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Hong Kong: what next?

IMO you should be getting the fuck out of Dodge instead of getting your psyche shredded by your nihilist pal.

Yeah. Fair point and reasonable opinion. And your concern is deeply appreciated; more than may be apparent through my rantings here. Thank you.

And, trust me, everything is under ongoing and proactive consideration. My personal circumstances are complex in many ways (aren't everyone's?) and things will, inevitably, take time to untangle. I have responsibilities that extend beyond my own fears or desires.

And as krtek points out below, even the basics of finding someone with a spare room in which to house a demented Hongkie with a wee dog for 6 - 12 months to get started is, in and of itself, a formidable task.

That said, I don't think it's an either/or scenario. This instead of that. One or the other.

And (despite my sarcastic ranty protestations, capricious castigations and endless casting of aspersions - that may point to the contrary), as I'm sure is clear, our Friday nights have been a consistent and reliable outlet for us both for more than a decade - it's irreplaceable. The East German Arab is a true diamond. One of the best. The Nihilism is just a defence mechanism, we're working on it. ;)

And it's certainly played a good a part in helping me prepare myself mentally, should I be detained. I've spent too many dozens, if not hundreds of hours preparing myself for this outcome. Too many of us still here have had to do this. Far too many.

Am I mentally ready for a lengthy prison sentence? Yes. I am. As much as is possible within my ken. And I will not compromise. I will not whine or cry for mercy. I will tell the court that I've done nothing wrong. I haven't. Our Friday's have been helpful to me in thinking this through. Some things are not negotiable. Basic principles can never be for sale.

This said, it seems that this Friday convention of ours has, unfortunately, been swept up in overarching and disruptive political circumstances, which are precipitating the inevitable dissolution of the face-to-face association. It will be painful for both of us. All good things must come to *an end though, I guess.

Everything is uncertain. Living with insecurity is a challenge. Finding solutions is a huge challenge.

There are no good outcomes here.

And trying to find the path that achieves the least possible damage to the greatest possible number of people is a terrible and terrifying myriad of competing priorities. I'm pretty sure that my own fears and/or desires are unlikely to feature among the most important components of these complexities.

Massive change and disruption to my life is coming. And I feel woefully unprepared and inadequate in dealing with it. It's difficult to process. It's terrifying. It's paralysing. It's painful.

I'm working on it.

Thanks Yoss. Your friendship is a treasure.


(Edit: *an, not "and". Bugger!)

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The black riders scouring the shire for baggins


The perfect analogy. Simultaneously humourous and chilling.

Beware the cold wind from the North peeps.

Love is the essential principle.

Take care of each other.

Be nice to each other.

Protect these values.

Protect this culture.

The Shire is falling.

Darkness comes.

Prepare to fight.

Stay aware.

Be true.

Following the "improvements" to Hong Kong's electoral system - to ensure only Chinese patriots can stand for election - the CCP announces that the, glorious, upcoming (19/12/2021,) Legislative Council elections will demonstrate how: "Hong Kong People Are About To Enjoy Real Democracy."

REAL Democracy! And you're about to enjoy it, Real Hard. REAL Hard! Understand? Capisce? Huh?

Meanwhile, in the latest "improvements" to various modules within the secondary education curriculum:

SUBJECTS OUT: "Respect For Human Rights", "Liberal Studies", "Critical Thinking".

SUBJECTS IN: "National Identity", "National Security", "Abiding By The Law", "Diligence".

The Don: "How's it going Paulie?"

Paulie: "Going well, boss. Going well."

Stability & Harmony.

All's well.

Some western academics have argued that the, extensive and ubiquitous, CCP State Apparatus (and 70 million Party members,) closely resembles the functioning of an (albeit massive,) Organised Crime Mafia System, with co-operating and competing "Families" or "factions" operating within a larger system of Gangsterism, Criminality, Violence, Brutality, Corruption, Prostitution, Gambling, Money Laundering, Protection Rackets, etc., etc. - all overseen by a Boss-of-Bosses. And that the last decade's anti-corruption-drive, has merely been the latest episode in an internal, ongoing turf-war between two main factions (families,) within the overall hierarchy, resulting in the purging and expunging of any internal opposition within the "Families" architecture and cementing the Boss-of-Bosses family in place at the top of the pyramidical, hierarchical, infrastructure - potentially for decades to come.

As a Hongkonger, of course, I obviously completely disagree with this analysis.

I fully accept and endorse the argument that this merely demonstrates the truly meritocratic and democratic nature of the internal Party structures that ensure a competitive, democratic society.

In OUR family, we call it: "Full Process Democracy". It's by far the most superior form of "democracy" ever delivered to humanity. It was devised by the Supreme Leader himself.

Let's face facts ... One point four billion Chinese people support this superior form of democracy. There's barely a peep of dissent! FACT!

So who in their right mind could possibly disagree?

It's amazing! Mind blowing! It's too good to be true!

It's an offer that you just can't refuse!


