wav, aiff, mp3, ogg, flac
Almost right, it's gone up in two. We need to integrate that with a wider picture though. Across that same period it's contested about 60 seats:
In seats they're contesting for the first time they're averaging 11%
In seats they're returning to they're averaging 20.43%
Across them all they're averaging 13.68%.
Now what that might well show is that drops in seats they're re-contesting doesn't simply mean that they're being blown out of the water or losing support once they've been exposed - what it possibly shows it that they've achieved a very good first time vote in many seats maybe on the back of a specific local grievance producing a protest vote (i.e the boston bypass vote), around 23-30%, and that in follow up elections rather then just disappearing after the various exposes and don't vote BNP campaigns they're consolidating around the 17-20% - in fact average drop is just 4.8%. On top of that seats where they picked up around 10% first time round they're now better able to jump up to the same level. And the national average has not been driven down by these campaigns either, after a few years of being solidly at 12.3% it's now actually gone up again, despite a bad run of specific results. It means that their appeal is not being impacted on by these approaches and they're steadily developing a broader base.
You might be right, but there again possibly wrong?