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Have you caught Covid recently - updated poll 2022-23

Have you caught Covid recently

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Awwr kittyP ,totally sympathise. I felt dreadful when I had it, was also in tears a lot. Keep on with the painkiller rota, saved my sanity when I did it. The all-over pain was miserable.

Sorry to hear you're still suffering too klang . It knocked me for a couple of months too.
Been there before and know it will pass, but thanks!
Just a bit tired of being tired and cold and in pain, but i function ok. I can work etc.

One thing it has def done and still does is altering my taste sensation - i get cravings for things that would have made me vomit in disgust a month ago. Lol, couple of days ago i woke up in the morning with dead serious cravings for the cheapest chinese sweet and sour chicken. 99 % vegetarian us, so my partner seriously questioned my sanity. But it had to be done, everything else i tried made me wrench in disgust. Prior to covid just the thought of it, never mind the smell or taste would make me throw up.
But at that moment in time it was heavenly. I felt proper dirty after.

A week or so ago it was polish sausage salad with garlic. Fuck me. Partner thought i was pregnant.
Did you get it the first time pre any vaccination?

I am not sure if this is correct or not but it seems to me that people who are getting longer lasting symptoms now. are people who had it quite bad at the beginning.
I got my very first jab very early on due to personal circumstances. I don't think i had caught it before that.
I had it 4 or 5 times and had regular boosters.

The first couple of times it was just a passing show with a day or 2 of feeling a bit rough.

Last time and this time hit me proper hard. Last time probably a bit harder, but this time wasn't pretty either
I didn't feel great last week, drained and a head cold. I didn't have a temperature so didn't bother testing. I decided I should test on Saturday as I was supposed to be going to a gig which would've involved some friends giving me a lift... positive so gig 😢
I've took a few days off work and am feeling a bit better now - just tired, a bit foggy headed and a niggle of a sinus headache.
See, for me it always feels so different to a cold or a flu. I always KNOW i have it straight away...couldn't be anything else
if it an NHS supplied test you can report it here if it is a purchased one it probably won't work.

hope you feel better soon.

I think the one I have done might actually have been an NHS one but it was 1 month out of date so, even though I trust it is a true positive, I don't know about uploading it.

I have ordered more from Boots and paid for bloody next day delivery but they haven't arrived
See, for me it always feels so different to a cold or a flu. I always KNOW i have it straight away...couldn't be anything else
This is only the second time I've had it, but it feels different from the first time.
I'm rarely ill thankfully, so any bad cold or flu is unusual for me. Admittedly the first 15 odd years of my working life was a bit sporadic, but I'm now 54 and think the only time I've had off sick has been the 2 times I've had covid. I've definitely not has any other time off in the last 15 years!

I thought I felt better today so popped into work (I kept my distance and didn't intend to stay long anyway, as some people I work with aren't in the best of health). I only lifted a couple of not very heavy crates and went light headed. I've also discovered the smell of bread and pastries makes me feel nauseous 🤷‍♂️
. I've also discovered the smell of bread and pastries makes me feel nauseous
Yes same here. Normally i live of bread and pasta and olive oil and feta, but i really can't stomach it atm. Just the thought if it makes me gag.
I have been forcing myself to somehow eat my usual diet, as difficult as it is, as my cravings for the cheapest meats (not even 'better' meats, it has to be cheap and nasty) is very unhealthy, and frankly disgusting.

Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks. You too!

My appetite is fine, if anything It's bigger than normal and craving big, nourishing meals - that may be because I'm slumped on the sofa with not much else to do other than think about food though😁
The smell thing earlier was weird. My taste doesn't seem to be affected this time, thankfully
How are our pox-ridden urbanites Covid positive friends feeling today?

Less all over pain, which is good.
My voice, I sound like Tom Waits after a month long bender.
I am very tired but also twitchy as anxiety is really heightened. But it has been bad for a while.

