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Griffin and BNP strategy

On the basis of 'they'll implode'? They didn't implode any of the other times that it was sure that they would. But go on, i'd like to see what's lead you to this conclusion then
They will implode though, whatever happens. Apart from older events - the Walkers quitting, Lee Barnes' hilarious attempts to present himself as legally qualified, and OMG Collett's arrest was the icing on the cake. They're a farce. I was much more worried about them a year ago. Now I'm finding it hard to take them seriously. Am I being naive?

Despite all these problems and more they're still here, it's interesting how it affects them getting activists out and it'll be interesting to see what happens after the election when they've got nothing but each other to get their teeth into (asuming they don't take a seat or even a significant number of council seats). It won't be the end of them. What could be the end is the financial irregularites that apprently exist but that might all be sour grapes from former members.
Despite all these problems and more they're still here, it's interesting how it affects them getting activists out and it'll be interesting to see what happens after the election when they've got nothing but each other to get their teeth into (asuming they don't take a seat or even a significant number of council seats). It won't be the end of them. What could be the end is the financial irregularites that apprently exist but that might all be sour grapes from former members.

They'll get stuck into what they've been stuck in for the last decade. They're not a party at constant war with itself - they've hovered up on the far right, the internal debates come about how to use this - not the old school should we be nazis or racists debates.
On the basis of 'they'll implode'? They didn't implode any of the other times that it was sure that they would. But go on, i'd like to see what's lead you to this conclusion then
They haven't exactly made huge strides towards westminster though have they? There was a big fear that they would - and it hasn't materialised. In fact, the more exposure they've got, the more they've made themselves the object of ridicule. While the organisation of the party remains this inept, I'd expect that pattern to repeat itself.

Despite all these problems and more they're still here, it's interesting how it affects them getting activists out and it'll be interesting to see what happens after the election when they've got nothing but each other to get their teeth into (asuming they don't take a seat or even a significant number of council seats). It won't be the end of them. What could be the end is the financial irregularites that apprently exist but that might all be sour grapes from former members.
In terms of the long term threat, I agree that they're worth maintaining an eye on. But the current set up is less than united, politically or personally. Even if they do completely implode (and the financial irregularities may be the catalyst as you say), then no doubt a clone of the BNP will rise to take their place. There will always be a RW extremist element to be countered, and the support gained by the BNP, EDL, UKIP and the swing towards the tories may be symptomatic of a disconcerting shift to the right overall. At this present moment though, the BNP themselves are what is termed in medicine as a 'self-limiting condition'. The more exposure they get, the more their inadequacies are exposed. I just don't see any clear and present danger.

I really don't mean to preach complacency though. But I'd rather without the over-dramatisation either. The RW appears to get the majority of its publicity from LW reaction. I'm not 'no-platform' to any extent - that time has passed if it was ever there - but there's still a danger that LW 'backlash' can create interest where previously was only apathy.
They haven't exactly made huge strides towards westminster though have they? There was a big fear that they would - and it hasn't materialised. In fact, the more exposure they've got, the more they've made themselves the object of ridicule. While the organisation of the party remains this inept, I'd expect that pattern to repeat itself.

No there wasn't, and yes they have.

Are you mad? Have you actually been following the BNP at all?
In terms of the long term threat, I agree that they're worth maintaining an eye on. But the current set up is less than united, politically or personally. Even if they do completely implode (and the financial irregularities may be the catalyst as you say), then no doubt a clone of the BNP will rise to take their place. There will always be a RW extremist element to be countered, and the support gained by the BNP, EDL, UKIP and the swing towards the tories may be symptomatic of a disconcerting shift to the right overall. At this present moment though, the BNP themselves are what is termed in medicine as a 'self-limiting condition'. The more exposure they get, the more their inadequacies are exposed. I just don't see any clear and present danger.

I really don't mean to preach complacency though. But I'd rather without the over-dramatisation either. The RW appears to get the majority of its publicity from LW reaction. I'm not 'no-platform' to any extent - that time has passed if it was ever there - but there's still a danger that LW 'backlash' can create interest where previously was only apathy.

what the fuck?
dunno where everyone’s based, but out here in the boonies the level of casual/everyday racism is worse than I can remember for years, no way will the bnp implode; if anything I actually wonder where it’s going to end.

The British National Party has expelled a UKIP mole standing for the BNP in Thurrock after discovering that his aunt was the UKIP candidate and that he had been sent into the party to discredit it, Thurrock organiser Emma Colgate has announced.

“Mark Onions appeared out of the blue a short while ago and became very active,” Ms Colgate said.

“We never dreamed for a minute that his aunt was the UKIP candidate standing against us, and he gained our confidence enough to volunteer to be our candidate in the local ward against his aunt.

“When we discovered the link, our suspicions were alerted that something was amiss.

“Further research showed that he had posed for prank pictures in pubs and had written things on the Internet which could be used against the BNP, and Mr Onions was formally expelled from the party on Tuesday 13 April,” she continued.

“Unfortunately we discovered the deception too late to get his name off the ballot paper, but the public should be aware that Mr Onions is not a member of the BNP and has no official backing,” Ms Colgate concluded.
pls link to something about a 300 person brawl at the nat. conf. or stfu

For clarity, there was allegedly a drunken brawl between BNP national conference attendees. I didn't mean to imply that it involved the entire 300ish people who attended. I expect you knew that, tbh.

I'm not going to trawl the net to find the original source for you, but as I've said, it was a university anti-fash group who were in attendance outside and appeared to have sources on the hotel staff.

From recall, the wording about the brawl was something along the lines of it being an argument over which was worse, gays, asians or blacks, which got out of hand.
Understand total of local election canddiates is 731 pklus a few for council by elections on same day

BBC Election Website is starting to be best place to find out abour BNP Election canddiates in areas where they have been slow in naming candidates like NE. Yorkshire and West MIdlands. Every seat in NE being fought

Andrew Brons stadning in Keighley of particular note
This thread has been too fast growing for me to keep up with more than bits of it, so apols if I've missed stuff .... but has there been any chat earlier up about the BNP (Adrian Darby I think) is doing in Stoke Central against that public school historian (Tristram Hunt) who was parachuted in for Labour?? :confused:

No idea how accurate or not is this Graun article from last Thursday ... :hmm:
BNP are standing in my constituency for the first time, and the constituency next to me (Milton Keynes North and South). I don't think they have much of a presence locally, but I imagine they'll pick up a few votes.
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