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Have you caught Covid recently - updated poll 2022-23

Have you caught Covid recently

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Tested postive 2 weeks ago. 2nd time I've had it.

Had 4 jabs as in the Extremely vulnerable catrogory. Last jab was 12 months ago.

Not gonna lie it totally floored me this time and even though out the other side I'm still wrecked and shattered all the time.

Had 5 days of anti virals (Paxlovid) worked but didn't feel as effective as the first time I had covid and had Paxlovid then.

I've generally been rogue and long since given up taking any sort of precautions. Will think twice now.

Suppose I'll get a 5th jab in the coming months.
Tested positive on Monday. I've just retested and I'm still getting a strong positive. :( Main symptoms are a terrible headache and being really exhausted.

Assume I need to keep self-isolating till I'm negative? Meh.
It's kind of a personal choice thing now innit. I think I'll be too ill to go to work tomorrow but the most likely peeps to have passed this on to me recovered swiftly after a couple of days of feeling shite.
I'm snotty, wheezy, hot, tired, dry cough but nothing worse than a normal cold so far... thankfully.

I hope you're feeling better soon Sue
Feel pretty fine now. Just a bit of a pesky cough that can be dealt with a spoonful of honey and lemon & ginger tea. Have spent long periods of time around people with heavy covid before and never caught it. I think it just got a slight foot in the door this time due to me battering my immune system in Ibiza.
my turn again....

4th day in, rough around the edges, but ibuprofen keeps it in check. Once the meds wear off I feel pretty ropey. Fevers, headaches, joint pains. But nowhere near as bad as last time.
Skin is starting to react (psoriasis), but again, nowhere near as rough as last time.

Have family staying, so I'm largely isolating in spare room. FFP2 mask when I'm in other parts of the flat.

Toddler was very scared of me, but is getting used to it.

Jut tested, still a very strong positive.

Had it 3 weeks ago, a ropey cold, no shivers or sore throat, but utterly knackered from doing the most simple of things. Had to work during it, guy I work with worked from home to keep away from me. Seems this is now a thing we just had to live with.
No but I just found out ferrets can have it and pass it back with forth with humans apparently, which makes me feel not entirely pleased about my daughter getting 6 of the things...
Day 6 - still strong positive line. Blocked ear, localised headache, partial loss of taste, moody as can be. Pissing everybody off and pissed off by everybody.
Little flashes of fever.
Isolating as well as i can in my circumstances. Sick and tired of fresh air.
Mask is giving me a nasty rash.
Had to cancel a couple of pretty good jobs.
Appetite not great at all, i look slim and un-healthy, which I am i suppose...

But - I'm sort of ok, just a bit uncomfortable, moody and tired. Mornings are a lot better than afternoons and evenings. I'm sleeping ok. Don't feel like I'm dying.
Tested negative yesterday - after 9 days. Still knackered and weird sense of taste. Ear half-blocked. Skin going mental.
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Tested negative yesterday, but ive been ill for coming up to 3 weeks now, from fever, to banging headaches and other aches, sneezing and can feel a chill on my chest, might have to buckle and go to the doctors tomorrow if it carries on.

I really hope its not serious, ive just sorted my life out :(

I'm sick of it (pun intended).
Anyone else using pretty old tests? Mine are from Jan 22, about to expire in Jan next year....i stockpiled them when they were free.
Ive noticed the liquid is getting less and less, almost as if it evaporates over time even though it's fully sealed. Some had that little liquid that the test wouldn't react. I resorted to using 2 liquids / test.
No need to be saving them now they are about to expire...
Caught it last week ago and tested negative today about 10 days. Felt like a really heavy head cold , bit of fever but not too bad. 1 night of heavy sweats. Now fells like it has bequeathed me a chest infection so will get checked by the doc tomorrow.
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I've finally caught it. :(
I don't think I've had it before but I had a chest infection (self diagnosed) in 2020, no other symptoms other than the hacking cough, but no home testing then.

