Hey Carl Steele.
It's a resignation. A boycott. A final rejection. A permanent refusal to participate in sham elections run by a fascist regime.
The protest vote will be included in the turnout figures; blank, spoiled, invalid, etc. ballots - all of which will be cast in the 20 geographical seats (none, of course, in the other 70 seats). It will be an interesting figure to note and will further show the disdain in which the majority hold this entire charade.
But no. This is a permanent boycott. Any future elections will have fewer protest votes and a greater number boycotting. The majority of people here are fairly well educated, well informed, pragmatic and not stupid - and already leaving in their many, many tens of thousands, with many hundreds of thousands to follow over the next decade.
Come Bells.
"The protest vote will be included in the turnout figures; blank, spoiled, invalid, etc. ballots - all of which will be cast in the 20 geographical seats (none, of course, in the other 70 seats). It will be an interesting figure to note and will further show the disdain in which the majority hold this entire charade."
So ...
It turns out that the protest vote was somewhat over 2% - about 30,000 votes. ALL of them cast among the 20-of-90 directly elected seats. None of them in the 70 directly-CCP-controlled seats (but, remember, they also pick the candidates for the 20 seats that the public can vote for).
Some interesting points ...
That means that the, overall, valid turnout was a shade under 28%. With a touch over 2% protest vote.
In all previous LegCo (and I think ALL,) elections, the total number of "invalid" ballots cast (blank, spoiled, unclear, vote for more than one candidate, etc. etc.,)
has been fewer than 100 in total - on a far, far higher turnout.
This year, the 30,000 "invalid" ballots represents many, many multiples of the number of votes cast for any winning candidate among the 70 non-directly elected seats (many of them won by fewer than a hundred votes or just a few hundred).
Only five of the winning candidates from the (all pre-selected candidates,) in the 20 directly elected seats, won with more than 30,000 votes. Another 10 were straggling between 10,000 and 25,000 votes each. A further five won with between 3,000 and 10,000 votes each.
All ninety LegCo seats have been filled by candidates the CCP approves of.
One of the 90 has since stood up and said he prefers a more democratic model - but very gradually though, of course; very, very, gradually.
The thing is ... nobody's ever heard of him before!
The other 89 are just blabbering and gushing about how wonderful, inclusive, diverse and competitive the new "improved" democracy is - and adorning each other with celebratory flower bouquets.
Say Yay! Stability! Harmony!
Happy days!
Come Bella.
Say Ciao!
Be nice to each other peeps.