The new, improved, Hong Kong Legislative Council Election. Nineteenth of December, Twenty Twenty One (19/12/2021).

"Democracy" with Chinese characteristics. As defined by Xi Jin Ping's Socialist Thoughts for A New Era Paradigm.

After extensive, scientific(-ish,) research ... the results show that: "Eight out of ten slave owners say their slaves prefer it!"

Under the law you have the following rights:

1) You have the right to freely choose to vote for any (pre-screened and CCP approved,) candidate that you are eligible to vote for. (Participation in the voting system.)

2) You have the right to freely choose to cast a blank ballot. (Protest vote against the voting system.)

3) You have the right to freely choose to cast a spoiled ballot. (Protest vote against the voting system.)

4) You have the right to freely choose to refuse to vote. (Boycott. Refusal to participate. Total rejection of the voting system.)

5) You have the right to freely choose to suggest, promote, advocate, celebrate, canvas for, lobby, incite - and even to insist that it is everybody's essential patriotic DUTY to exercise Right 1) and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! for the "Patriot" of your choice.

6) You do NOT have the right to even suggest that anyone should exercise Right 2). That is a criminal offence commanding three years in jail.

7) You do NOT have the right to even suggest that anyone should exercise Right 3). That is a criminal offence commanding three years in jail.

8) You do NOT have the right to even suggest that anyone should exercise Right 4). That is a criminal offence commanding three years in jail.

Know your rights, peeps. And VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! for the "Patriot" of your choice. Only "Patriots" may participate in the election so you are free to choose the "Patriot" of your choice.

These are the geographical constituency elections, of course. They comprise 20 seats out of the, newly improved, 90 seat Legislature. The other 70 seats are, essentially, chosen by the CCP.

So, know your rights, peeps! Roll up! Roll up! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

The last (probably the very last!), essentially democratic election in Hong Kong (the November 2019 District Councils election,) was held after six months of daily, increasingly violent, clashes between protestors and police. The Chief Executive (puppet Carrie Lam,) insisted that this election must go ahead. It would demonstrate that the "silent majority" was against the protestors.

She was right, sort of ... In the highest ever turnout of ANY election in the history of Hong Kong, the "silent majority" turned out in droves. A 72% turnout in local elections - wholly unprecedented!

But she was wrong about who they would vote for ...

Previously, the pro-CCP/Establishment camp held a majority, and also hence the Chairmanship, in all of the 18 District Councils.

In November 2019, on a 72% turnout, the pro-democracy camp won 87% of the vote, 83% of of the 450 seats and hence control - and the Chairmanship of - 17 of the 18 District Councils. And 90% of those elected comprised under 25 year old, female and male, university educated "Sau Juk", the "Hand and Foot", the "Brother and Sisters", the "Front-liners" of the escalating protests.

The silent majority spoke loud and clear!

Fortunately - in the last two years - the District Councils have been abolished, the National Security Law has been introduced, Patriotic Education is entrenched in schools and academia, etc. etc. Finally!

And the brand new, shiny, improved, Patriotic, LegCo election is upon us.

The last, independent, pollster in Hong Kong polled the public two weeks ago. Voting intention was @ 50%.

The pollster was threatened with prosecution under Clause 8) of Right 4) above. "Inciting people to not vote".

All clear?


Roll up! Roll up! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Under the brand new, squeaky, shiny, improved, Patriot only, election system.


Personally, I'm so disgusted I've decided not to cast a blank or spoiled ballot.

I have decided, for the first time in over 20 years, to completely boycott the election. Refuse to participate. A total rejection of the voting system. It's simple really ...

Fascism is not democracy.

For everybody else, I urge you to get out there and exercise your rights under the law.

Exercise your "Right 1". Yay! Yay! Yay! I say ... VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Every chance you have! The more elections the better! Vote early! Vote often! Again and again and again!

Personally. It's just not for me. I will boycott. As is my right.


Anyone watching the House of Commons?

Bill Cash is a nasty, old, fucked up, lying, evil piece of shit!

I hope Harman is a little less of a complete fucking prick!

And I'm sure she will be. But it's late and I've had enough.

And David Davis?


Come Bells. Enough of this bollocks.

Dark times are ahead.

Come girl.

Let's to bed.

Be nice to each other peeps.

Rest well.

The HK Govt. is worried that there will be a woefully low turnout for the Legislative Council elections on 19t December 2021. (Hint, there will be.)

One wheeze they're trying: allowing HKers living on the mainland to vote (for the first time - and them only, bugger the million or more living elsewhere in the world), since they tend to be pro-CCP.

The latest jape, announced today, is to provide FREE public transport all day on polling day (never done previously). That's all tubes, trains, light rail, buses, minibuses and trams (I'm not sure about ferries). They think it may help get the elderly vote out.

Cunning stuff, eh?

I received all my candidates leaflets today. There are four candidates vying for two seats in my constituency, via an adapted D'Hondt-style proportional methodology.

All four candidates are widely known to be solidly, prominently and vocally pro-CCP.

I am boycotting.