Feeling pretty shitty tbh.
Last night had so much neuralgia type pain (skin, muscles, joints, everything hurting) I could barely walk to the toilet and was in floods of tears packing an emergency bag of meds, phone charger etc in case I needed to go to the hospital.
Yes it was an over exaggeration but I was feeling pretty vulnerable and at the time I hadn't done a test as I didn't have any and was imagining it might be some other type of issue like kidney infection (had so much pain everywhere it was difficult to tell).

Does one still report positive tests?
I never had the app on my phone as I never have my GPS on and rarely go anywhere so it didn't seem worth it.
Sorry you feel so rubbish, kittyP. :( I don't think anyone's reporting positive tests these days (loads of people aren't testing now as they feel there's little point). Have you got ibuprofen or some other painkillers (like paracetamol)? And someone to bring you supplies if you need them? x

(Not sure if you're in a clinically-vulnerable group, but worth contacting your GP if you are as you might qualify for anti-virals.)
Sorry you feel so rubbish, kittyP. :( I don't think anyone's reporting positive tests these days (loads of people aren't testing now as they feel there's little point). Have you got ibuprofen or some other painkillers (like paracetamol)? And someone to bring you supplies if you need them? x

(Not sure if you're in a clinically-vulnerable group, but worth contacting your GP if you are as you might qualify for anti-virals.)
Thank you.
I have been taking ibuprofen and paracetamol in rotation.
I have enough stuff in for now and have a delivery booked for more supplies/food for tomorrow.

I've not long had my booster for this autumn so hopefully it will be short lived.

I'm not sure if I'm considered vulnerable or not but not physically, it's more because of my mental health issues.

Just hoping my cunty landlords cunty property manager doesn't insist on coming in for the next few days, for whatever reasons he normally does.
It's never for any of the actual serious problems though 🤦
I think he's asthmatic though so hopefully wouldn't insist if I send him a pic of the test.
Ive been negative for a couple of weeks but I still haven't fully recovered. Tired, headaches, hot and cold, joint pains, beain fog, exhaustion.....it almost feels like when i have a bad spell of psoriasis, minus the skin probs. Very similar secondary symptoms. I guess it's all immune system related.

Last time i had covid badly it took me a couple of months to get over it. I remember thinking at the time 'how is the world going to function if a good chunk of its population feels like this, at any given time?'.

Well, i guess the world isn't really functioning, and has been getting worse since covid first started, related or not. Not, probably.
I've not long had my booster for this autumn so hopefully it will be short lived.
Fwiw - my partner had their booster 6 weeks or so before i got covid, and didn't catch it of me.....
We were quite careful.....masks indoors, eating and sleeping in different rooms, plenty of ventilation, etc, but with a toddler in the house there is only so and so much we could do.
Partner and I both tested regularly, just to be sure.

So - good luck to you, hope the booster does its job!
Awwr kittyP ,totally sympathise. I felt dreadful when I had it, was also in tears a lot. Keep on with the painkiller rota, saved my sanity when I did it. The all-over pain was miserable.

Sorry to hear you're still suffering too klang . It knocked me for a couple of months too.
Ive been negative for a couple of weeks but I still haven't fully recovered. Tired, headaches, hot and cold, joint pains, beain fog, exhaustion.....it almost feels like when i have a bad spell of psoriasis, minus the skin probs. Very similar secondary symptoms. I guess it's all immune system related.

Last time i had covid badly it took me a couple of months to get over it. I remember thinking at the time 'how is the world going to function if a good chunk of its population feels like this, at any given time?'.

Well, i guess the world isn't really functioning, and has been getting worse since covid first started, related or not. Not, probably.
Did you get it the first time pre any vaccination?

I am not sure if this is correct or not but it seems to me that people who are getting longer lasting symptoms now. are people who had it quite bad at the beginning.
I didn't feel great last week, drained and a head cold. I didn't have a temperature so didn't bother testing. I decided I should test on Saturday as I was supposed to be going to a gig which would've involved some friends giving me a lift... positive so gig 😢
I've took a few days off work and am feeling a bit better now - just tired, a bit foggy headed and a niggle of a sinus headache.
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