I am furiously gargling with salt water to try and stop it going to my chest.
Normally if I end up with a chest infection after illness it is really difficult to shift,
Less all over pain, which is good.
My voice, I sound like Tom Waits after a month long bender.
I am very tired but also twitchy as anxiety is really heightened. But it has been bad for a while.

I am furiously gargling with salt water to try and stop it going to my chest.
Normally if I end up with a chest infection after illness it is really difficult to shift,
I can recommend a chopped onion at night next to the bed. Clears the sinuses and the chest. Your flat will smell of onions though
Less all over pain, which is good.
My voice, I sound like Tom Waits after a month long bender.
I am very tired but also twitchy as anxiety is really heightened. But it has been bad for a while.

I am furiously gargling with salt water to try and stop it going to my chest.
Normally if I end up with a chest infection after illness it is really difficult to shift,
The Salisbury NHS mouth protocol recommends using Dentyl mouthwash, which you can get from any supermarket. Kills the virus dead in seconds, stops it travelling from your saliva to your blood and then lungs. I only found this out very recently.
The Salisbury NHS mouth protocol recommends using Dentyl mouthwash, which you can get from any supermarket. Kills the virus dead in seconds, stops it travelling from your saliva to your blood and then lungs. I only found this out very recently.

I don't really have the wherewithal to do another order atm but I have Corsodyl daily so will try that.
Well I feel worse today than I did yesterday. Not seriously rough, but i woke up feeling like I have a hangover. My headache niggle has gone up a notch and I finally have a temperature.

I tested negative this morning, but noticed that the test was 6 months out of date so that may not be acurate. I popped into work (well hung around outside) as I thought we had some tests there. We seem to have run out, but someone is going to drop me some round later. I've been told to take the rest of the week off, which would be great if I could actually do anything and not be bored shitless 🙁
Seems like loads of peoole coming down with the latest strain here.

I gave it to my lover in Bristol and then 2 friends I was out with a few days after that. I hadnt tested so didn't realise I had it. Seems to be suuuuper contagious. I maybe gave it or got it from a woman I met at the Palestine march in London who I was sat outdoors with. She never tested.

I was honestly surprised I got it as I had covid in January and then a booster in June. Plus it's a booster trial so was either updated Moderna or an (as yet) unreleased updated omicron+ Moderna booster.

Thankfully mild this time. Ill for a week but not too bad just one rough night with a super blocked nose and feeling uncomfortable in the night. I'm hoping I can bounce back without having a long covid fatigue relapse like last time.. so just really trying to take it easy and stay home and rest up. Give it a few weeks at least.
Just changed my vote to "Nope" as it was 18 months ago (ish) that I had it. But yep, lots of people I know have been down with it lately, similarly miserable but mild.

I hope this isn't tempting fate. I got a booster last weekend so touching wood.

One colleague with a long term condition that meant they could they have been really badly affected by covid in the early days has only come into the office once or twice since it all kicked off. She's been super cautious with everything. Her Dad brought it home. She now has it but is "ok" - guess the vaccines are working.
Just finishing a cold (test negative). Typically, my recovery seems to have been quicker than others, including the person I got it off, and my symptoms less severe. I'm just fortunate, I guess, but I'm grateful, reading this thread, to have continued to swerve the plague.
I often get bad coldsores when I have been poorly but for the first time since I was a kid, I have them on my chin :(
A cluster on the bottom of my chin, radiating up my jaw line
Rubbish. :( Viral infections can stir up other viruses or even "memories" of previous viral infections apparently. Especially glandular fever and herpes. I wouldnt stress im sure theyll settle down soon.

I had super bad pustulosis blisters on my feet (autoimmune condition) when I had covid the first time... it was really bad but then healed and hasnt come back since!
I had super bad pustulosis blisters on my feet (autoimmune condition) when I had covid the first time... it was really bad but then healed and hasnt come back since!

A friend on mine had 'covid feet'. It's a fucking weird virus.

I'm better now, well almost. I left work early yesterday as I wasn't being very productive and finding it hard work concentrating. My head feels a bit more together today though 🙂
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