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Have you caught Covid recently - updated poll 2022-23

Have you caught Covid recently

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Does it affect your balance thing? I've been really dizzy. Hope it doesn't make it worse for you.

Wild dreams here too, all the way through and still going.
Slighty dizzy and slightly nauseous, and overall feeling weird, but not too bad on that front.

I'll take some paracetamol at bedtime tonight, hopefully that might tame the dreams a bit.

I feel cheered by having tested negative anyway. Hopefully it means I can go to the shops and whatnot.
Still not had it. OH tested positive for the first time last Monday. Loads of people here think they haven't had it, including me, but I think that's unlikely.
The plot thickens. Now I'm well enough to mingle again I went out last night and saw the friend I think I caught it from and another friend who had what is probably the same thing, and neither of them tested positive.

So either it wasn't covid or the tests aren't working.

I still think it's covid from the way it's ripped through my circle on minimal contact.
I'm perversely hoping to get it in the next week because I have a two trips abroad in the next 6 weeks and I really don't want to have to worry about missing one because of covid :oops:
The plot thickens. Now I'm well enough to mingle again I went out last night and saw the friend I think I caught it from and another friend who had what is probably the same thing, and neither of them tested positive.

So either it wasn't covid or the tests aren't working.

I still think it's covid from the way it's ripped through my circle on minimal contact.
positive: you definitely have covid
negative: you possibly might not have covid
Have had nausea, cramp, sore throat and coughing (a lot of nasty looking sputum etc) and aching the last 24-36 hrs - the worst part was a gradual feeling which came on over a few hours yesterday that ended in feeling almost brain dead and exhausted. Unhelpfully I’ve been travelling which has meant having to endure it, and suspect it may have been picked up on a plane or at the cinema.

It must also be said that I’ve been out on the beers in a hot place this weekend, and have been in an area of questionable air quality with a lot of passive smoking. But am pretty sure that whatever I have has been exacerbated by those environmental factors, not caused by it. I do seem to be quite susceptible to respiratory tract infections over the last year or so.

Will do a test when I get home tomorrow afternoon.
Got jabbed again yesterday for both flu and covid.

not sure how much use it'll be against this new variant but better to face an angry mob with a bin lid than nothing at all. New variant seems to be skyrocketing across the UK; loads of people of my ken have it or suspect having it.

quite surreal but unsurprising to see the authorities just shrugging and expecting everyone to get on with it.
Got jabbed again yesterday for both flu and covid.

not sure how much use it'll be against this new variant but better to face an angry mob with a bin lid than nothing at all. New variant seems to be skyrocketing across the UK; loads of people of my ken have it or suspect having it.

quite surreal but unsurprising to see the authorities just shrugging and expecting everyone to get on with it.
Off topic but I seem to have ended up with someone else's bin lid and mines gone missing. Which is odd.
Got jabbed again yesterday for both flu and covid.


quite surreal but unsurprising to see the authorities just shrugging and expecting everyone to get on with it.

Serious question, you''ve just got your jabs, what else do you want the authorities to do for you?
What else are people expected to do but 'get on with it'?
Serious question, you''ve just got your jabs, what else do you want the authorities to do for you?
What else are people expected to do but 'get on with it'?

I'm lucky in that I am now over 50 and have a serious underlying health condition. Yes, you read that right. Most people -specifically those under 50 without health conditions- won't have access to the jab at all until they have caught a dose of the latest variant. There's some general belief that it's just the flu and get over it / get on with it- really, it's not.

My concern is not with "me"- if I dropped dead tomorrow I'dve had a good life and one I enjoyed.

My concern is with people who won't have access to the jab and a government who in dismantling Covid testing monitoring and reporting as well as any mitigations has basically adopted the strategy of "pretend it's over and hope for the best". I think we all deserve just a wee bit better than that.

