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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

& ass burgers too :D
I once attended an NA meeting, in which two people (one Canadian, one Bradfordian) were in undisentangleable conniptions of hilarity.

It turned out that the Bradfordian had been telling the Canadian about his brother, who has Aspergers, on their walk to the church hall. The Canadian was 400% incapable of grasping the Bradfordian twang, and took about half an hour of repeated explanations to understand what the flaming hell 'ass burgers' were, and why the hell they might have such an impact on someone's brother.
I once attended an NA meeting, in which two people (one Canadian, one Bradfordian) were in undisentangleable conniptions of hilarity.

It turned out that the Bradfordian had been telling the Canadian about his brother, who has Aspergers, on their walk to the church hall. The Canadian was 400% incapable of grasping the Bradfordian twang, and took about half an hour of repeated explanations to understand what the flaming hell 'ass burgers' were, and why the hell they might have such an impact on someone's brother.
I take it back

At the same time in public meetings and in petitions to Parliament rose the cry of the London journeymen bakers against their over-work, &c. The cry was so urgent that Mr. H. S. Tremenheere, also a member of the Commission of 1863 several times mentioned, was appointed Royal Commissioner of Inquiry. His report. [45] together with the evidence given, roused not the heart of the public but its stomach. Englishmen, always well up in the Bible, knew well enough that man, unless by elective grace a capitalist, or landlord, or sinecurist, is commanded to eat his bread in the sweat of his brow, but they did not know that he had to eat daily in his bread a certain quantity of human perspiration mixed with the discharge of abscesses, cobwebs, dead black-beetles, and putrid German yeast, without counting alum, sand, and other agreeable mineral ingredients.
I've often bought those 80p lasagnes and shepherds pies from Morrisons. I have no doubt whatsoever that they must contain horse meat as well and it's only a matter of time before I find out (80p ffs!!). What I want to know is, if there are no health risks, why are all these products being thrown out? I liked my 80p ready meals (well, they served a lazy hangover purpose) and that won't change retrospectively, so why can't I have the option to buy an absolute shit load of Findus ready meals? For the price they're currently worth, I could stock up my freezer with a year's worth of weekend hangover meals for about a tenner. Just seems like a huge waste
I've often bought those 80p lasagnes and shepherds pies from Morrisons. I have no doubt whatsoever that they must contain horse meat as well and it's only a matter of time before I find out (80p ffs!!). What I want to know is, if there are no health risks, why are all these products being thrown out? I liked my 80p ready meals (well, they served a lazy hangover purpose) and that won't change retrospectively, so why can't I have the option to buy an absolute shit load of Findus ready meals? For the price they're currently worth, I could stock up my freezer with a year's worth of weekend hangover meals for about a tenner. Just seems like a huge waste

Indeed I'd be happy to eat it, especailly with a nice discount. We ate more beef during the BSE scare as it was cheaper. :)
I've often bought those 80p lasagnes and shepherds pies from Morrisons. I have no doubt whatsoever that they must contain horse meat as well and it's only a matter of time before I find out (80p ffs!!). What I want to know is, if there are no health risks, why are all these products being thrown out? I liked my 80p ready meals (well, they served a lazy hangover purpose) and that won't change retrospectively, so why can't I have the option to buy an absolute shit load of Findus ready meals? For the price they're currently worth, I could stock up my freezer with a year's worth of weekend hangover meals for about a tenner. Just seems like a huge waste

It is a waste but AFAIK you can't sell wrongly labelled products. I dealt with a claim once in which raspberry yoghurts had strawberry flavour in them by mistake and the whole lot had to be recalled from the shops. It cost them a lot of money.
It is a waste but AFAIK you can't sell wrongly labelled products. I dealt with a claim once in which raspberry yoghurts had strawberry flavour in them by mistake and the whole lot had to be recalled from the shops. It cost them a lot of money.
But can't they just stick a yellow sticker on with a warning like "product probably does contain horse meat"?!
But can't they just stick a yellow sticker on with a warning like "product probably does contain horse meat"?!

They don't know that the horse meat was slaughtered and processed in compliance with the appropriate legislation. They don't even know whether it's fit for human consumption, despite some suggestions to the contrary.
Owen Patterson looking totally out of his depth on the news right now. Bet he thought he had a cushy job before the shit hit the fan.
Slaughterhouse and meat firm raided
West Yorkshire and Wales
The Food Standards Agency suspended operations at both the raided premises, detained all meat found and seized paperwork, including customer lists from the two companies.
The West Yorkshire plant was thought to have supplied horse carcasses to the Aberystwyth plant, which were then allegedly sold on as beef for kebabs and burgers.
Right, one thing this scandal has made me think is if we can't tell the difference between beef and horse, and it's cheaper, healthier and there's shit loads of it...why aren't we eating this stuff all the time?

So, what does it taste like?
Horse is a versatile meat that lends itself to a variety of preparations. It has more protein, and less fat than lean beef. It tastes somewhat like a mix between beef and venison. It can be a bit sweeter than other red meats, yet still possesses a dense meat flavor with a hint of gaminess.

Horse me up, please!
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