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Have you caught Covid recently - updated poll 2022-23

Have you caught Covid recently

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I've taken the rest of the week off work. Wfh is pointless- I'd just be sitting staring at a screen struggling to make sense of any of it.

The antivirals seem to have arrested the virus' progress as my cough's diminishing now. The brain fog and exhaustion are something else, though. I manage 20 mins of watching the Olympics on telly and even that I find it confusing.

Mrs V is a day or so behind me so has a horrid cough still. Both getting really sick of it now.
I've managed to get prescribed some anti-virals this time.

A few unnecessary hoops to be jumped through to get them, sadly, but got there in the end. My point about it being a bit daft being eligible for a Covid booster due to other health conditions but not anti-viral medication when ill was listened to, eventually.

So I'm on Paxlovid, a concoction of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir, none of which I've heard of before but I am assured stops the Covid 19 virus multiplying in cells.

Hopefully it might get this over and done with a bit quicker.

I took paxlovid a few weeks ago..albeit a lower dose due to ckd.. but symptoms were pretty much gone within 32 hours.

Hope you both feel a lot better soon.
I've taken the rest of the week off work. Wfh is pointless- I'd just be sitting staring at a screen struggling to make sense of any of it.

The antivirals seem to have arrested the virus' progress as my cough's diminishing now. The brain fog and exhaustion are something else, though. I manage 20 mins of watching the Olympics on telly and even that I find it confusing.

Mrs V is a day or so behind me so has a horrid cough still. Both getting really sick of it now.
I've been WFH all week, to be fair I've not done much apart from answering a few e-mails etc. mostly been watching YouTube videos of cruising the Norwegian fjords (we've booked a week in April 25). Mrs Numbers has been off sick.

Feel like my plague is slowly easing back but still coming in waves.
I got Covid 2 weeks ago. I thought it had gone! Luckily I've never had any particularly bad symptoms. Got all the jabs and boosters. A work colleague died one week after getting the first vax. He was fit and healthy and a Taekwando instructor. But I have no idea if it was a bad reaction. I would say probably not, I'm no way anti-vax at all.

One week before Estonia went into lockdown I attended a Spelling Bee with some of my pupils. Hundreds of little kids running around. I then fell ill and went off work. Then lockdown came. I don't know if it was Covid as there were no tests at that time, but I suspect it was. No dire symptoms even without any jab. It's strange how it affects people so differently.
Tested negative yesterday so that was 7 days testing positive even with a course of anti-viral treatment. Still congested but feel a million times better than I did this time last week. Bloody awful variant this one, whatever it was.

Mrs V is much improved although still testing positive with a very faint line. Coughing is receding, and the high temperature getting less frequent.

First day where we've avoided reaching for the paracetamol/ibuprofen as soon as we've woken up. Bloody hell, we felt ill this time, though. Really glad we're over the worst.
My symptoms from a fortnight ago have mostly gone, but i’m still getting occasional sudden-onset episodes of fatigue that make me feel like I’ve been run over by a truck for a few minutes. Also still have a bit of a cough, which I didn’t have when I tested positive.
It’s easy to forget that the heat and summer allergies have probably just intensfied some of these symptoms.
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Yeah the fatigue is shocking, isn't it Orang Utan ? Just when you're thinking you're on top of it, a wave of it comes from out of nowhere to knock you sideways.

I slept from 6pm last night right through till 9 this morning. Totally zonked.
Yeah the fatigue is shocking, isn't it Orang Utan ? Just when you're thinking you're on top of it, a wave of it comes from out of nowhere to knock you sideways.

I slept from 6pm last night right through till 9 this morning. Totally zonked.
Aye, it’s a dreadful feeling that plays upon my worst fears, amongst which is having my mobility severely restricted. At points I was out of breath going to the toilet, and absolutely destroyed from walking three flights down and up to empty a bin - I felt like I’d just climbed Mont Ventoux on a fixie.
Aye, it’s a dreadful feeling that plays upon my worst fears, amongst which is having my mobility severely restricted. At points I was out of breath going to the toilet, and absolutely destroyed from walking three flights down and up to empty a bin - I felt like I’d just climbed Mont Ventoux on a fixie.
Aye. We had a 5 minute walk on the beach today and we're both done in.
Had a nasty cold past 4 days I got from a friend I was visitng in Hungary. Turns out it's covid. Rubbish! Just my luck... :mad: My ears were so painful landing on the plane yesterday must have been trapped air... It's only today im feeling rough and exhausted to be fair so hopefully it passes quickly
Still getting sporadic periods of total exhaustion. I went to the cinema yesterday in town, a short bike ride of 3 miles and no hills, but I was so knackered when I got back that I could not face going back out again in the evening for another film I had a ticket for. I was too tired to even cook, so had to get a pizza delivered. I went to bed at about 9 but despite feeling more exhausted than I’ve ever felt in my life, I couldn’t get to sleep until the early hours.
This better resolve itself soon.