Not sure what your problem is to be honest.
I'm lucky in that I am now over 50 and have a serious underlying health condition. Yes, you read that right. Most people -specifically those under 50 without health conditions- won't have access to the jab at all until they have caught a dose of the latest variant. There's some general belief that it's just the flu and get over it / get on with it- really, it's not.

My concern is not with "me"- if I dropped dead tomorrow I'dve had a good life and one I enjoyed.

My concern is with people who won't have access to the jab and a government who in dismantling Covid testing monitoring and reporting as well as any mitigations has basically adopted the strategy of "pretend it's over and hope for the best". I think we all deserve just a wee bit better than that.

Not sure what your problem is to be honest.
I think i read that for people without medical conditions the age is 65 this year not 50 like last year.
A lot of people not getting anything picked up on LFTs this time around it seems, even after several days.
It is also possible that it's not covid of course but another seasonal bug or multiple seasonal bugs. Impossible to prove.

Are they not still doing population sampling?
Just tested positive for the first time (strong red line came up in seconds). I've an underlying health condition and am eligible for the latest jab except they don't seem to have started doing them here yet. Very sore head, really tired and a bit coldy, 🤞 it doesn't get any worse.

Anyone know how long until I'm likely to be negative? Just I'm meant to have family visiting from Scotland on Friday. :( (I started feeling a bit rubbish on Saturday and properly ill yesterday if that helps any.)
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Just tested positive for the first time (strong red line came up in seconds). I've an underlying health condition and am eligible for the latest jab except they don't seem to have started doing them here yet. Very sore head, really tired and a bit coldy, 🤞 it doesn't get any worse.

Anyone know how long until I'm likely to be negative? Just I'm meant to have family visiting from Scotland on Friday. :( (I started feeling a bit rubbish on Saturday and properly ill yesterday if that helps any.)
I wouldn't imagine you'd be negative by then but they probably won't fancy coming anyway, ask them!

Hope the covid fairy wafts her wings over you lightly.
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I wouldn't imagine you'd be negative by then but they probably won't fancy coming anyway, ask them!

Hope the covid fairy wafts her wings over you lightly.
Meh. Yeah, I've already messaged so it's up to them what they want to do.

Thanks. I put feeling shit down to a very hectic work trip last week only to find out earlier that a load of the people I met have now tested positive. :(
I think your question is: how long until I'm likely not to be infectious? Antigen negativity/positivity isn't a particularly useful guide (you could easily still test positive many days after any period of potential infectiousness).

If you have no immunological dysfunction, or are otherwise not immunosuppressed, and you have had the original primary vaccine series plus one booster (as a minimum), and all respiratory/febrile-related symptoms have abated by then, you would be unlikely to infect others at 7-10 days (not applicable here, but if you had hybrid immunity through infection then subsequent full vaccination then that period could be reduced somewhat). Any shorter timescale and I would wear a fitted FFP2/3 mask in the presence of any vulnerable persons.
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I think your question is: how long until I'm likely not to be infectious? Antigen negativity/positivity isn't a particularly useful guide (you could easily still test positive many days after any period of potential infectiousness).

If you have no immunological dysfunction, or are otherwise not immunosuppressed, and you have had the original primary vaccine series plus one booster (as a minimum), and all respiratory/febrile-related symptoms have abated by then, you would be unlikely to infect others at 7-10 days (not applicable here, but if you had hybrid immunity through infection then subsequent full vaccination then that period could be reduced somewhat). Any shorter timescale and I would wear a fitted FFP2/3 mask in the presence of any vulnerable persons.
I am immunosuppressed and have had four jabs so far, the last in April/May so hopefully it won't be too bad. :( (I was told to skip my immunosuppressants if I caught it.)
Yeah get well soon Sue. It's no fun, hope it's over and done with for you sooner rather than later.

I've just booked in for a booster. There seem to be conflicting reports about whether being diabetic counts as clinically vulnerable. There's an option for "I think I'm clinically vulnerable" so I ticked that and I've got an appointment for Thursday.
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