has a very long interview with a whistle-blower in the meat industry, he claimed that most meat after packaging to distributors is unidentifiable as to origin and went on to describe some shocking descriptions of the processes involved

as a Veggie, wondering about Quorn now, its now owned by a multi-national...
Well, if there's any meat products cheaper than the ingredients of Quorn...
as a Veggie, wondering about Quorn now, its now owned by a multi-national...
I've never liked Quorn - as someone who's veggie because I find meat distasteful, it's just a bit too realistic for my liking.

But against that background, I have to say that I find the idea of quite such highly-processed food rather unpalatable for the same reasons that, if I were a meat-eater, I'd be turning my nose up at meat products that weren't identifiably from a particular animal...
Well done to those that were doing their jobs properly and found this out. And "even though it's not right" hopefully it is from Romania etc, at least it would be decent horse meat & not ((pet food)) meat.
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