I was chatting about this with a friend and they echoed general advice about taking care while recovering and to not exert myself. I wasn’t sure what is meant by exertion.
They said even regular exercise counts as exertion, which surprised me, as I had interpreted it differently.
I have to get to work though (by bike) and regular exercise is so important in regulating and monitoring my mental and physical health. I can’t be completely idle!
I think I overdid it and set myself back the weekend before last too, Orang Utan. I was looking forward to a guided walk on Bodmin Moor and was 'recovered' (in my head, at least) so went ahead with it. 4 miles or so with plenty of stops, but in drizzly rain, admittedly. Drained me so much I cut it short and needed a day of total inactivity afterwards to recuperate.

I can imagine that the sort of bike ride you mentioned would be similar levels of exertion. The sort of thing you wouldn't think twice about normally.

So I literally had a week of zero exercise and that did it. Pleased to say that after a week of being very lazy and hardly walking at all, I did a proper 8 mile stomp at the weekend so I'm back to normal now.

Take your point about using exercise for your mental health though - I was helped by miserable weather last week. I probably wouldn't have been so lazy if the sun had been out.
Managed to exhaust myself moving some shelving today, so got a cab home. May have to cab it to work and back for the next couple of days. Got stuff to do this weekend - kid-friendly excursions, but will try to take it easy.
I am rubbish at ‘taking it easy’ though, even if I don’t go anywhere as it’s in my nature to rush about like a four year old. And I forget I’m supposed to be taking it easy, and therefore do things such as moving heavy furniture or sprinting home, until exhaustion reminds me. :facepalm:
About a week and a half ago, we were coming back from a day out on the train and I ended up sitting across the table from someone who was clearly unwell - the rest of the family who were sat at the table were discussing in German about where they thought he might have caught his case of COVID (probably off someone selfishly travelling on public transport with it IMO). I think they reckoned I couldn't understand German but I picked up enough of the conversation to cover my mouth and nose.
I gargled with saline when I got home and ate a load of garlic. (I have no idea whether these things are actually useful but I figure it's unlikely to hurt!)
I didn't get ill with whatever the passenger opposite me had though despite him coughing in my face for an hour, so it's all good (and I hope he is feeling better now, he was clearly feeling quite shit).
Managed to exhaust myself moving some shelving today, so got a cab home. May have to cab it to work and back for the next couple of days. Got stuff to do this weekend - kid-friendly excursions, but will try to take it easy.
I am rubbish at ‘taking it easy’ though, even if I don’t go anywhere as it’s in my nature to rush about like a four year old. And I forget I’m supposed to be taking it easy, and therefore do things such as moving heavy furniture or sprinting home, until exhaustion reminds me. :facepalm:

It might be worth requesting an occupational health appointment via your work. Frankly even if youre not good at setting your own boundaries in order to "stay within your own energy envelope" I would expect them to be aware of this and taking steps. If you have been ill and off work and suffering from post viral fatigue (sorry to hear that but it is very normal, doesnt mean you will have Long Covid for years or anything) they should not be asking you to do heavy lifting tasks. It's better to have a month or two off this kinda work than spend a month off work entirely, if the fatigue gets worse.

Basicslly you cant speed up this kind of post viral recovery but you can slow it down. It's important to conserve your core energy reserves at work and at home. My advice to you is when you notice yourself saying "ok I'll just do this now..." it can be a sign you are pushing beyond your body's natural limits, pushing into your energy reserves. In order to fully recover you need time and rest and not deplete yourself regularly, it's quite important.
I was only asked by a colleague to help cos i was the only fella there. They didn’t know I should be taking it easy. It was my responsibility to look after myself. I just keep forgetting I’m supposed to be taking it easy.
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