Have a nice weekend peeps.

Y'know what peeps?

Dogs and Arabs are really not all completely bad beings - especially on a Friday night. ;)


Awwwww! 🥰

Any-hows ... He's gone now.

Come Bells.

To bed we be.

Rest well good Urban folk.

But look again at the mix-up photo. It confirms what we already know.

Love is an actual thing. An actual, fucking thing.

Even with Arabs and fucking dogs, fer fuck sake!

Think about that for a minute. Really think. Just think.

Love is a real thing.

It's just elusive, that's all.

Keep seeking.

Keep thinking.

Never give up.



Nobody said it would be easy. ;)

But that said ... It's easy to love Urbanites ... and dogs ... and Arabs ... and all (yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I still struggle with the "all" part of it. Okay? I'm far from fucking perfect!), that's the easy bit.

It's the self that's the true challenge. Loving that shit will always be the, each of our, greatest challenge - without end.

So, as I still struggle to love (or even like!) myself, please allow me to remind you what is worth struggling for ...

... First Love yourself ... and then be nice to each other.


And then, after that, (perhaps even as an afterthought,) be nice to Arabs and dogs too (they really can be among the best of creatures - if you choose carefully!)

Anyway ...

I trust the watchmaker and the bitch - and that has to be progress, right? It's taken 60 years of me, 12 years of him and seven years of her to get this far.

I wish I could live for 700 years. There is too much that I don't know and there's not enough time.

Such is life/death.

Hurry up peeps. It doesn't last long. And then it's gone.

This can't be forever ...

... Make it now.

I love you.


(Edit: To clean up the normal, fuck-up, dog paw typos. :facepalm: )

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Remember peeps ...

Love yourself and be nice to each other.

Easy to say. Hard to do. The road less traveled.


'Cos ...


It's so easy to believe in the power of others,

Who come and go,

And in the strange, half-light,

They seem to know,


But who can tell?

So ...

Make it now!

Walk into the fire,

No one else can guide you,

No on else can make you strong,

Walk into the fire,

Hold your head up higher,

And have no fear of being wrong!

'Cos ...

This can't be, this can't be - forever,

Now it's too late.

Don't wait.

Don't wait.

Don't wait.

Don't wait!

(It's five minutes of reasonable nonsense from the early 1990's. He's black but he's a true, fuckin' Glaswegian!)


It Can't Be Forever​

Ephraim Lewis

There's always people talking one time
Talk for years and years
Say well "we'll take a chance" and in time
They're looking back
It's disappeared
Take it now
Listen to your heart
Won't be staying over
Wake up and it's gone
Listen to your heart
Hold your head up high and have no fear of being wrong
It can't be, it can't be forever
Till it's too late
It can't be, it can't be forever
Don't wait, don't wait, don't wait
No falling under the spell of here today
Tomorrow will do just as well
It's so easy to believe in the power of others
They come and go
And in the strange half light they seem to know some
But who can tell
So be brave
Walk into the fire, no one else can guide you
No one else can make you strong
Walk into the fire, hold your head up higher
And have no fear of being wrong
And all this time we believe in a dream
And when will it come? Never!

(Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Lewis / Quarmby / Bacon)

Blessings one and all.

Fare well, wherever you fare.

And always, be nice to each other.


Come Bells.




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Murdoch know's which side his bread's buttered on. It's unlikely he'll be sympathetic to anyone but the Chinese state that butters that bread.
Not content with passing a law to ban calls for boycotts/blank votes, Security Chief Chris Tang now says such calls may also threaten national security and hence breach the NSL.

They just make it up as they go along, don't they?

Oh boy ...

Oh fucking boy ...

It must be fucking Friday ...

I blame the Arab and the Black Bitch!

What a fucking mess!

Anyway ... he's gone and the bitch is ready to rest. Me too!

Bed time.

Meanwhile ... remember peeps ... be nice to each other.

G'night. I love you. Rest well.

And thus some lyrical blues to go to sleep to.

Listen carefully peeps.

Gimme one reason to stay here!


Rest one and all.

Come Bella. Bed.

Keep thinking peeps. 🐬


I don't wanna leave you honey ...

... But you gotta make me change mind!

Another Hong Kong leaving song.

Night peeps. Be nice to each other.

Rest well.

Come Bell.

Baby I told you I love you ...

And there ain't no more to say!

Keep thinking peeps.

Thank you for your wisdom and your courage. It sustains me.

Thank you.

When everyone - everyone - who is alive today is long, long gone and dead and buried.

A reminder of Friday nights shall still remain, sustain and prevail.

A picture that paints a thousands words.

A portrait to represent the most important thing.



I've never been a patriot or a nationalist or much of a follower of sport.

But, just for Hong Kong and only for Hong Kong, I'll make another exception in this instance (as I did for our Olympic fencers).

Ga Yau, Siobhan! Ga Yau Heung Gong!

Add Fucking Oil!

You go girl!


And Siobhan takes the 100 metres as well.

Rock on Hongkie girl!

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