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Have you caught Covid recently - updated poll 2022-23

Have you caught Covid recently

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Yes I'm much better too. I went away last week which turned the tide for me.

I just hope my addiction to biltong will pass soon too, it's disgusting stuff and can't be that healthy as a breakfast.
Just tested positive for the second time this year. One tiny part of me feels relieved because I have been feeling absolutely shattered since yesterday and now I don't have to be in at work for the rest of the week.

So far, the only symptom apart from the fatigue is a snotty nose and a lot of sneezing. I had my booster about ten days ago so I am hoping it will stay mild.
Wife and baby have just come down with it - a bit concerned about him as he is very chesty coughy but he is being and absolute trooper and smiling through it - sleeping loads too which I'm taking as a minor positive.

There seems to be a lot of it around at the moment based on various friends and colleagues in different circles dotted around London who have had it in the past month. Boots and a couple of other local shops sold out of tests too.
This is the first time I've knowingly had Covid. The downside is that I've felt like shit for the last 3 days, aching, headache, sore throat, falling asleep 3 times a day, full of snot, but I've finally turned the corner and I'm beginning to begin to feel better. The plus side is its forced me to stop and I got to lay around for 3 days reading comics. I never get to do that, so uh... thanks Covid.
Got it for second time (AFAIK) just before Christmas. Didn't have any tests myself but a mate who I'd been to the pub with night before was feeling shit, tested positive and let me know. It felt like the first time July 2022. Didn't have a cough but constant dull head ache, general lethargy, aches, dodgy guts and blocked sinuses. It was more annoying than debilitating TBH.
Sorry to hear this, all the best and hope you feel better soon

Thanks. So far I'm doing ok - Its nowhere near as devastating as the first time round.

A little bit of a cough/chest congestion, snottery sinuses, headache, slight temperature and feeling rough/tired and by today, my taste has been slightly affected but nowhere near the total sensory wipe-out of Mk-1 COVID.

I'd just got a shop-in, so I've got plenty of food and nothing better to do than keep in the warm, with a bottle of brandy near at hand. :)
Yesterday was a bit rough - stumping headache and sinus pain to the point of toothache all day but the chest/cough/snotteryness were much the same. Was also pretty tired all day and went for a lie-down mid afternoon and slept for several hours. Although the four brandied-coffees I'd consumed in the hours running-up to this might have played a part? :oops:

So after a good sleep, the headache and sinus pain are much less and the cough/streaming head is maybe a bit easier. Only needed one brandied coffee today do far and that precipitated quite a good shift of grot! :)
I probably had it in December for the very first time. Caught it from my mother who probably caught it from a dentists receptionist who was coughing hard in an enclosed space with lack of ventilation.

My symptoms were very mild and most of them vanished rather quickly, eg started to get a sore throat but then it vanished before it really developed. Cough was very mild and barely noticeable. The only ones I'd even have noticed if it wasnt for my mothers positive test results were a bit of a fever (and loss of appetite) for 36 hours and being a bit more tired than usual for a prolonged period. I had the luxury of sleeping a lot without any stress, which may have helped.

As I am under 50 I just had the three initial vaccines and 2 years passed between my last vaccination and catching it. Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna, all in 2021. I had no vaccine side effects at the time either, other than slight tiredness and the usual arm ache.

My mother wasnt too badly affected either, though her cough and sore throat were far more prominent and longer lasting than mine, and she also had to blow her nose quite a lot. She had a headache on one day. She is over 70 and so had more recent vaccinations than me, including the latest one around October.
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I tested positive for covid on Sunday after feeling rough on Thursday then better then really rough by Friday evening post work. However today I am negative and was feeling well from yesterday. Its the second time I've had it and exactly a year apart. I've had 4 vaccines.

I reckon I must have been positive for longer? Anyway it was extremely mild and I was more fatigued then anything. My taste is still a bit weird and I'm craving fizzy tart drinks.

The timing has been superb as on annual leave and have a swanky non refundable hotel booked for a weekend away.

Despite living together, my fella has tested negative.
I'm up-to-date with vaccinations so I was surprised how bad I felt in my first bout with COVID, was wiped out for a couple of days but think I'm past the worst now.

At first I thought it was just hay fever, brought on by being in a grassy area next to woodland for hours during the eclipse on Monday, turns out that sneezing is a common symptom in people who've been vaccinated
I've only knowingly had it once. Was after I was vaxxed and all I got was the loss of taste and felt a bit lethargic.
I got a bit sneezy towards the end of last year but didn't get tested as I didn't think it was covid.

Oh, FFS, it's the middle of 2024! I expect I'll get smallpox or polio next

Well it ain't gonna spoil my Friday night drinkies! :thumbs:
Having caught COVID in Jan 21 and only just recovering three years later it's a bit scary to wake up testing positive today but hopefully it will be very different this time. Feels more familiar cold/flu territory
Having caught COVID in Jan 21 and only just recovering three years later it's a bit scary to wake up testing positive today but hopefully it will be very different this time. Feels more familiar cold/flu territory
I had it a couple of weeks ago. It was exactly that - 48 hours of cold symptoms with some painful sinuses at worst. I'm immunosuppressed so thought I might be in trouble when I came up positive but it was actually not as bad as the previous couple of times when I had it, and I wasn't immunosuppressed then. So fingers crossed you'll be ok.
I had it a couple of weeks ago. It was exactly that - 48 hours of cold symptoms with some painful sinuses at worst. I'm immunosuppressed so thought I might be in trouble when I came up positive but it was actually not as bad as the previous couple of times when I had it, and I wasn't immunosuppressed then. So fingers crossed you'll be ok.
Thank you, that's reassuring x
Frau Bahn has cold today, negative Covid test, GP mate says >50% cases don't show up on lateral flow tests now...
Frau Bahn has cold today, negative Covid test, GP mate says >50% cases don't show up on lateral flow tests now...
It started with a fairly high false negative rate and it's only got worse over time with all the variants. You have to be pretty comprehensively ill before it triggers a lateral flow test, which kinda defeats the purpose. Most reasonable people will be at a stage of "I should really stay home" before they know it's covid.
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